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October 24th, 2012

[info]facebookaholic in [info]invol_journals

is the hottest magpie. thanks silas :*

[info]synergistic in [info]invol_journals

[ 1990s ]
Hey guys. Our first Student Council meeting is coming up this week, so I wanted to see if there were any specific issues or things you wanted me to put forward. I'm assuming the chips are mostly what's on everyone's mind, but if we're honestly looking at the limitations of this group, I'm pretty sure we have no pull when it comes to that. So while I'm guessing it'll be discussed, I'd also like to make sure we look at other issues too, instead of just focusing on something we won't be able to do anything about.

I know one of the big things that was talked about before were alternatives to classes - working, etc? Is that still on people's minds? Anything else I should bring up? Let me know.

[ Hailey, Allegra, Claudia, other mutual female friends of Caleb and Ashton? Jordana and Honor maybe? idk. if you fit, add yourself ]
Do me a favour and call Ashton pretty the next time you have the chance.

Okay, I know I said I prefer warmer weather to cooler, but this is ridiculous. Almost 40 and it's not even November yet? This does not bode well for the summer.

[info]svanstrom in [info]invol_journals

in which erik requires a girl translator.

what is jizz

[MEN OF 1990]
if you talk to a girl about using a delicate wash cycle, it does not mean you want them to have no clothes, right? because either i am going crazy or lottie someone is putting words in my mouth

edited in later
i do not like claudia

you do not like me hi

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_journals

I wonder what his powers are. I also wonder if the press is sensationalising this.

Perhaps it's because there are people here who've regretted the things they've done with their powers that have been outside of their control that I can't help but be curious if all of this violence was intentional or if it was impossible to prevent? After all, if it was merely some adolescent acting out some childhood vendetta, why leave his hometown to do all this wrong-doing?

What would you do if every person you came into contact with died? What would you do if you needed to feed off the fear of others to survive? What would you do if you projected an aura of madness about you? Would you kill yourself? Or would you try desperately to survive, but hurt as few people as possible?

Or, conversely, what would you do if you knew without a doubt who would grow up to become mass murderers? We have some people on premises who've taken justice into their own hands with their abilities. What would you do if you could stop a thousand deaths by taking one?

I'm not saying that this bloke may not be absolutely bonkers and find personal satisfaction in killing people. He might be. It's a possibility. But maybe he's not. We don't have all the facts and it certainly doesn't appear that the press does either.


It also seems to me that you could have a trial just as well by Facetime, if it comes to it.

[info]getdense in [info]invol_journals


¡ay pendejos! si quieren luchar ellos pueden aprender de mí.

if you want to learn how to protect yourself i could teach you. ive taught some people to throw a real punch already. just shoot me a text i'm usually around the gym in the evenings unless i got fútbol.

[info]talkswithghosts in [info]invol_journals

In which Kristijan needs Hallowe'en advice

I am trying to distract myself from all of the less pleasant things that are all around these days. So.

I have been trying to finalize what costume I wish to wear for Hallowe'en. My ideas have the same basics (leotard suit, tulle skirt, ballet style shoes), it would just be a matter of dying the fabrics and working on the accessories/embelishments, as well as the headpieces.

I have done some sketches and have two ideas I am torn between. They are:

The Black Swan (or the White Swan?)


A peacock.

Which would be better? Help!!

[Filtered to Oliver]

Wonderful roommate, would you be able to help me with my costume, stretching some fabrics and what not?

[Filtered to George]

Thank you for listening to me the other day. I needed to ramble. I have an idea for a costume for you.

[info]fearfactors in [info]invol_journals

007 → wednesday evening.

Sweet-as, we're getting a serial killer? Christmas has come early this year.

[info]creamandcrimson in [info]invol_journals

yeah idek what time it is in indiana and my grandma has already emailed me four times

[info]lustres in [info]invol_journals

OMG like......... what if this guy breaks out????? Because I totes saw The Black Dahlia and like anyone who knows anything knows that the slutty girl slash struggling actress ALWAYS dies first!!!!

[FILTER: Violet Harper]
If he ever gets out it's going to be you or me so we need to come up with a plan.

[info]helpline in [info]invol_journals

I can't help it, every time someone mentions 'chip', I keep thinking of potato chips instead.

Lol worst pun ever, I know.

Pretty sure we have a History essay due Friday but I can't remember what it's about.

I just wanted to see if this filter ends up distracting you in class. Is it distracting?

I can hear you nagging me. I'm focusing in class. Really.

[info]mantracker in [info]invol_journals

Predators are a natural part of any ecosystem. I don't think that being Vols would exempt us from that. I'm not saying that this bloke is innocent or misunderstood or any of that nonsense, but I just thought I'd point that out. Creepy, eh?

Just got to hope that he doesn't have a power that prevents tracking. Fingers crossed.

[info]irishdragon in [info]invol_journals

I feel it's as good a time as any to point out some of the nicest most trustworthy blokes I've ever met were murderers. Old bastards, but they swear up and down they weren't no different when they were my age. May be this "serial killer" ain't dodgy at all.

Honestly, how did none of you get in ANY shite over yer vilf list? Where's the slapping and screaming birds? I feel cheated. Raph I especially expected multiple girls to bang down our door.

[info]grips in [info]invol_journals

OMG WOW IS IT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR JUST ONE DAY WITHOUT BAD NEWS???? If I don't read an article tomorrow about like, 80 disabled Vol children rescuing 300 war vets from like, a BURNING BUILDING then I am just going to STOP GETTING ON THE INTERNET even if it means NEVER SEEING FACEBOOK OR TWITTER AGAIN.

[info]bamfgirl in [info]invol_journals

Right, now I definitely want a fucking gun.

Consider this my new goddamn wishlist, IVI staff who are probably reading this.

And if we have to keep it non-lethal, that's fine! Cheap, affordable, lightweight!

[info]totalrecall in [info]invol_journals

Yeah, this'll go well. I can't begin to imagine how this'll blow up in anyone's faces. For fuck sake.

[info]unreliably in [info]invol_journals

and so ivi shifts from a reality show to a survival game

gonna get me some popcorn ready