July 2013



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March 18th, 2013

[info]rollicking in [info]invol_journals


There are now plates of homemade mint thins on both fifth floors. I'd have done alcoholic cakes, but y'know.

    I left the leftovers in your room. Yw.

    Can you give me a 'when you're free' schedule before Friday so I can give it to Rene?

    Meeting this week?

[info]drinkme in [info]invol_journals

Don't worry, everyone. In our inevitable permanent detainment, I can always cut myself open for the greater enjoyment.

[info]corrosively in [info]invol_journals

When your mother starts off with a string of particularly creative swearing, you know whatever has happened is bad. I hadn't seen Dad yelling in that it wasn't just politicians but people who aren't made of pure unadulterated greed didn't hel IVI really is about to become a battle ground, isn't I think it's safe to say she understated it.

I think we can also safely say that any designs had on returning home at any point soon have just been scuppered, as I imagine has most hopes any of us had about this ending without further bloodshed. I'm not convinced this isn't Hume's people giving us a bad But then they'd be killing off people which seems to contradict Either way, please take responsibility for your own fucking crimes and don't drag us I hate having words put in mouth simply because of biology. I like having blood put on my hands and fear incited on behalf of it because of it even less. They're going to look at us like we're fucking monsters no The words "fuck" and "off" immediately spring to mind, if I'm being completely honest.

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_journals

[Handwritten, Scanned, Saved Under 'Private'] )

[info]alizadeh in [info]invol_journals


I'm so fucking hungry. I tried to go to the cafeteria this morning, but fuck you people and your fears were fucking overwhelming my head. Now my stomach keeps growling and I'm feeling irritable and I'm pretty sure my blood sugar is dropping and I am going to slip into a diabetic coma during science. Fuck. Maybe I can just make Amber follow me around all day. Yeah. That will totally work, Davi. God your thought process needs work sometimes.

Does anyone have any positive/uplifting/happy/witty/non-dystopian thoughts or stories they would like to share. I'm getting kind of tired of reading how we're all going to die end up in solitary or something. Bonus points if you make me laugh and distrupt class. This is all kinda starting to freak me out. Or something. IDK.


Weird request, but could one of you bring me lunch? All the people in the cafeteria are kind of overwhelming my head at the moment and I trust you guys/ladies not to spit in my food. Please and thank you?

[EDIT] And Toby got me a bacon cheeseburger.

[info]riannes in [info]invol_journals

Opening this one up for maximum input: what do you get as an engagement gift for your brother and his fiancée, but bear in mind that you have little feelings other than contempt for said fiancée. I'm not about to call her "sister" so anything relating to that is most definitely out. She also doesn't understand anything subtle, so there is potential to cause some insult as it would go over her head.

Answers on a postcard, thank you for your time.

[FILTER: Conner]
I have a theory and I've been mulling it over ever since last week. Also, yours tonight?

[info]c6h12o6 in [info]invol_journals

[Filtered to Moa, Rose, Jodi, Ethan, Kier, Chris, Tanja, Zelda, Bryn, Brad, Davi, Toucans - Leigh]

Leigh’s birthday’s Saturday. Me, Rose, and Moa is throwing her a party around 3 down by the lake. Will have food and cake.

[Filtered to Leigh]

Heard a rumor that somebody’s birthday’s this weekend. That ain’t true, right?

[info]enhancedsenses in [info]invol_journals

Guess we'd all better get comfortable.


So. I heard you met my sister.


So fucking weird Hey, when you're talking on the Fuck, I Hey.


You've gotta call them. Mom fucking cried today.

[info]vaportrail in [info]invol_journals

today i am feeling very homesick, but you know i am not in any hurry to distract myself from this feeling...the meaning of a thing is not just the pleasure that it brings you, but also, i think, how much it hurts when it is taken away....i don't wish to weaken its hold over me, i wish to always remain spellbound, a child of oran.

cut for image )

i miss mostly the smell...i think because the desert here is reminiscent, but not quite....my home smelled of hot, dry air and sandstone, saltwater and petrol, roasted lamb, citrus, smoke and ashes. what did your home smell like?

[info]wontremember in [info]invol_journals

leo it is our four year anniversary and for it i got you something nice :)

we are going to play hide and go seek and if you find me before i find you, you will prefer that :) :)