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November 16th, 2012

[info]zukunftsvision in [info]invol_journals

There are no really good songs about food that I can think of off the top of my head.

[added later]

I stand pleasantly corrected.

[info]frattastic in [info]invol_journals


it's my BIRTHDAY TOMORROW. who's ready to get fucking schwasty on pub night? yeah, THIS guy.

[info]psyched in [info]invol_journals

[ Team Peacock, Omar, Carter, Alejo, Vic, Mason, Kody, Remy, Sol, Marius, Fin, Lottie, Understanding, + SPANISH CLASS, this is basically a list of people Lo kinda likes Erica gave me, if anyone got forgotten LMK because Sonia would probs have included them! ]
A little birdie told me that tomorrow is the birthday of one Lo Fernandez. I can think of few things more mundanely depressing than having someone else getting lots of birthday wishes on YOUR birthday, so I am imploring all of you to wish her a happy birthday!

I am kind of considering throwing her a little get-together, but I am impeded by 1) I don't know if people are up for celebrations right now and 2) I absolutely cannot bake to save my life. Thoughts?

If not, I am sure she would not say no to the gift of a drink ticket at our next pub night. Or just say happy birthday!
[ Lo ]
I know a secret.

[info]allegs in [info]invol_journals

Hey IVI,

Serious post this time:

1. At 6pm tomorrow, a memorial service will be held in the hall for those who were cruelly murdered by George Cooper on Monday. Even if we didn't know them well, they were still members of our community who worked to feed us, educate us and keep us safe. I hope that you will all attend.

2. Furthermore, I will be temporarily taking over as President of Student Council until further notice. If you have any questions or concerns, my number is [INSERT NUMBER HERE] or you can email me at ahawke@ivi.edu.au

3. And could you all just quit being dicks to each other for the rest of the week? That's probably too much to ask though.

- Allegra Hawke

[info]auriferous in [info]invol_journals

[after giving up on trying to comment with text to talk, Jesse tries to make the following public announcment]

New is just my friends Rhianna arithmetic already thank you very much for offering to steal my hand I hope to be tweeting myself soon love Jesse

Neil is just my friend we are not in a romantic on

And I will buy you

M I YU It's just my friend We are not in a romantic company Thank you Anthony For offering to steal my hand I hope to be tweeting myself soon love Jesse

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_journals

fuck ivis memorial thing they didnt know senora psycho like we did

lets meet tomrrow at 3 in the class room and have our own

[info]agrokinetic in [info]invol_journals

Please stop taking flowers from the bushes in the garden, it takes some time to grow them back and it is not good for them to be cut so often. If you are in need of flowers I can make some instead.

Mi hijo maybe you can give one flower at a time?

[Callum, Sol, Mikael]
I think I must give you an apology. It was I who went into your rooms while you were in the dreams, I thought I left a note but I must have forgotten.

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_journals

Handwritten, Scanned, Saved Under 'Private' )

Left at medbay bedsit while he slept )

[info]ex_anabela148 in [info]invol_journals

HELLO!! i was thinking of all you today especially after miyu sent us such a super lovely!! gift, gracias senorita!! :* i will treasure your treats! however, i have a fav to ask all of you. can you not tell the others about what i do por favor? i'll conjure a vaina, a thing for you as a gift. it'd be de alante super cool if you kept it between us and my team, mucho gracias!!

can i try conjuring some of your things at training? if you could bring something unique that belongs to just you, one of a kind!!, i'd be super very grateful, gracias, thank you!!

hola, we are doing an international thanksgiving and i'd very much like to get all of us together to work together on a food buffet of traditional food from our countries.

i miss you, still, everyday. we were trapped in these terrible nightmares and my powers seemed to just go, well, poof, and it made me think what if our powers are finite? when does the nothing we take from become a something, when is there not enough because we have created too much? you are by yourself out there in this big world, brother, and i fear for you. it's stupid, i know you'd tell me. you are powerful, more capable with your powers than george cooper or any of the vols who are caught on the run (you are still free, no?), and you are my big brother. you protected me from wasp stings and bad boys alike, if anyone can take care of himself: it is you because big brothers never fail, but i am scared, and i miss you, and i wish i could tell you i am sorry and just hear your voice. oh well, another deletion. i hope these words reach you somehow, somewhere, and you know i am thinking of you.

[info]ishak in [info]invol_journals

posted around 1AM last night

[Team Swan]
Hi I know I'm not on your team or anything but you're Anthony's team so I thought you might want to know that he's sleeping in the medbay. The doctor said it was just exhaustion and that he just needed to sleep, I just thought I should tell someone.

[OOC: he fell asleep shortly after this, all responses will be posted after 8am]

[info]ciaobella in [info]invol_journals

[Locked to Bros]

Twins, gentlemen. Providing they are as beautiful as the other Australian women here, I believe I am inclined to call the 'dibs'.

[info]dislocation in [info]invol_journals

So... what do you say, IVI? This drink ticket thing on hiatus for a week?


So, not bad right? I had fun. Did you have fun?

[Rashida, Meena, Dani]

I think it went well.

[info]persuasively in [info]invol_journals

friday night.

Hi out there. My name's Lucy Lancaster, and my sister Laurel and I are four days new to IVI. We'll be moving into our rooms tomorrow, once Laur's released from medical supervision. The process of transferring's taken a bit of a toll on her, I'm afraid.

The infirmary here's livelier than I expected, but they told us what happened last week. I'm sorry for your losses and can't imagine what it was like. Personally, I'd have delayed our arrival out of respect, but as many of you can imagine, we didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

At any rate, hello. If you think you're seeing double around campus, that's just my sister and I. That was the point of all this, I suppose.

[info]monkeydo in [info]invol_journals

One week until the beach.


[info]c6h12o6 in [info]invol_journals

[Filtered to Kieran, Kitoko, Brad, Clara, Qamar, Ethan, Hailey, Jodi, Kristijan]

Ain't using my drink tickets. Any of y'all want them?

[info]seesthrough in [info]invol_journals

general warning to all here: if karim ever say there's a team thing at the pool? don't go. it's not what he's trying to get you to think it is.

my email needs to stop sending me reminders for the springsteen show in a fortnight too because i am here and i sold my damn tickets arghh

does anyone know what movie is showing this week at the warehouse?

[info]yinned in [info]invol_journals

So what if I'd been able to pretend I wasn't a fucking Vol I wouldn't have had to come here un
For fuck's sake IVF do a better job


Whoever borrowed Trainspotting from the library can you fucking return it already.