July 2013



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January 7th, 2013

[info]dislocation in [info]invol_journals

Happy New Year.

[Kidnapping Victims]

I don't know if I'm going to the memorial. I don't know how I feel about it yet other than 'insert complicated things here'. I don't know. Thoughts?

I mean, at this point I don't know how I'm going to be in the same room as Valya. Or Lottie.


I don't know what to say, man. I wish it hadn't been him.


Not enough bunnies in the world, huh? I'm sorry about your boyfriend.


Are they back?
I don't know why they were different.

[info]teletransport in [info]invol_journals

I've always felt like I'm not old enough to do the things I want to do or say the things I want to say, but now that I actually got older (in a way) I'm just belatedly realizing you really can't use a number as an excuse for the way you act.

What I'm trying to say is

It was my birthday and now it will always remind me of them

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
― Robert Frost

[info]mimicries in [info]invol_journals

I still wouldn't trust IVI for a second. [edited removal 'dislike'] Being held hostage here doesn't help to excuse them. Someone get this chip out of my

[edited to add]


[FILTER: Clement Beckenbauer]
[...] So no vision for this one?
[FILTER: Mette Skoglund]
I'll walk you back this week.

[info]rollicking in [info]invol_journals

It feels so weird to be back here when people are dea

I woke up this morning with Matthew 5:4 repeating itself in my brain and a need for comfort food. So I either made super thin chocolate cookies or found out what happens when I screw up the flour measurements in my cookie dough balls.

[info]cobratalk in [info]invol_journals


I know that we did not have it half so bad as the others who were kidnapped. But I still cannot seem to get over what happened, and I feel guilty for feeling this way. We were lucky, yes? And we're all safe.

So why am I still so very tired?

[info]primemover in [info]invol_journals


I can't help but wonder how appropriate it would be to have an informal wake at Pub Night. We spent a lot of time together at those things, made a lot of memories together. Standing around, telling stories over drinks. I think it'd be nice.

How about it?

[edited in after this]
I'm sure you figured this was the case, but no OUTback this week. Memorial's Wednesday.

[info]moquist in [info]invol_journals

when i was little and my grandfather died my grandma told me this story about a whispering tree. you could climb it and it would protect you and if you listened carefully you could hear it had the voice of the person you missed. she planted a cherry tree for me and told me that when it got big enough for me to be able to climb it, my grandpa's spirit would be in it and he would talk to me.

it was just a story and never happened because she just made it up to make me feel better, but i'd like it if we planted trees for the people who died. as a symbol or something. and if you think it's a stupid idea maybe i'll just do one for erik because if they're not going to let me go to his funeral at least they can let me have a fucking tree i just want to, that's all.

can you make trees? or just flowers and things?

if you don't feel like it that's okay but i really feel like hitting something right now. i'm really sorry about mal except the reason i want to hit people is because i never want to hear the word 'sorry' again in my life so i guess i should find a different way to tell you that.

[info]buggirl in [info]invol_journals

Hi awesome lady. Just wanted to check in with you and make sure that you're doing okay and also to tell you that I have a present for you and I can't wait for you to get back to the room so I'm going to spoil the surprise:

Isn't he majestic? )

[info]klifra in [info]invol_journals

Why are people arguing about stupid shit? None of this even matters.

[info]alcokinetic in [info]invol_journals

so i was thinking that jesus was kinda the original me. u kno? water into wine.

vol joke.

[info]rascal in [info]invol_journals

yo anypony got sum hand santizr? i got plan 2 make mad $$ if yall aint chicken

as a follow up 2 audra's q:

how r babiez made?


[info]suzee in [info]invol_journals

Okay so like, forever ago someone told me to compose a list of the best celebrity eyebrows and I totally forgot or something because this has been sitting in a half finished entry for like FOREVER because picking the best eyebrows is really stressful (ESPECIALLY WHEN WE ONLY HAVE 3 HOURS OF ONLINE TIME) and I had to walk away because eyebrows are very serious business BUT I figured we could all use some eye candy (over-eye candy???) and so here we go.


This isn't a complete list because it'd be rude to deny some eyebrows their places of glory but whatever. Don't complain, just take in the pretty. ALSO if anyone has anyone who should be here like, definitely add the to the list because while this is just MY definitive list there's probably a whole world of them out there i haven't had the pleasure of being meeting yet lol.

STOP. Eyebrow time )