July 2013



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June 17th, 2013

[info]sparky in [info]invol_journals

sunday evening

Can anyone else see that light across campus? It's huge, is there a bonfire is something happening?

[info]hitthemark in [info]invol_journals

Late Sunday Night - After the email went out.

I've never been happier about my enthusiasm for training before.

[Léo - In French]

Do you know what's going on? Not with the new solitary thing but with the building being on fire.


Don't worry ladies (and Brad and Odd Bjarne), I will be 'engaged' enough for all of us.

[info]nawal in [info]invol_journals

Before I was born, there was a great deal of unrest in my country, and schools were closed for a long time. My mother spoke very good English, and she joined a group of women who were tutoring their children, so that they would not fall behind due to factors outside of their control.

By that, I suppose I mean to ask, who is planning on continuing their studies outside of training?

[Caleb and Sonia]
Hello. Caleb and I were talking the other day, and he suggested I talk to you, Sonia, about political matters. We are trying to figure out what sort of leverage we have to push back against the administration, and what we would want, and I think I know what to do.

What do you know of foreign hunger strikes? It's extreme -- honestly, months ago, I would have laughed at anyone who suggested it, but things have changed. I don't know that we have any other options. It does not need the outside world, it does not break any rules, and I know it works. I have seen it. I know it is difficult. You do not have to join me.

We do, however, need a realistic goal. If we ask to be let free, they will laugh at us. Communications and, more importantly, answers, I think, are achievable. What do you think?

[Edwin, Harlow, and Rianne]
I think I am going to do something very stupid. I don't want to be talked out of it, but I thought you should know.

[Qamar and Mo (Arabic)]
The Arab Idol finale is this weekend. I requested a feed for our televisions, but I don't know if it will come through, and I don't know if I. Mohammad Assaf must win! Assaf Hilm Falastine!

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_journals

gues those ass holes did get me to training today

least I got a single for a while

u seen sol today?

[info]mazibuko in [info]invol_journals

i'm finding one really fucking giant mistake in this plan of yours, ivi. you're putting us in solitary, where we can't use our powers... for refusing to use our powers. that's no way to build an army, guys. do you really need me to tell you that shit?

ps. here are four highly exciting filters to entertain you with. get the popcorn. enjoy the show. or just piss off, go and watch the students you locked up through those creepy fucking cameras in their cells. desperate scared kids with no way out? perfect wanking material for you sick fucks, isn't it?

oh and to whoever is monitoring this post for ivf? "i just do what i'm told" is not a fucking excuse.

mine and juli's birthdays are going to be the best.

we're not fighting anymore. no arguments. i can't deal with this shit if i don't have you, sadie and libby, so cut it out.

he left me a fucking note.

i need to talk to you.

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_journals


Are they going to let you see him at all?

[Asylum Folks]

I'm at a loss. I still can't quite believe Sol was capable of what he's being accused of. If Laurel made him I will fucking

[info]biebian in [info]invol_journals

Hae guys, I have a question. WHY DOES MY TEAM HAVE MORE CRAZY PEOPLE THAN ALL OF THE OTHERS? Like what I do to deserve this? They don't have these problems on idk Magpie. Lilja do you think they'll let me swap with Coralie and become a Swan

Note: "Crazy" is a term used to oppress people who suffer from mental illnesses and cannot help it BUT THIS TIME I THINK IT IS WARRANTED.

dudes, why is it that on top of everything else, Slate has to be meaner than usual??

[info]turniton in [info]invol_journals

lana is concerned.

okay seriously guys what is going on that weird building was on FIRE and now we're being sent to solitary if we miss training - or aren't engaged, whatever that means??

seriously my powers are the stupidest powers ever, who really CARES whether i can do stuff with them or not. they're never going to have me on vol squad or anything like that so what is the point??

[info]alcokinetic in [info]invol_journals

quit vol squad.