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November 9th, 2012

[info]primemover in [info]invol_journals

023 - posted thursday evening

The election went rather well I think. Obama's still in office (and he mentioned us Vols!). The Dems picked up a bunch of key seats in the Senate (20% female!). Marriage was legalized in a bunch of states (yay gays!). It's a great start, and I hope we can do better next time. It's all we can hope for.

I know I mentioned this a while ago, but between my massive course-load and extra curriculars, I've let it fall by the wayside. Next Wednesday we will have the first meeting of OUTback (working title) in a classroom TBD. It is the only LGBTQ+ safe space on campus where we can be honest and open with each other. The first meeting will be a meet and greet, where we'll all get to know each other better. I also want to discuss the U.S. election in depth and how important it really was for us. And please, any non-Americans that want to talk about their countries should feel free to do so. It's important to share.

[info]cobratalk in [info]invol_journals

Savannah won't wake up, I don't know what's wrong, is there anyone that can help me take her to the medical wing? I'm so worried.

[after this]

It seems as though this isn't an isolated problem. Please let me know if your roommate or friend should be added to the list of the sleeping.

- Aisha
- Anthony
- Audra
- Edwin
- Hailey
- Savannah

[info]yinned in [info]invol_journals

Alright, I don't know how to do this without causing mass hysteria, but there seems to be a problem with people not waking up this morning. Marine's been pulled in to talk to the Dean, but I don't know more than that.

[info]emptyshells in [info]invol_journals


Omg everyone must try the zeppoli they are sooo good!!!

[info]vinger in [info]invol_journals

!!!! :(

private to scandinavians/magpies/friends

are you all is everyone are you all awake?! :(

[info]understander in [info]invol_journals


I think I have a complete list of everyone who won't wake up. I'm not positive though, so you have to let me know if anyone is missing or anyone is on here in error.

Cut for Space )

People with checkmarks are ones I know are in the med center. We need to make sure everyone gets there I think so that no one is lost. If you can help carry people, let me know here. If you need help getting someone there, let me know here too.

peace b/w/us

[info]unreliably in [info]invol_journals

sooner or later you all will know it's me

worst monday or worst monday [ IC edit] FRIDAY? i don't even have anything sarcastic to say


i don't know what the dean wants with you but

there's talk of you being involved. whatever they want you to do




i'm going to find you sometime later and make sure you're alright


you better be awake

[info]ex_smouldere38 in [info]invol_journals

If you're

1. Able-bodied,
2. Reading this,

please help Saraswati, Understanding, Cheska, Julian, Sunny, Sadie, and I get as many people to the medical bay as possible. A probable list is on his update.

There are rolling chairs available for transportation. It would probably be best if you used anything possible to conserve your strength, but everything helps. Including someone who can make a note of the rooms all of these people are in.

[info]frattastic in [info]invol_journals



CLARA (failed filter, obviously)

yo where you at? i'm at the BEST party right now.

[info]kikkoman in [info]invol_journals

zombie apocalypse; in japanese but it's a dream - you can understand



[info]rumouring in [info]invol_journals


[info]drinkme in [info]invol_journals

abandoned fairgrounds

This is horrible. All of these hot dogs are pork. I'm going to starve.

[info]teletransport in [info]invol_journals


The landlady is unnecessarily creepy.

Do you guys think we have no chance at outrunning the storm?

[info]psyched in [info]invol_journals

[ Astrid and Mo ]
It looks like us three are the only Flamingos left. You two had better keep your heads on straight because

Let's just stay cool and calm. I don't know if either of you is missing your roommate, but your both welcome in Lo's and my room tonight (so long as you don't mess with her stuff).
So I know that everyone is trying to get their heads on straight right now, but I was thinking that maybe we could make cards for all the people sleeping to leave messages for them when they wake up. It might be nice to see how many people were caring for them when they get well? I don't know.

[info]tangible in [info]invol_journals

horror plot: those left awake

[ Vol Club + Culinary Club ]
Anyone who's still awake and looking for a way to help, I'm moving my espresso machine down to the kitchen in the girls lounge to make coffees for people, and I'm also going to try to help make some things for dinner because some of the cafeteria cooks are asleep too. I don't know yet if we'll be allowed to cook in the big kitchen or if we'll use the dorm kitchens, but if anyone wants to help make food or learn how to use the fancy coffee machine, stop by.

[ Javier ]
You're awake, right?

[ Mal ]
Save a few things for me to hit if I can't sleep.

[info]likepetrichor in [info]invol_journals

[Max Houser]

hey, can I ask a favor?

[info]grips in [info]invol_journals


[info]steelsoldier in [info]invol_journals

Hey guys, the bridge is out. We're coming back to the cabin, we'll have to stay the night.

[info]wearsgloves in [info]invol_journals

Seaside Village Group

Just though you all should know what I saw when the old lady touched me at the B&B this morning, as I did not get a chance earlier before we split up. And I don't much feel like mentioning it aloud where unwanted ears might be listening.

But basically, I saw the landlady, naked (I cannot forget that soon enough, I might add), standing in the rain, outside somewhere. There were people all around her, chanting in a language I did not recognize - I'm not sure it even exists? She was holding an octopus, which she bit into.

So, she's a freak and I don't think she's the only one.

Death is coming

I can't fucking

Dark, it's so dark

[info]moquist in [info]invol_journals


[info]marine in [info]invol_journals

friday, after the general email from staff

yes, people are sleep. yes, there is a problem. yes, i am working on it. yes, caleb is helping. yes, people are stuck in nightmares. pertinent information will be relayed to you all at the discretion of staff and when caleb and i are done. rest assured i will be doing everything in my capability.

please if you have questions about my abilities, direct them to me, not to caleb.

i hope no one expects you to answer about how my power works, wouldn't be fair and i don't wan and i don't want you take any blame if anything goes [...] wrong. anyone who asks, direct them to me.

it's going to be all right, caleb and i are going to figure out what he's up to. i'll report when we're done. right now, don't know what the situation is. i know it is a nightmare. he's the corrupt version of me. he's like javier bardem in skyfall and i'm bond. I NEED A Q.

[info]moquist in [info]invol_journals

just imagine her running around flailing all Karim style

so remy isn't up here but somebody maybe should double check because i'm not sure and maybe he's here but i can't find him

[info]unreliably in [info]invol_journals

what if it's a fucking setup

what if ivi is just being shittier than usual and telling us is georgie cooper being evil? who has seen the sleeping faculty?

there i had to say it. i hope you are fucking happy whenever you're dreaming, mckenna

not saying this is or isn't true, but fucking ask yourself at least once, then keep doing your shit. even if it is half of us are as good as dead, so that changes nothing, at least right now

for fucks sake, go to sleep tonight

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_journals

mountain lodge

hey does this work

ok so do u know a boy named caleb teat? he says he goes to ivi with us but i never seen him before

[info]cheska in [info]invol_journals

HI um so Marine is my roommate who is delving into some of the dreams that the sleeping people are in. She's REALLY exhausted and right now she's sleeping but she gave me some info that I think everyone else would like to have.

In the first dream, there's a bunch of students at a college party:
Daisy, Mike, Seth, Lo, Santiago, Richie, Oden, Jordana, Conner

The second dream has a tonne of people in a cabin in the woods:
Sam, Clara, Jimmy, Kitoko, Tanja, Ethan, Kieran, Qamar, Brad

The third dream has these people at a carnival:
Carter, Kody, Damien, Carmela, Rashida, Gisele, Callum, Remy

And these people are in a zombie apocalypse dream:
Chris, Jace, Miyu, Jesse, Lydie, Lilja, Anabela, Benjie

Nobody is hurt, everyone is fine, and there's people working on waking everybody up, so let's not panic! If anybody needs to talk, my door is always open! Room 2D!

[info]switches in [info]invol_journals

If anyone needs me, I'm going to try be around Cati as much as possible today. It's her birthday.

This royally sucks so let me know what I can do. Gonna try help out as much as I can but not going too far away.

[info]skelett in [info]invol_journals


Hell. Anyone who is able to read this should probably check in here and then also help figure out a place we should all meet up. There is some information that needs to be discussed, but it seems like it might be the kind of thing to address in person in dream... person?.

[added later]
As of now we are outside in the back, but need to find a more secure location if anyone has anything to suggest.

[info]understander in [info]invol_journals


I know these are difficult times for us. There is a lot of fear and negative energy around us all right now, I can see it in our auras. This is to be expected, but I think that really is a call for us to connect. I know that we all have our own ways of coping but I think that most of us could really use the support of this community we have here. I think it's really important that we band together in this time. And I think that we can really do something against George Cooper and his negative powers if we create our own positive energy and flood this place with it.

So I'd love it if you can join me in the lounge downstairs. I'll be there in about 20 minutes (I need to shower) and I'll be there most of the night. Bring blankets and pillows, and if you want to sleep there you can and if you just want to hang out for a while that's cool too. This is just a place for us all to be together and for us all to be. Let's not be alone in this. We'll make some tea and we'll handle our feelings together. Because the worst thing would be to do this alone. And we don't have to be alone.

peace b/w/u

I really hope you're going to come.