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October 9th, 2012

[info]fck in [info]invol_journals

one step closer to not being allowed out in december. thanks arsehole vol.

if anyone needs me i'll be in the gym.

[info]ex_tailed743 in [info]invol_journals

Well, I voted. Now we just get to wait a month to see who wins.

I should probably stop checking 538 on a daily basis, but what's the fun in that?

[info]doomsdame in [info]invol_journals

We're still a ten hour drive away, but Three Forks is pretty much a straight shot east from Fargo. Has anyone read more predictions about which way this serial killer is moving?

I hate not being able to read more until later.

[Ethan, Jodi, and Kier]
Are you guys sort of worried about public backlash on Vol families? I mean. Maybe I'm being a little paranoid, but my dad is pretty vocal about his daughter being a Vol, and if people don't know we're at IVI or whatever -- you don't think our families will be at risk from people who are feeling threatened, do you? I mean, because we're supposedly scary Vols or something?

If this is a Vol from Wyoming, I'm taking every joke I made back. :|

Mostly I'm just worried about my dad and mom catching hell. There aren't that many of us out there.

[info]teletransport in [info]invol_journals


I didn't even get to be broody over losing to Miyu.


I won't bother you with more "Oh my God vol killer" posts, but I feel the need to bring attention to this matter, and to another one that ties directly into it.

People have died. It seems it was a vol, but nobody can tell for sure. I'm not going to tell you I don't think it's one because I do, but it doesn't really matter, because this impacts just the same on us. It's important for us to consider that our "public image", as bad as it already was (although I think we were managing to get a somewhat warm approval until now) is probably going to suffer.

And then it comes the other thing. We are here, like it or not. I first thought we can't do a thing to make sure people can at least realize that not everyone is the same, much as it happens in just about every case of discrimination before vols appeared, but I realized we can actually try to make our opinion -ivi's vols opinion- known. I have to thank Rose for making me think about this.

I'm thinking in a video, or several. I'm thinking about us, telling the world we condemn this crimes, be it by a vol or not, and that we are not all the same. It might feel shallow to some, even hypocritical, but I'm convinced some people will at least appreciate the fact we are not sitting comfortably back here while someone is doing this horrible things.

Opinions? Ideas? Volunteers?

[Vol Club member]

Hello. I'm not part of your club, but as far as Rose has told me this is something you all would probably be interested about.

I would like to ask you to help me pull this through, if you so wish.

[info]rumouring in [info]invol_journals

omg my twitter feed is blowing up rn and it is not pretty

[Rashida, Lottie, Bryn, Vanessa]

also wtf is doria's problem today?? she was a total bitchasaurus to me this morning

[info]seisms in [info]invol_journals

This reminds me of Heroes. What if said serial killer is a Vol with Sylar powers? Yeah, call me a sucker but I don't mind staying here for a bit.

On the lighter side, I miss In-N-Out burgers.

[info]supermaths in [info]invol_journals

Very bad evil super villain. (−_−;)

[info]violetsarered in [info]invol_journals

a conspiracy theorist might wonder if these killings were orchestrated by no vol at all, but rather by those with an interest in keeping us here

not that i am a conspiracy theorist, of course

[info]moquist in [info]invol_journals

In which Moa is growing even more paranoid :(

everyone says permanent solitary lockup thing is only for the dangerous and that anika was dangerous but something made her that way and what if it was her power making her that way? my power is making me this way and it's not helping this all of this none of it is helping

they lock up the difficult ones, they LOCK THEM UP

i'm scared

Where do people want to go the most now that we might be allowed to? I'd like a city more than the beach I think but I don't know if we get to choose. Which is not saying I wouldn't go to the beach if I was allowed, but it wouldn't be the first place in the world I'd choose. I'm so pale anyway I just burn in the sun and there's no book shops on the beach.

And congratulations to all the winners in the election! I know that this all was a bit drowned in all the talk about other [...] stuff, but it's still nice to see who got elected! I'm sorry some of my favourite people weren't, but you don't need me to tell you you're awesome either way.

[info]rollicking in [info]invol_journals

Has everyone seen the news today? I mean, it's horrifying, but we're all so young and the idea that one of us could do something like this? That's...I don't believe any ability is inherently bad but if that was yours, I think it might really fuck with you. I guess that's one thing about us here. We should really be supporting each other, not fighting, because this is frightening shit. I'm just really impressed by the people here who have a really intense ability, a potentially lethal ability and how they deal with it so well. I'm amazed by you guys and I hope no one is going to tar us with the same brush.

All of that said, in the hopes of noting that we're all supposed to take care of each other whether you're happy about it or not, if anyone ever wants just sit or talk or have coffee and cake, seriously, just come find me.

    Double for you.

[info]dislocation in [info]invol_journals

[Barn Swallows, Dani, Silas]

Movies up in my room tonight. I need to not think about this shit.

[info]crunchandmunch in [info]invol_journals


[Filtered to Peacock Ladies + Clara]

[info]cyberblonde in [info]invol_journals

I was already convinced that you were a dick, but thanks for like, really driving the point home. Way to really go the extra mile on making Lottie feel like trash. Did you think that maybe every other guy in the world hadn't already done the job well enough? You really did have a special touch though, with the nice guy act that came first. Seriously, you're really something, Erik.

Hey. Do you need anything?

Feeling any [...] So I realized something earlier. The Giants are playing the 49ers next week, which means that I will like, actually be rooting for them with real enthusiasm and not just because I like making you happy. ;)

[info]totalrecall in [info]invol_journals

That news is fucking awful. It's also state the obvious day.


I'm keeping Rose company during lunch while she makes a triple chocolate cake, she's letting me have some to bring to training. Don't worry, I didn't actually help make it so you're safe from food poisoning.

[info]synergistic in [info]invol_journals

[ australians ]
We still up for doing something tomorrow? When/where? I'm not the ideas man, I'm just the person who pokes the people with the ideas (Claudia and Allegra).

Edit: After dinner tomorrow, 2 floor girl's tower common room.

[ daisy ]
Just wanted to check on how you were doing, after stuff yesterday and the bad mood Carter appeared to be in today.

[info]monkeydo in [info]invol_journals

Anyone who has wondered what Erik looks like without a shirt on, go to the common room. Also, he's showing off his tongue.

I'd say maybe it's some weird mind control thing, but apparently Anika's in jail, so maybe he just decided to be fun today.

[info]vinger in [info]invol_journals

people are capable of such frightening things. :(

filter: ladies of ivi.

that very handsome boy named erik from sweden spoke to me today and he told me that he thought i looked hot very nice today!! he also asked me to text him or something. i cannot remember a lot of what he said because i was so nervous. should i text him tonight? is that going to be okay? or should i wait? i have no experience with this sort of thing. i can't believe i'm even asking what to do! :(

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_journals

I found myself putting a record on that I haven't listened to since about this time last year. Isn't it amazing how some songs can immediately take you back to a certain place in your history with such perfect recall? Every part of me seems to slide back into those emotions as if I'd never left them.

I don't know why I find it to be more comfortable to reminisce on a broken heart this former sentimentality, save that perhaps the intimacy of something that involves only myself is welcomed compared to the sweeping events of the last two days. The last three months. Everything seems much more complicated this year than it was then. Though, the weight of now is so sharp the past can only pale in comparison. There is that.

But then I listen and while the place and time may be different, the base feeling is the same. Melancholy is melancholy, whatever it's cause for inception. And for a time, I forgot how much I loved your voice, Amy.

[info]sparky in [info]invol_journals

Um hi. Does anyone who's good with internet stuff know how to tell if someone really is the person that you think they are. Like, can you tell what their location is from their twitter account. Because I think someone from my old school was sending really horrible messages and I am really really a little scared..

But Team Eagle remain the best ♥ I couldn't have a better team. Lots of lovely cake helps take my mind off death thre- bad things :)

[info]understander in [info]invol_journals

dear friends,

I think, in light of today's news, that it's really important we all connect with each other. Dark news is dark, but it can lead to something good if we remember to build communities. I can't imagine there not being backlash, and while some people will have common sense about it all, others will be willfully ignorant. They're afraid of us, but not just because we can do things they can't. Yeah we're different, but yeah we're also great. Maybe they're jealous. I really think what we have is what all humans will eventually have, and they're afraid of becoming irrelevant. They won't, but I think they will only understand this if we can build a community that includes both humans and Vols, and that starts here.

I spent a while in meditation yesterday after hearing the news about Anika, and I think it'd be a great thing to do together. I have my drum, if anyone is up for a drum circle, but i'd love to just sit and talk and maybe meditate a bit with anyone who wants to. i think this is an enormous opportunity to get to know this world, yourself and each other at a deeper level

peace b/w/u

[info]violetsarered in [info]invol_journals

[Filtered to Erik]

i am going to hurt you in ways man has never known pain, you miserable cunt

make peace with your god

[info]prophesee in [info]invol_journals

[Filtered Private: Harry Hannigan]
So that's what that was. Maybe.

Look at it this way: if the IVI is doing anything untoward, either to Anika or to unnamed Vols or to regular people out there, then they're not going to want to tip their hand too soon, right? I mean, if we banded together for some reason they couldn't take all of us down before we overwhelmed the place. All it would take is some unifying force - for example, an advance warning of something dreadful they were about to perpetrate.

So because I see the future, there's a greater-than-zero per cent that I'll have a vision of them committing these terrible crimes, yeah? First thing I'd do is tell you people, we'd launch a pre-emptive attack and either succeed or die in the attempt. Either way, they're screwed. So if they were planning something, the first thing they'd want to do is make sure I couldn't tell anyone what I might See.

TL;DR - think of me as your psychic canary in the IVI mine. When I vanish, then they're up to no good. Until then, I think you're safe.

[info]facebookaholic in [info]invol_journals

♪ woke up on the right side of the bed whats up with this prince song inside my head? hands up if youre down to get down tonight ♫

[info]facebookaholic in [info]invol_journals

cocoa krispies for breakfast! with Karim Bissoondath at IVI Cafeteria