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October 30th, 2012

[info]nailedit in [info]invol_journals

Well, of course I got a 30. Not surprised at all, tbh. Baddest cheer-bitch in the game!

Also, apparently it's Text Your Ex Day. I decided to join in and sent that asshole a mess of cussing, it was fun! Anyone else doing it?

Putting the last touches on my Halloween costume, you guys are going to lose it. Why can't we have booze at this party, though? I mean, it's not Halloween if you don't get wrecked!#

Filtered to Omar;

So, uh. Hey.

[info]allegs in [info]invol_journals

IVI as a musical. Go.

[info]notherelement in [info]invol_journals

jordana is feeling lazy

So, due to the fact that it is damn hot, and everyone has been a bit stressed recently, I'd like to propose moving tonight's soccer practice to the lake so we can have a swim and hopefully cool down a little. And possibly tomorrow's basketball practice, presuming all of the coaches are in agreement.

But really, either way, I'll be down at the lake and not at practice anyway, so you should all come and join me. :) Even those of you not on the teams.

[info]mantracker in [info]invol_journals

I need a carton of glitter and enough hair spray to poke another hole in the ozone. Pronto.

[info]grips in [info]invol_journals

LOL OMG!!!! So I went to log into Pinterest on Fitzy's computer and GUESS WHAT I FOUND!!!!!

But OMG those quinoa burgers look so good and I don't even like quinoa! IDK why you didn't want to share your Pinterest with the world, MICHAEL :/

[info]ravissement in [info]invol_journals

What is an appropriate costume for Halloween? I have to admit that I have never done this before.

[private: eden/shannon/chelsea/doria/clara]

Are you all dressing up?

[info]replicable in [info]invol_journals

30 OCT 2012.

you know, i don't really think anything UNSPEAKABLY HORRIBLE will happen with the chips, but you have to admit, there's a lot of potential here. i mean, anyone who knows anything about the x-files knows about scully's abduction. what did she get from that abduction? well, there was a little chip planted in the back of her neck and, oh, i don't know, TERMINAL CANCER. but they could do a lot of things with these chips. i don't want to be the one to suggest anything as drastic as mind control, but what about the fact that they could eventually release tiny nanobots into our bloodstream to take control of our bodies? that's what slade did to robin in teen titans and or they could could just use it to get information about what makes us tick. OR they could be working on a way to deactivate our powers all at once? or they could be extracting dna via these chips and using them to create evil clones i mean, i don't want to suggest they're using the chips to get their own "mewto strikes back" going on here, but it's completely possible.

in other news, american chocolate is really very terrible.

[info]jewplicate in [info]invol_journals

eight. tuesday, internet hours.

so i guess frankenstorm was a bit worse than i thought it'd be. sounds like everyone i know is fine though. my friends at school have like a five-day weekend at this point.

in other news, mickey shot first.
