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September 30th, 2012

[info]systolic in [info]invol_journals


You can all st This calendar is sucks because I am not in it.


[info]dislocation in [info]invol_journals

So fucking sunburned. So fucking hungover.

Send aloe vera. And a bacon sandwich.

[info]beaconing in [info]invol_journals

benjie has regrets.

Anyone going out on the boat today?


I don't think I've ever been so hungover in my life.

[info]gotluck in [info]invol_journals

i'd almost forgotten how much hangovers fucking suck. jesus.

CALEB [after this conversation]

you still pissed?

[info]alcokinetic in [info]invol_journals

[At the top of the post there are 5 photos -- one of the hotel, one shot taken at sunrise on the beach, one group shots of all the Swans + Team Leader Li at lunch yesterday, one of several drunk members of Swan around the campfire last night -- including Javier with his arm around Mariana's shoulder -- and finally, a self-taken photo of Sel on a boat.]

no postcards so this will have to do.

[info]rainha_animalia in [info]invol_journals

[Filtered to Jimmy]

Here is some free advice from your Auntie Kai: either make a move, or stop giving her mopey looks when you think no one is looking. Seriously, it's pathetic. Man up.

[info]switches in [info]invol_journals

I've never been so thankful for the internet being limited before. Managed to stop that email where I sent a picture I'm sure my Granma doesn't want to see was attached. Why is it everything seems much more exciting after a couple of drinks?

Except skinny dipping, that always seems exciting right?

I feel rather under the weather today, thinking of going for a swim when the pool's open. Anyone want to join in - if you're not too sick of swimming and water - let me know?

[info]fck in [info]invol_journals

decided not run for this student council shite because that's all it really is. how many people even got asked if they WANT one in the first place? i sure as fuck don't. they're not going to do shit anyway. just another pointless thing that doesn't mean anything to them to keep you guys complacent. fuck it. going to jump off the roof in protest.

[ooc: Mal will jump off the roof (of the boy's dorms?) a few minutes after posting this, but he'll liquefy himself in mid-air. He'll be fine; it's all just for kicks.]

[info]sparky in [info]invol_journals

The party was amazing!! Well done Team Condor!!! When's the next one???

Okay I am also here to talk about something important and that is that you should vote for me as 1994 rep!! I have lots of ideas and I will explain them in more detail to anyone interested but I think IVI needs to take some things into consideration such as:

  • Social excursions! I mean yes the Swans get a big beach outing but it would be nice for the rest of us to get a chance to go out at some point and maybe if that's not possible (which is probably the truth but you know nothing gets done without trying!!) extend the forcefield further again for something else new just like they did once this new stuff gets old!
  • Powers training! I think that this should be possible in private sessions too and take into consideration the person's personal thoughts about it as we do not all love our powers and it must be difficult to be forced to use them the whole time. I know that mine has been going a little loopy with all the overuse I'm sorry Graham
  • Providing for those who can't go to pub night OR those who would rather do something else! We do well organising our own thing but to go to yesterday's party was so much fun and we are restricted from the weekly ones because we can't drink alcohol or don't want to! It is fun organising these things amongst ourselves but I think that if they have put such thought into pub night and running it then a little thought could be spared for us without us having to come up with it each week!
  • More flexibility in classes - especially for the younger students! In many countries school is not compulsory after 16 years old and it is difficult for those who are not so good at certain subjects but they have to do them and only can have a limited amount of independent study! It would be good to have more input at our age and not just at the oldest!
  • Another shop! I mean shopping online is fun but wouldn't it be fun to have a shop that could bring stuff in from different places every week? How about one week they bring a collection of clothes or games the next week or something? I miss trying on clothes and it's part of the fun of shopping! The swaps we do are fun but there should be more!

    Okay I have more to think of but I think that those sound reasonable! So vote for Tatjana Roze if you'd like to hear more!!

  • [info]seesthrough in [info]invol_journals

    laugh all u like but i got a lot of attention in that speedo

    thanks whitney!

    also it's pretty damn funny

    [info]teletransport in [info]invol_journals

    Congrats, IVI, I am never going to be able to look at half of you the same way ever again.

    Am I a prude or something?

    That was a wonderful night. I would like to congratulate the Condors once again for a brilliant work, and hope we see more of it in the future. I wish I had seen less of some people though

    That said, I would like to draw the people's attention to the fact I'm running for Treasurer in the Student Council elections. I think the role of the Treasurer is particularly important in the sense than money is a resource we are not really allowed to use much as of now, and with the Student Council I believe IVI will give us a better chance to properly establish a budget for the time we are meant to be here, be it by year or the time unit we find most fitting.

    It does sound like an improbable thing, but I'm fully committed to find the way to establish a link with IVI to allow us to make ourselves more comfortable, if not at home. I know it's hard for many of us, but the fact we are being allowed to chose among our own is the right step towards having a greater influence in our life, something everyone surely agrees to, right?

    So now you know, vote for Chelsea Blake as Treasurer if you want someone with big ideas and no fear of getting them done.


    Political campaign aside, did everyone have a good time? I hope I'm not the only one without a headache.

    [info]cobratalk in [info]invol_journals

    Oh, I really am sorry if I did anything unseemly last night. I've no doubt that I made quite the fool of myself. Alcohol should be best left to those who know how to handle its effects, and that category does not, apparently, include me.


    Thank you.

    [info]rumouring in [info]invol_journals

    lol omg thanks everyone for making the party so fab!! but obvs the real props go to us condors for being amazing, and mainly to yours truly b/c i am ~the karim~ and that always deserves accolades. also way to go everyone for helping lottie and i officially launch our FuckYeahHotVols tumblr and for making #10nakedvols trend on twitter

    remember a vote for bissoondath in the stuco elections is a vote for MORE PARTIES. i am running on a laughlan/lindstrom/deroux/cruz ticket

    {ooc: during internet hours on Saturday Karim was live-tweeting the tiki party pretty generously, with lots of photos. Feel free to presume he publicized any of your character's behavior if you want!}

    [info]ciaobella in [info]invol_journals

    I must say, the Parakeet Garden is quite lovely by starlight. It was a lovely place to reflect upon the revelry of the day.

    [Locked to Chris]

    I must commend you on knowing how to make a fairly dramatic exit, bella.

    [info]trocar in [info]invol_journals

    FILTERED TO: richie ducharme
    so we are just going to pretend that never happened. unless you are into that kind of thing

    soooo ha ha ha last night was interesting

    has anybody seen my banana hammock? i miss it :/

    [info]helpline in [info]invol_journals

    Never fall asleep inside elevators. They're uncomfortable, especially when you wake up with a hungover.

    [info]rascal in [info]invol_journals


    my arthritis be actin up and none of u bitches better say nthn if u know whats good 4 u