July 2013



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January 30th, 2013

[info]throttlerocket in [info]invol_journals

Welp. Screw homework, socializing and every other damn thing, I've managed to find a download for the season premiere of Ru Paul's Drag Race and Untucked. So I'm going to go load up on sugar and calories at the convenience store and go find a TV to take over.

Haters to the left, etc.

[info]facebookaholic in [info]invol_journals

even coola weatha in aus is still gud weatha 4 popsicles

[info]typhoids in [info]invol_journals

marty lin; 001.

I also have some questions if people don't really mind answering.

For people with vol family members: How related are your powers? I know there's a correlation, but then there's also the fact that vols are born to non-vol parents and can have non-vol siblings which messes it all up. My cousin is immune to all illnesses, that's what first got me thinking.

For 1990ers: How old were you when your powers first came in? The Seattle Incident was in 2008 but obviously vol things started happening long before then. But there wasn't any, um, solar storm or nuclear meltdown to obviously serve as a catalyst. It makes me wonder who the First Ever Vol was. Or who was first from this school. How did we all begin? What's our genesis or origin story? We don't seem to have one, as cool as radioactive spiders would have been.

Poster made, haha. I'll upload it for you later today.

Time to hang out in the sciences rooms some more?

[info]aggravates in [info]invol_journals

009; solomon tyler.

awright so here's solomon's best ov the world news story 4 the day

Canada Proudly Prints Wrong Maple Leaf on Its Currency Because Canada Can’t Do Anything Right (who is surprised?)

[info]mazibuko in [info]invol_journals



i do hope you enjoyed the show

i need a cave

thanks for being less of a fucking asshole than the rest of them

[info]zukunftsvision in [info]invol_journals

Is chicken salad really even a salad?

filter: lucy lancaster/jodi duncan

So I am thinking of starting a band. Would you ladies be interested? We could hold auditions to fill in the remaining holes. Personally, I think Lucy would make an excellent lead vocalist, and I'd like to claim bass for myself.

[info]deroux in [info]invol_journals

stumbled upon this ad which woke me up from marathoning tv shows.

i probably should start running again in the mornings.

[info]creamandcrimson in [info]invol_journals

yael and miyu
hey thanks again ladies you two are the best

ugh where are you. the only excuse you have for not responding to this right away is if you are having another threesome with yael and vi

yep took your advice lady.

hey what are you doing?

hoosier take on purdue tomorrow our time. go hoosiers.

[info]yinned in [info]invol_journals

What did you mean by you're sensitive to my feelings?

Hello new girl could you please tell me your name thank you.

[info]seesthrough in [info]invol_journals

(posted during internet time)

trying to find what certain people were writing in another language, and i came across this: http://ackuna.com/badtranslator

so i guess it's good i'm trying to learn spanish since the internet's only going to turn whatever i'm asking about the time of day into something where i'm asking whether i'm in the sun (it came up with that, honest)

hi daisy. how's it going? since you're the tech girl, kinda i guess, can i ask your opinion? do you think it'd be wrong to [...] try google someone. from here? if it's not stuff you've been told but you're worried about them. or should i just sit down and shut up and wait until i get told if i ever get told? thanks

so new girl? the kid's not had the best of welcomes. i talked it out with fin, though, i think. hopefully she'll keep her distance. but that rashida kid apparently started shit with her, or so karim told every-fucking-one.

also? between google translate and remy i want to know what i have to do to get the extra .5? only joking.

[info]lyve in [info]invol_journals

mette skoglund; 09.

Heisan :*

Hi, you.