July 2013



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May 6th, 2013

[info]understander in [info]invol_journals


I just want to take a minute to appreciate some of the people in my life, especially my teammates. I had a really amazing weekend camping with the Magpies, and though we all weren't on the same level about camping and how we wanted to be and what we wanted out of it, I think in the end we all ended up a little bit closer both emotionally and spiritually. There's just something about being under the wide open sky with people you've shared your sweat and tears with that is beyond satisfying. One of my favorite things to do is to sleep under the stars, and though I don't do it often because of the toll it takes on my body, I was happy to get to do it this weekend.

I also want to point out that tomorrow marks the start of International Clitoris Week and I hope that link loads for you because I think it's a really great cause.

peace b/w/u

[info]sixskins in [info]invol_journals

why are our teams all named after birds?

[info]drenching in [info]invol_journals

I've watched SO much TV and so many movies since I've gotten to IVI. Like, whoa. I don't want to say I'm BORED because then all the 95ers are going to be soooo mad at me but What are other hobbies?? What are YOUR hobbies? Preferably not stuff on the internet cause of how slow it's been lately. Ewww.

Okay I honestly want to know this, Sigge!!! What is your opinion on punching people???? I don't understand NO VIOLENCE

Hi Sadie!!!!! :) I've noticed you've been kind of sad Do you want to watch some more Avatar some time, all the best bits of Book 2??? Or we could go to the lake and do some fun things with our powers?? Or we could like GO ON A HIKE around Condor ravine??? It's actually REALLY nice out there!!! I know it's like not my place but I just wanna try :)

Hey Toby!!!! Um I was kinda wondering, because our powers are sorta similar, whether we could get together and practice them? I could make all this water for you to freeze and it'd be really cool. What do you think??

[info]claraty in [info]invol_journals

in which clara has GOT to step away from the coffee.

I hope EVERYONE is having a REALLY GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[info]cognisance in [info]invol_journals

Late night, after the day's hockey has been watched, obvs.

Wow so.

Sens/Habs was interesting. 210 penalty minutes in a single period, you say? Isla, if your guys make it to the next round alive, I'll let you teleport me anywhere. Just let me put on underwear first. Pens can do so much better btw. Thank fuck for OT goals. Oh and my condolences to Marty and Damien. If today was Saturday I would offer you my drink tickets as consolation, but I've at least two more games this week, and I might need them if yesterday was anything to go on.

It was also International No Diet Day today. Promoting healthy eating and pointing out all body types are equally awesome shouldn't be a once a year sort of thing, but it's a good reminder. If I was a baker I would've made cupcakes with some sort of inspirational messages on them, but I'm not. So I didn't. Sounds delicious, though...

[info]gurdygurdy in [info]invol_journals

Sigge is savvy to you femme fatales! (There may be wishful thinking involved in this)


this is a dangerous place
these older women, they try to seduce me with their powers
fortunately i am immune to their charms