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December 4th, 2012

[info]kikkoman in [info]invol_journals

If I have offended anyone else, please talk to me like an adult. Please do not slap me.

Thank you in advance.

[info]confects in [info]invol_journals

let the week of dares commence :) and remember not to explain what we are doing to anyone!

Chastity by Coralie Bouchard
[OOC: this was written by kati, and bronte and cilla consented to it]


[info]fulfills in [info]invol_journals

libby has discovered the network.

what is this thing? testing 1 2 3 hello l o l you can even make the text bigger nice lakjdlakjsdlaskdjkasjdl lakadjl ajdoas lakjdl sup

wtf is this thing.

things to tell m:
- vols at ivi write porn with twitter hashtags.
- 1 vol at ivi only just gave up on glee, clearly not with the times.
- someone at ivi really really likes birds.

(edited to add)
- who taught vols at ivi how to use fonts?! why is comic sans even real anymore?
- some vols can't tell the difference between boys and girls.

[info]helpline in [info]invol_journals

This is the first thing I'm going to eat if when I get home.

Maybe I was wrong about revealing the kidnapped Vols' powers before something bad happens again.

[info]rollicking in [info]invol_journals

Rose is frustrated.

I keep breaking things today. I think I'm having some kind of power burn out.

Is that an actual thing?

[info]convoquer in [info]invol_journals


ugh but now I have to decide: bracelet or anklet?

I bet they are super unstylish. it'll be very LiLo house arrest, though, so that has its charms??

also for those interested I am totes just staying home in MTL for break, there's too much I need to do and too many people I need to see. maybe they'll let us non-chippies go to the beach too in the new year, eh?

[info]maskelyne in [info]invol_journals

Can I request to get my tracking bracelet made into a belt? Maybe one of those headlamp-type accessories. A giant backpack, maybe. I really want to be able to show it off when I go home.

[info]riannes in [info]invol_journals

[posted during internet hours]

Unicorn lair 'discovered' in North Korea

So, who has the power of fucking around like this with the media then?

If you, like I was, are still skeptical after reading that headline? Maybe this might clarify for you:
The KCNA goes on to state that the location happens to be 200 metres from a temple in the North Korean capital, adding: "A rectangular rock carved with words "Unicorn Lair" stands in front of the lair."

[info]mantracker in [info]invol_journals

Still think the whole 'tracking device on the tracker' is a bit redundant but oh well. Looks like an anklet it is for me!

More pressing issue is that the hols can't start right now. I'm a bit gutted that I'm going to be missing out on The Hobbit premiere. Nerdy, I know. But that's just how we roll in the Shire, Hobbit support, etc. etc.

But one doesn't just walk out of IVI and into Mordor or whatever they're calling the outside world these days. OR DO THEY?

[info]jewplicate in [info]invol_journals

ten. tuesday, internet hours.

well, thank fake god that we only have to be tracked like criminals instead of livestock!

[info]nawal in [info]invol_journals

[New Students Since Nov. 12]
Hello! I am Nawal Bechara, and I am the president of IVI's student council. I am sorry that I did not welcome you sooner, but I was having some personal issues. If you need anything, or if you have any questions about IVI or the IVF, please do not hesitate to let me know, and I will do whatever I can to help you.

It seems as though we will be able to meet up after all! I spoke with my sister, and she is willing to pay for me to fly to British Columbia for New Year's, though I believe the IVF will want me sedated on the plane. She is not sure yet if she will join us. It depends on her husband's work schedule.

Hello, IVI! Allegra mentioned a few weeks ago that she was temporarily taking over my duties as president of the IVI student council. She has performed admirably, but now I am ready to re-assume my duties.

If anyone has any questions about travel arrangements for our break, please do not hesitate to let me know, and I will find out what I can for you.

I would also like to thank everyone for your sensitivity regarding the news about both myself and my home country.