July 2013



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March 8th, 2013

[info]ciaobella in [info]invol_journals

It is disappointing to think some need only one day to celebrate women, when they should be doing so every day, with every thought and every breath. To their brilliance, their devotion, their grace and their creativity. And above all to their patience, for tolerating we the earthly yin to their divine yang.

Happy International Women's Day, to the magnificent women of IVI.

[info]replicable in [info]invol_journals

8 MARCH 2013.

After this.

admittedly, i'm a little surprised no one has stepped up to take credit yet. assuming, of course, they're actually being kidnapped and it's not some sort of international escape pact. (i'm joking sort o.) is the security at other vol schools really that lax?

then again, have any of you considered that they're not really being kidnapped, but being taken by the IVF so there can be

Filtered to Saraswati. )

Filtered to Alex/Vi/Lottie. )

[info]hypnotic in [info]invol_journals

8 MARCH 2013.

i know this isn't like, news to anyone but rathborne? officially the fucking worst. not only was condors v. while complete with his paintball fun like WAY TOO MUCH, we're now scrubbing the toilets.

ugh why are we not allowed to switch teams? why can't this even try to be a normal place instead of whatever low rent militia bs they're trying to pull with rathborne?

[info]rollicking in [info]invol_journals

[posted during internet hours]

I don't want to talk abou I'm as psyched as anyone about International Women's Day, but vag cupcakes is where I draw the line. I would say I didn't see them coming, but that's too much of a terrible pun even for me. I do miss the cupcakes from home, though.

Apparently women have a half day in China with it. Dude, that would rock.

[info]pcpimp in [info]invol_journals

[Filter to 95/96 Mutant Breakfast Club]
You can take the piss if you want, m8s -- I know people were joking about it before but like, maybe we ought to check in with someone else if we aren't going to make it to class or training or some shit.

Also, I think Rathborne will be in a load of shit if he tries to take away mobiles again. You ought to be able to call out during an emergency. If you aren't chipped, you're fucked, because no one could track your mobile signals, either, yeah?

[info]notactuallykali in [info]invol_journals

Well, shit.


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