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June 7th, 2013

[info]siggeirsson in [info]invol_journals

Posted after Vol Squad get back

Well, consider this my official resignation from Vol Squad.

Fuck the IVF

[info]violetsarered in [info]invol_journals


my aunt is dead

i suppose she's not really an aunt, technically, she's my father's cousin


so a second cousin? or a first cousin once removed, i don't remember how it works

i didn't even like her, especially, but there you have it

in case we need to put some faces and names to the statistics of this utterly avoidable scenario:

her name was dr. paulina harper

she was forty-seven

she taught women's studies at the university

once for my birthday she bought me a hat

i would very much like to know what sort of research the IVF felt was so terribly vital

i'm exceedingly curious

[info]notherelement in [info]invol_journals

jordana is conflicted. (thursday evening)

Our presence was [...] quite the coincidence.

[info]dislocation in [info]invol_journals

I guess I should clarify for Chris' sake:

IVF - shady fucking military/political industrial complex; if you don't agree... I don't know what you're smoking but I want some
IVF Soldiers - on the whole, most are likely solid individuals trained to follow (and not question) orders. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
VR - fucking murdering assholes, the latest reason why Vols can't have nice things, a bunch of screwed up kids (takes one to know one ;] )

Listen, the thing is? You can hate both. This shit isn't either or. It's easy if things are either or; people will make you believe it's either or. But it's not. Being an American (can't really speak for other nations here) in the last, oh 50 years?, teaches you this. Sometimes things aren't right and wrong, they are wrong and wrong and right is somewhere in a corner, trying to get heard.

And Petr? Science ain't moral, but no one buys a gun to never use it. Hoping to not have to ain't good enough.

This has been Your Controversial Position Of The Day. Happy Friday, folks!

[info]monkeydo in [info]invol_journals

[ rashida, libby, seth ]
Sadie got pissed at her team leader at training today and made a canyon AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE.

[ sadie ]
I can't get out of training yet, but I heard you passed out? Are you okay?

[info]suggestively in [info]invol_journals


i knew one of the girls that died. maisie. she didn't i know that


did you see rory's status on facebook? did he call you?

[info]rumouring in [info]invol_journals

yo parakeets i'm really happy for you i'mma let you finish but condor ravine is the BEST CANYON OF ALL TIME!!!

[info]divests in [info]invol_journals

Say what you will about IVI, but the group that wants Vols to rise habours the same man who not only effectively made it worse for all of Vol-kind in the first place, but on the very same day murdered my brother? Do not even breathe that they are a legitimate option in my presence unless you want your fucking neck snapped.

There is a part of me that thinks I we should have seen it coming.

[info]frattastic in [info]invol_journals


hey, man. so i don't know about you, but i tried talking to the administration again. they're still spewing the same bullshit at me, but i know what i saw. she was a vol, right? i'm not fucking crazy. we saw her turn silver.


i'm starting to think the vol squad's some serious bullshi #LOL jonas, your country's on serious crack if they stayed in the ivf just to keep YOUR sorry ass around.


you know, D, what you said, about quitting the squad?


think if canada ever pulled out of the IVF, they'd manage to get us out of this school?

[info]grips in [info]invol_journals

UGH you guys. I'm so mad!! I was like, SO EXCITED to come here last year because I thought it would be COOL and FUN and I could hang out with other Vols and go to the Outback and meet a hot Australian surfer but instead I have to deal with SLOW SHITTY INTERNET and KIDNAPPINGS and TERRORISM and now I'll NEVER get to go back to Canada so it doesn't even fucking MATTER and HELLO how is this shit even FAIR? I had like, PLANS FOR THE FUTURE!! Ugghhh everything here is so STUPID.

[info]philodendron in [info]invol_journals

For those of you who do not read the news, you can say good-bye to any hopes you had of your country getting you out of here. The Czech Republic has left the IVF and surprise! I am still here.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have photosynthesizing to do.

[info]cobratalk in [info]invol_journals

Does this mean that if I were to request to go back to India, now, I could not?

[info]synergistic in [info]invol_journals

[ australians ]
I'm assuming the fact that we never left the country means that we're not likely to be abandoned by the Australian government anytime soon? I'd think having IVI within your borders makes you pretty committed to the cause, though it also means that if they ever wanted out, it'd probably be easier for them to get us.

[info]shadowbinder in [info]invol_journals


Can we talk? Like not here, obviously, but We can go somewhere private-ish. There's a fudgeton to talk about.

[info]bronas in [info]invol_journals

At least this attack, I can better understand. A school in Australia? It sends a certain message, no?

[info]bamfgirl in [info]invol_journals

All I'm going to say on the matter is this;

Next time that Vols Rising Bitch crosses my path, I'm breaking her jaw.

"One day you'll thank us" my ass.