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December 31st, 2012

[info]typhoids in [info]invol_journals


[Immediately after this.]

Hi, sorry, I've a question -- what's the upper limit on your teleportation range? Collating data.

[info]ex_anabela148 in [info]invol_journals

i am very sorry to interrupt everyone, but i thought you may all want to know i am a conjurer. i make things, from nothing, which already exist. it's a very difficult time and sometimes all i want are tamales, so if you want something, or miss something, please, i will do my best for you.

i can't conjure people, or pets, or living things.

i am not the great milenko.

(panama has youtube!!)

i've told a large portion of the school what i do.

[info]rumouring in [info]invol_journals

well thanks terrorists for like totally ruining nye

but w/e lets make the most of it WHAT ARE EVERYONE'S RESOLUTIONS i don't have any b/c i'm perfect obvs

[info]ravissement in [info]invol_journals

My original plans this New Year's Eve were to be celebrating in Luxembourg with champagne and my friends. Instead, I find myself here in a warehouse in Europe, [...] not doing anything resembling that. I think I speak for all of us when I say I would much prefer my original plans over our current reality.

What a year 2012 has been. I cannot say I have experienced anything like it.

[info]catalunar in [info]invol_journals

I've downloaded an app that will chime the hour and procured a bag of grapes if anyone wants to join me at midnight. Assuming we aren't all asleep, of course. But 2013 could use some good wishes, I think. (One for each chime, for those of you who aren't familiar.)

It's nice to have traditions that don't rely on champagne and a plus one, I have to say - gives room to observe the passing of the year without having to be particularly 'celebratory'.

I'll also be burning a list of everything awful that's happened this year if I can find enough paper. Superstitious, maybe, but comforting all the same. I don't know if I really believe in expelling all the negative energy, but it can't hurt. Neither can the other half: giving thanks for all the good things that have happened in 2012.

Chief among the positive, I'm grateful to have come to know such incredible people that I never would have met otherwise. There is a lot not to like about the IVF and their institute, but I can't ignore that I would have never gotten to know my classmates, teammates, and friends otherwise.

[Peacocks, Space Crew, Dani, Ivan, Raphael, Javier... lol Cati has no friends, oops]
That goes especially for you. Feliz año nuevo, mis amigos. May this one be better than the last.

[info]getdense in [info]invol_journals


eternal rest grant unto them, o Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
may they rest in peace.


[info]coiffure in [info]invol_journals

oh my god

[info]lustres in [info]invol_journals

Omg I just sneezed like, five times in a row. Maybe that means Erik is thinking about me!!!!! Right? RIGHT?

But can people like, seriously stop acting like everything is okay just because it's New Year's??? THIS IS THE WORST NEW YEAR EVER. I want to go HOME to SoCal and I want everyone to come WITH ME because it is ten times better than ALL OF THE STUFF HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.

I just really want my best friends and boyfriend back. Please.

[info]shadowbinder in [info]invol_journals


[info]excommunicated in [info]invol_journals

There's not a lot anyone can say that will make this feel better, but your brother had a good life. He could do some amazing things, and he saved a lot of people in the nightmares.

Savannah and I are praying. I know it's not your thing, but.

[American Interrogations Team]
I feel like we should have seen it coming, which is stupid because clearly nobody knew this much.

[info]violetsarered in [info]invol_journals

[Filtered to Marine]

if you're dead

i am going to be so fucking mad at you

you've never seen me mad before

let's avoid it

[info]riannes in [info]invol_journals

[FILTER: People at IVI]
Not that there's much to celebrate, but if anyone's interested it might be nice to try ring in the New Year together.
I don't have any other ideas

[info]alizadeh in [info]invol_journals

018 (posted one minute after midnight)

Happy 18th Birthday To Me.
God please
May Allah

[info]lilja in [info]invol_journals

I can't sleep :/

Mimir + Mikael.
Be careful okay.

[info]hypnotic in [info]invol_journals

31 DECEMBER 2012.

how are you are you ok hey.