July 2013



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March 23rd, 2013

[info]sparky in [info]invol_journals

Asha and I finally got rid of that awful graffiti that the male versions someone left on our wall. We have a nice clean wall again! We put the fairy lights back up too and it just looks so homey again. I wonder if anyone is going to be making things in the work study programme where we could purchase nice things to personalise our rooms? That would be a really nice idea!

Do you think they will let us paint a mural on the wall? I would love to put some flowers there or something. Should we ask?

Also I am going to keep some food and water in the room because it's always good to prepare and I'm worried they might do another lockdown. I still can't believe you ended up underground!

[info]helpline in [info]invol_journals

It feels like I've waited for ages but it's about time the school let us out so that we can help people. I wonder where they'd take us?


Hi, I think you should come out of your room.

[info]alcokinetic in [info]invol_journals

question. any of u locked up before ivi? by your own country.


[Text from this thread is copied into the entry.]

walau, why did they put him in charge?


thinking about doin this vol squad stuff?

[info]totalturnoff in [info]invol_journals

I'm having a really hard time understanding why 18 and under can't help with this secret mission stuff outside the school, if they're otherwise qualified. A caveat of needing parental consent is one thing, but in many countries kids people have all kinds of rights by 17, and can go to war? And we can be dragged here, so. And IVF for a fact doesn't care if you're even just 16 I really don't see the problem outside of discrimination.

Being here is hard enough, without facing the fact that the people in charge aren't above making rules that simply don't make any sense.

[info]irishdragon in [info]invol_journals

Apparently an angry Italian mother is worse than fucking Hogwarts trying to give Harry his acceptance letter. Be warned, IVI.

Neve you owe me at least 135 hours of sleep by now.

How come you're not in solitary with them?

[info]coos in [info]invol_journals

did shin seriously think we all just let sadie go to solitary.

i already have a disapproving asian father. this is too much.

enjoy your booze tonight, planty. don't miss us too much.

[info]ciaobella in [info]invol_journals

Would anyone like extra phone minutes? You may have mine. Please, I can take no more phone calls.

[Filtered to Bros]

I think tonight I will not go to Pub Night, to be surrounded by these scheming harridans. Who will play poker?

[info]seesthrough in [info]invol_journals

[CONDOR (minus Jordana)]
so i kinda emailed american sam about this vol team because you all know it's his idea, and apparently we're all supposed to be finding out.

who wants to bet me that rathborne never tells us?

anyway the word is that over 18s only sorry asha and chips and he said he'll talk about it more tonight since i got a bit shitty with him over it.

figured you all should know