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December 15th, 2012

[info]ciaobella in [info]invol_journals

Scusimi prego, while I reacquaint myself with some old friends. Vino rosso, vi ho mancato!

[Filtered separately to Cati, Val, Hedvig, Laurel, Chris, Whitney, Evi, Isla, Kyungmi, Astrid, Immy, Carmela & Lana]

Mi amora, cuora del mio cuora, you will forgive me to say but for all I love my fair Roma, any place is less vibrant without you.

[info]steelsoldier in [info]invol_journals

Home sweet home!

PS, no offense to Australia, but this is what winter should look like.

[Private to Mariana]

Miss you already. Bet you've got a little less snow where you are.

[info]shadowbinder in [info]invol_journals

picture cut for size concerns )

The most welcoming sight I ever did see.

I'm in my favorite city in the whole entire world, and I couldn't be happier to be back. Happy break, everybody.

[SWANS, plus Sara, Damien, Stephen, Jodi, Daisy, Rose, Marine, the STORMBROS, Shannon, did I miss anyone? IDK I am sleep-deprived]

Especially to y'all, some of my favorite people from way out in the middle of nowhere. Y'all don't be strangers--unless, of course, you're having too much dang fun, and then I might forgive you. Maybe.

[info]creamandcrimson in [info]invol_journals


i don't have any cool pix BUT i am up to run and get coffee and then me, clara, hugo, and mikael are going to see my hoosiers take on butler downtown. it's 43 degrees and rainy but AT LEAST IT'S NOT THE DESERT

my mom forgot to take one of the plants she's put in my room out and i slept through that plant and albert fighting if that tells you how tired i was last night.

hope everyone made it back okay. :)

hey pretty lady.

[info]facebookaholic in [info]invol_journals

Watching movies in The Sky

[info]allegs in [info]invol_journals

HOME SWEET HOME!!! I hope everyone else is having a safe flight(s) and I'm sorry to hear that some of you are putting up with a bit more crazy than you would have liked. If you're in Sydney, give me or Claudia a call because we are definitely going out for a drink tonight. Where we can buy more than 3 drinks each. I have never loved the Christmas break more.


Wish you were here. Do you have somewhere to stay when you get back?

[info]viander in [info]invol_journals

I've never actually been this excited to see the harbour before. Guess it takes being holed up in the middle of nowhere to make you really appreciate all of this, tourists and all.

[info]systolic in [info]invol_journals


IT IS SNOWING!!!! But my mother says I cannot roll around in the snow. So I will drink alcohol instead.

[info]alizadeh in [info]invol_journals

016 (pretend this was posted whenever he got into Austin)

My Mom thought my Dad was picking me up and my Dad thought my Mom was picking me up. So apparently I am going to be spending some quality time at the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport until they figure it out. But hey. Some guy paid for my organic coffee because he saw me on the video. Pretty sure he was high though.

davi would not cut this )

[info]doomsdame in [info]invol_journals

OMG I missed the snow and the Christmas lights and the horses, but the change in the weather is really messing with my power. My blood has thinned so much that even though I should be warm in my winter clothing, I have to wear a million extra layers. If not, I might resemble a polar bear when I get back to IVI.

BUT! Snow! You should see it! )

21 degrees, but I'm SO HAPPY to be home.

[info]switches in [info]invol_journals

Well if that journey wasn't hell then I don't know what is. Sydney to Heathrow with a stop at Dubai, then trains from Heathrow to London. Across London by tube. Up to Birmingham by train again. We've clocked up 24 hours on flights and 3 and a bit on trains now, for those who are counting. Wait at Birmingham for the world's slowest train which took three hours (of which two were along a one-track railway line) to get me to Aberystwyth.

I just slept about sixteen hours and I still feel like crap on a stick. MamguMy grandmother wants to drive to a town that has a better amount of shops, too, so that'll involve a good hour and a bit at least of traveling this afternoon to get there and then the same back.

I would invite you all to drop by for tea but living in the arse-end of nowhere really has its drawbacks. It is nice to be hear familiar accents, though.

I don't know if I'll be around so much on this network during the holidays as I have people to catch up with, a sanctuary to help out at (the monkeys are all well, luckily we escaped the latest round of flooding) and apparently my mother is actually going to turn up for Christmas here.

Stay safe, everyone, and I'll catch up with you when I can!

[info]moquist in [info]invol_journals

Sunday afternoon

Erik, remember the snow castle that Oden would get stuck in if he climbed into it? It's this one and we visited it with the kids this afternoon!

It's so weird to be home.

[info]snowglassapples in [info]invol_journals


I am waiting for my friend Simona to arrive, but I just wanted to see if you had all made it back without any problems. Or at least any little ones which could at least easily be dealt with? Anyways, enjoy your holidays and I will try to check in again prior to Christmas.

[end filter]

Flights make me very pleased for my power. I am back in Florence refreshed and ready to party.

[info]helpline in [info]invol_journals

cut for the size of the picture! )

Taking a break to share a picture on the road to Kedah. It's been a while since I saw a view like this. It's all dark and cloudy now though so I think it might rain soon.

[info]kyungmis in [info]invol_journals

I wonder if my oppa would notice if I dump his turtle into the drain.

[info]notactuallykali in [info]invol_journals

Home sweet home!

No fancy pictures from me, and you lot wouldn't want to see Leicester anyway. Trust me on that.

I hope you all have a good holiday.


So Mariana mentioned that you had a secret admirer and you think it's me.

It's not. Sorry?

[info]corrosively in [info]invol_journals

If nothing else, while there is neat lights and it's appropriately cold, nothing tells me I'm home like this.