July 2013



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January 25th, 2013

[info]creamandcrimson in [info]invol_journals

no dad it's totally cool that you called me at 3am please do it every night.

he was like but brad when you were at iu you were up that late every night. and then i was like dad i am in the middle of the fucking desert what the hell would i be doing at 3am.

i can't even surf the internet at 3am.

[info]replicable in [info]invol_journals

25 JANUARY 2013.

you know, it's so hard to believe people can cheat so easily. i mean, you have a responsibility! an obligation! people will get hurt! AND YET. do people not think? DO THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR ACTIONS REALLY NOT OCCUR TO THEM?

i simply can't believe jj abrams would do this! how could he leave star trek for star wars? after all trek has given him? and he betrays it this way? does he REALIZE how this will affect star wars vs. star trek arguments? i'm just so shocked. so hurt. hold me, someone.

[info]ishak in [info]invol_journals

guess who has the flu! THANKS MARTY

[1995 + Chinese class students]
Did we have homework in class today?

Sorry I missed training today. Rathborne can't make you do extra pushups if I'm sick. Right?

Also please don't tell Anthony.

[info]pcpimp in [info]invol_journals

[1995 Beasts (Skulls and Vols)]
Two questions.

1. Say you could get any girl at IVI -- who would it be?
2. Realistically, which girls might be easiest to pull?

Soz, adding one more q.

3. How would you do it? Romantic shit not necessary. I'd bribe the probability guy to make my chances better if he'd go for it.

I'm 99% positive I just heard someone's Spotify shag playlist when I walked through one of the halls. Nearly pissed myself laughing. George Michael and Nelly Furtado? FFS

[info]gotluck in [info]invol_journals


what the fuck are those things floating around changs head?

[info]notherelement in [info]invol_journals

jordana is feeling australian.

edit: strikeouts deleted after Claudia's comments

Little late to be thinking about this, but considering it's Australia Day tomorrow, I was thinking we should do something to celebrate. BBQ, maybe a game of beach cricket or something along those lines? And then there's the women's finals on in the evening.

How would you feel about having a swim carnival of some kind soon? We could have some races, a few games, fun water events.

Is anyone else enjoying the fact that it has cooled down considerably? I almost wish classes weren't back in session, it's far more pleasant being outside than in. Though it is nice to have something to keep myself occupied with.

Just a head's up to everyone, I have plans to take over one of the lounges to watch the tennis for a large chunk of the weekend. In and around Australia Day celebrations.

[info]fanimal in [info]invol_journals

posted this morning during class.

[ Daisy ]
1. how did things go last night with carter? DID HE APOLOGIZE?
2. yes my life is comedy of errors. laugh all you want.
[ Ethan ]
if i die collapse under jello legs today during training, remind yourself it was my idea.
[ Juli and Aisha ]
i have an official answer to that question you asked me.
class and training sucks. however, looking on the bright side of things, it's not so hot any more, and my dad FINALLY got my stuff shipped to me, and sent my accordion and some new books. hurray.

[info]understander in [info]invol_journals

Listen, it's really not cool to invade someone's privacy and send text messages from their phone while they're sleeping.

[info]sparky in [info]invol_journals

The mural painting was really fun, it was amazing to see what people came up with when they were given the blank canvas. I hope that we can do more projects like that :) Lucy thank you for such a wonderful idea! It was nice to see everyone's work outside of art classes and it looks so bright and I love walking past it.

Does anyone know what the movie showing this week is as I am thinking it would be fun to go :)

[info]siggeirsson in [info]invol_journals

Not even talking about the fig
It is a complete punkass bitch move to steal someone's
My therapist says not to focus on the irritating stuf

So I got a package through processing this morning and was kind of mystified by that, until I opened it and found a pair of these inside and a note from my old social worker. I completely forgot that it's Bondudagur today, back in Iceland.
Translated, I guess it means 'Man Day'. Or 'Husband Day'. But it's basically just a day where most women do something or get something for the man in their life, father, brother, boyfriend, etc.
My Dad
My Dad always used to say that it was a well-planned system, because 'Man Day' happens exactly a month before Konnudagur or 'Women's day' which is the same thing but for the women in your life. He figured that Bondudagur was just a subtle reminder that you had a month's warning to plan something amazing.
And I guess now I have a month's warning to get something nice for my social worker.

Filtered to Silas

Want to have a date tonight? We can have a Man-Man-Day Date.