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December 27th, 2012

[info]steelsoldier in [info]invol_journals

Don't worry everyone. We'll get them back.

[Locked to Roosters]

Who's volunteering?

[Locked to Americas Field Ops Volunteers]

Sound off, people. Powers, field experience and relevant skills.

[info]lilja in [info]invol_journals

Filtered to Swans; Icelanders; Zombielanders in three seperate filters.
I am staying here to work on some tech stuff, I should have let you know last night but I pretty much started working and haven't stopped except to sleep a little. I wish I could help find everyone else but they want me to focus on the kids that were in this area. Be careful everyone.

sorry i've been such a bad friend sorry I've been kind of an asshole lately.

are you doing tech stuff or going back to IVI?

[info]insensitivities in [info]invol_journals

006 → thursday afternoon.

you people must find anthony. the fucking kidnappers gave me a concussion and i have to have stitches in my hand. so they are not letting me help murder these sons of bitches with you all. also i have not slept. because of the concussion. it is annoying. being confined here is annoying. when you find anthony i will be out of bed and i will make up for my uselessness, ani mavti'kha, so it is not just sam who is murdering sons of bitches, ok.

so we are missing padraig and elsa

is there anyone else injured? report.

[info]inmyowntime in [info]invol_journals


Why is it always Taki?


Alright there?

[info]tobimashita in [info]invol_journals

Even though it is difficult to do this, we must all try our best to stay calm and remember that we must not run into battle without thinking first. It is hard to be helpless but every small effort is going to count to change this as long as we think carefully and capitalize on our strengths. Remember, Taki thinks we are all superheroes and I think he is right and that we are here to not only to protect those weaker than us but each other too.

For those of my friends who are returning to IVI tonight, I am going to make tea for anyone who wants to come and talk and be with company while we wait for our friends to come back to us. Let us throw away our problems with each other and be good to each other. IVI has made us into a family, whether we like it or not. We are the only support who will ever truly understand each other.

[edited to add after this]

RAPHAEL AMANTE I have heard special word of your distressed state of being so I am even preparing you the chicken katsu that I am always making my hubby back home because it is the best comfort food!! Remember if you are worried, you can always come talk to me and do not be afraid of your emotions! It is not good to run away from what we feel because it always catches up with us in the end...

[info]systolic in [info]invol_journals


I am sorry I puked so much in the European bathroom. I was picked up in a bar. I am sorry again. I am going to Australia now.

[info]drinkme in [info]invol_journals

i can't believe these terrorists were so rude as to ruin my birthday in tokyo by kidnapping people. it's just awful.

[info]seisms in [info]invol_journals

I am still. fucking. hungover. And would love a cigarette.

Was I supposed to volunteer for something?

Glad you didn't get yourself kidnapped. I bought a shitton of clothes for you. They're being shipped over though since we didn't really have time to pack all tidy and shit.

[info]dhampir in [info]invol_journals

You have fun with that. I'll see you back at IVI.

[info]frattastic in [info]invol_journals



too bad we're not going to be able to do any of the above, am i right?

[info]chargeup in [info]invol_journals

thursday night.

this is the only time this statement will even be remotely true, so pay attention: if you're not at ivi right now, you're out of your mind.

[info]enely in [info]invol_journals

I wonder if it's a coincidence that they didn't take any of us. They didn't even go after any of us, did they? I'm not saying there's a reason for it, but I only now noticed it because I don't really know too many people outside of you and the people on my team. I wonder if there's any correlation between years. I'd look if I have time, but they're keeping me pretty busy here already.

So who is where? I'm doing things on the computer I can't talk about. I thought about seeing if they'd take me for rescue but I don't think I'm in control enough. I don't know if I'm glad or not.

Well, this is frustrating.

[info]rumouring in [info]invol_journals

honestly i figured they'd have given mal back by now