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October 8th, 2012

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_journals

wow grate 1991 u elect the person who didnt even write bout her campaign at all instead of the person who did

not like i care. student council is gay anyway

[info]nawal in [info]invol_journals

Thank you to everyone who voted for me in our Student Council elections. A year ago, I would not have expected to be elected the leader of anything, let alone a group of students as talented and capable as the one here. Congratulations to everyone else who won! I think soon we will be getting to know each other very well.

Everyone else who ran, for every position, also deserves recognition for their investment in our collective future here at IVI, especially Mímir, who suggested the council in the first place. I especially appreciated that none of the campaigns devolved into the negativity and attacks that seem to be expected of politics. Truly, there were many difficult decisions on our IVI ballots! Because these voices also deserve to be heard, I propose that, once we determine a meeting time for student council, meetings should be open to all.

To prove my fidelity to the message of my campaign -- communication -- I have set up a standing appointment with the Dean. We will be meeting to discuss the state of IVI every other Thursday. I hope that I am always available to other students, but in the name of making myself available, I will now commit to "office hours" at a quiet table in the first floor study area from 4:00-5:00 every Monday and Wednesday. I am looking forward to the conversations I will have!

Thank you again, IVI! I hope to serve you well.

I'm s Are you upset I wish you could be officially on this council! Are there any other movies you would like to watch?

[info]violetsarered in [info]invol_journals

i thought i'd been rather clear about the kneecap thing

[info]fck in [info]invol_journals

i refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy and authority of this so called student council thing people all just wasted their time on. i'll be petitioning the school to get rid of it. for one, it doesn't accurately represent us. second it is just going to cause problems by giving some of us a bit of fake power. it's not fair to the rest of us and creates and uneven playing field. they're not doing anything you can't do yourself. honestly i'm offended by how fucking stupid all this shite is. this place continues to get fucking worse and no one else even realises it. fucks sake.

[info]notactuallykali in [info]invol_journals

Congratulations Allegra! I know you'll do a great job as VP.

Also, my congratulations to the rest of the Student Council. You all ran a good campaign and I'm looking forward to seeing what you're going to do. If you ever need any help then just let me know as I'd still like to be involved in some capacity.

[Vol Club]

I think the elections went well, don't you?

[info]replicable in [info]invol_journals

08 OCT 2012.

an "onsite permanent detention center," huh? that seems alarming. not that anika wasn't alarming, but surely i'm not the only person raising an eyebrow here.

[info]snowglassapples in [info]invol_journals

[Erik and Oden]

So I asked Moa what is wrong with her and she was all "BLAH BLAH BLAH I don't want to talk about it but BLAH BLAH BLAH I am fine so there is nothing to talk about and BLAH BLAH BLAH I am not feeling well but I am used to it and BLAH BLAH BLAH I would be okay if I could go home but I can't so really I am not okay but BLAH BLAH BLAH I am fine really!" So I was like Holy Mother, cara, I am not going to make you talk if you do not want to talk and so then I went off to have a shower. But when I got back, she was not there! And she went out from our room and was walking about or something in her pajamas and she did not get back until about five o'clock in the morning. It was so completely unnecessary! I said I was not going to try and make her talk and I am the type of person who says one thing and does the same thing, not at all like our politicians, so there was no reason for her to leave at all! It made me feel guilty Elena di Troia! Why can't people just say what they mean and take your word for things? I do not understand what is at all with that girl.

[end filter]

[info]grips in [info]invol_journals

So it's THANKSGIVING (in Canada)! Even though I'm super sad that I didn't get to celebrate with my family, I AM happy that I get to celebrate with all of my new Canadian friends! YAY! Also, this is totally perfect timing to learn about those trips even though we ALREADY kne! So, instead of focusing on the BAD THINGS we should be HAPPY about the good things! But OMG, so little time to work on my tan before the 9th!!!

Oh yeah, and congratulations to everyone who won!

[info]gotluck in [info]invol_journals

not to say that i have that much experience on the prison system, but i do know enough to know that life in jail is a punishment kept for murderers and serious felons. if permanent confinement's the ivi equivalent of jail, then you gotta wonder - why's the threshold to get tossed in there so fucking low in comparison?


not that she didn't deserve to be punished for what she did to you, but this is above and fucking beyond.

[added after this conversation]

not gonna be at training today. already cleared it with li, so no extra pushups or anything.

[info]lockjaw in [info]invol_journals

ted is fucking gleeful and i'm sorry.

Good morning, my fellow obliging and unobliging captives. I daren't waste much of your valuable time here, so if I may without further ado draw your attention to the following passage from today's communique:
After further observation of her behavior, it has been deemed necessary to transfer her from solitary to the on-site permanent detention center that is home to Vols whom we consider to be too dangerous for the student body as a whole.

You know what they say about a school-to-prison pipeline, I suppose. However it seems one could hardly blame them — an all-powerful force-field can't come cheap these days, it'll be far easier to house us all under one roof, so it would. Three guesses as to where it is!

[info]yinned in [info]invol_journals

I'm not asking our team leader shit.

[info]veterinary in [info]invol_journals

Congratulations to everyone who won and thank you to everyone who voted for me! I'm glad all the campaigning stuff will be over now though.

Love, Claudia and Allegra.

[info]rascal in [info]invol_journals

yall dont think im co-curricurly suspnded, do u? b/c i did some bad shit when i was just a filly, yo

sry bout dat

[info]primemover in [info]invol_journals


One good thing to come out of Sunday... the Niners totally destroyed the Bills 45-3 and Alex Smith is now the highest rated Quarterback in the NFL. Watch your back, Giants, we're coming for some payback.

[info]creamandcrimson in [info]invol_journals

student council elections were stupid anyway and whatever. I don't even care.

if i see cody zellar's stupid face on my facebook page anymore i am going to punch him when i see him :||

at least the colts won

and we are all probably going to go to vol prison forever with that psycho chick, GREAT

i am going to go play some basketball if anyone else wants to join me they can

[info]c6h12o6 in [info]invol_journals

If the rest of the week goes as good, I reckon it's gonna be a great one.


Sorry bout the election.


Sorry bout the election.


Sorry bout the election.


Need your help with something.

[info]shadowbinder in [info]invol_journals

Well. Guess that answers my question about what happens to us when we get one solitary too many.

Thanks for picking me for the '93 spot, y'all.

[info]totalrecall in [info]invol_journals

Whatever happened to due process?

At least the trips should be fun. I wonder if they'll let us go to a city at some point, I miss home like fucking crazy some days and being around another city would be better than here. Even if it's not as good as home.


You okay? I know that Anika hurt you, and I wouldn't mind punching her for it, but being locked up like that... I don't know. I just want to know if you're okay with it all. Or if there's anything you need.

You're going to call me sweet again, aren't you?

[info]exitlight in [info]invol_journals

So if is for Vols who are too dangerous for the student body, how many are in there? It did say Vols, so unless the implication was that another of us will end up there (which I will admit is a strong possibility), is that an indicator that there are others already there? Were there people put there instead of being mixed in with the populace when we arrived, but were deemed unsuitable for the student body to handle?

[info]seesthrough in [info]invol_journals

got a package from home today, which was unexpected. my little sis michelle apparently insisted, and made step-mum buy me a sweatshirt because michelle says i'd need it for winter is near. don't think she quite gets the whole "it's summer here when it's winter there" thing but u can't stop a ten year old from doing what the fuck they want. anyway, think the step-mum is still feeling shitty for turning me in because she spent a shitload on the thing and also a box stuffed full of sweets and shit. anyone want some? and no, hailey and allegra, you're not stealing this shirt either. i might wear it to dinner though if it's not too warm.

i got sent a card too, which was cute.

do you reckon we're still going home at christmas?

anyway. thanksgiving dinner is going to be ace.

[info]deroux in [info]invol_journals

huit. getting her mind off this

someone left me a card on my room door with sunshine on it!

definitely made my day, thank you anonymous! :]

also, congratulations to everyone who ran for stuco and to the 2012 stuco council! it'll be great to see what happens from here!

i've submitted my platform already and i believe the second voting will take place sometime this week. rose is just wonderful and i do wish her the best of luck!

[info]bamfgirl in [info]invol_journals

Got to say, having been here all of a week, knowing absolutely noone and nothing about what goes on around here, this whole election business is going over my head a little.

Been serving as a nice distraction from my mother, though. Who seems intent on regularly reminding me to call her so that she can subject me to the silent treatment over the phone. It might actually be a blessing when I run out of minutes.

Any tips on how to calm down your mother post-arrest and being removed from the country? Long shot, but it's worth a try, right?

[info]kikkoman in [info]invol_journals

To all students, I am very grateful for this honor of becoming IVI's Student Council Treasurer. I am very humbled you think I am worthy of this job. To students who have hope we can make IVI a better place, I hope to not let you down and I will do my very best. To students who think Student Council is nothing, I will still do my best but I think you are wrong. A thing is as powerful as you make it. Likewise, if you've decided that you can't do it even before you act, you have already made it into something impossible. I do not think this is an impossible endeavor, and I will give my all to it!

I am sorry for failing you.

How do you do it at will?

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_journals

Typed, Scanned, Saved Under 'Private' )

[info]nawal in [info]invol_journals

The fate of Anika Morgenstern concerns me as well, and I brought these concerns, as well as those that I have seen expressed publicly, to the Dean. She emphasized to me that indefinite detention is used only in extreme cases, and that it is for our safety, a last resort for Vols who pose too much of a danger to students and staff to continue living among us. She emphasized that current students who are well-behaved and do not intentionally set out to harm others have no reason to fear being placed in permanent lockup. It is not a decision that is taken lightly -- and I think we can all agree that Anika's actions should be taken seriously.

The Dean would not give me any details on the detention center because they are classified. This includes where it is and if there are any other Vols that are. Nevertheless, I hope what information I did receive will help to ease any anxieties that you may have.

[info]steelsoldier in [info]invol_journals

Congratulations to our new Student Council! I'm really impressed with everyone, including the candidates who also ran. Looking forward to seeing what they do first! Especial congrats to our Rooster rep Allegra, who's going to have to keep an eye on that Eagle majority, and to Sadie for being the first Thompson to start a career in politics!

Also on a more serious note, I've been hearing a lot of people talking about what happened to Anika. I think we can all agree that it was a very unfortunate situation, but this shouldn't be cause for alarm. From what I understand Anika was a very troubled girl who repeatedly used her powers to put others in danger, and she showed no intention of changing her ways. It doesn't sound like she left IVI with many other options, though I do hope she will get the psychiatric help she needs.