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October 5th, 2012

[info]grandloves in [info]invol_journals

when i was young my parents hated politicians more than almost anything else in the world and i don't HATE them hate them, you know, i don't care enough for that but when that's your base on political opinion from a very young age you and by you i mean i don't grow up thinking very fondly of the whole process and administration and stuff anyways. then i was (and am!) a vol and that made it worse because that whole thing has been sketchy and my government in france didn't do much at all for us. it's a sinister thing, politics.

basically what i am saying is i don't like seeing my classmates turn into politicians

[info]unreliably in [info]invol_journals

honestly, there's not gonna be any challenge to the power structure. no big changes and no more freedom; perhaps the illusion of freedom, just like the swans had. this is just to make you all kill time and stop talking about breaking out, you bloody idiots

don't tell me that american debate went like this because shiiiiiit son, i would've watched the shit out of it

you guys should fight for the stuco positions, votes be dammed

...kody are you still shitting yourself on medbay? you're a class act, you really are

[info]talkswithghosts in [info]invol_journals

[Filtered to Team Toucan]

I think we should all get together, outside of training, and do something fun.

For bonding.

We could have a games night, or do something outside, or anything, really.


[end filter]

In some cases, it is going to be very hard to decide who to vote on for the election. I do wish everyone the very best, though.

[info]polarity in [info]invol_journals

Hello, everyone! These campaigns are a little emmerdant, non? Bon, well, I am running for 1994 representative. You should vote for me because

  • I am ginger.

  • I understand.

  • I can argue against the best of them. Or lock them in a closet.

I would offer to change the school, but I don't thin know if that's possible. Governments are nearly as stubborn as Austrians!

[info]understander in [info]invol_journals

dear diary friends,

I'm sure some of you have noticed I haven't been around much lately in my physical body. but i think i'm going to be able to go back home today. to my room, i mean. Sorry Edwin, but your few days of having a single are going to come to an end. i had a really great time these last few days though, away from my physical form. it never fails to amaze me how lucky i am for my vol powers so whenever i have physical pain I can just escape it, escape into the astral plane. i didn't even have to miss any class this week. I was there with you even when you couldn't see me. a few of you even touched me, though I think that was an accident. Harlow walked right through me. funny, isn't it? do you remember it?

i think one of the reasons i really love the astral plane is because it gives me a chance to really just listen and to be. i can feel everything so much more on the astral plane because i feel connected to Gaia. and at the same time i feel it less, but in a good way. i don't feel cold or wet or dry or hot. i just feel a part of it all. i can feel this way too in my physical body but it takes so much longer to get to that point. which is still amazing that i can. that's the other reason i love the astral plane, because it lets me appreciate my body more. our bodies are wondrous things, and leaving mine really lets me appreciate being back inside it. mine betrays me, hurts me, makes me cry, but then it also lets me touch and feel and interact. it's really amazing what our bodies can do, both with just ourselves and with another. it's why i work so hard to take care of mine, because it's already so fragile. it's why i only put natural products in it. and why i come back to it even when it hurts, because i need to take care of it and feed it. it's really amazing to me what my body is and what it isn't. I think it was C.S. Lewis who said that you don't have a soul. you are a soul. you have a body.

i'm really excited to go to pub night tomorrow and be able to interact with people. i watched a movie with hailey but i was on the astral plane, so while we shared the experience, we couldn't interact. i'll be on too many pain meds to drink but i'm just happy to interact with humans again - i think it'll be easy to get drunk off that. i miss you all, my friends.

peace b w/u

[info]moquist in [info]invol_journals

it's happening again and i don't know how to stop it and i can't talk to anyone because then i'll be crazy girl not weird girl and i can't do that again. i just want to go home.

The election is really fun! You're all super smart and it's pretty nice to see all your ideas. I wish I could vote for everyone!

I don't think I'll go to pub night this weekend so if you want my tickets, let me know.

[info]claraty in [info]invol_journals

I used to have a trampoline when I was little. One of those big ones without the fancy child safety nets around them and the big, dangerous springs on the side. And like, way before YouTube, my friend and I used to put her dog on the trampoline and jump and Chester was SO EXCITED but SO CONFUSED because he was bouncing and he couldn't quite figure this weird elastic surface out but there were people PLAYING with him. And then one day he bounced right off the trampoline and into my mum's roses.

I kind of miss times like that.

[info]corrosively in [info]invol_journals

I'm not a fan of politics as a rule. Or at all. What I will say is that while the likelihood of this being a puppet government is high, that doesn't mean people shouldn't try to make a difference. If they're stubborn enough and have the stamina for it, it might surprise us and if it goes horribly, it's fun to say 'I told you so' so the cynics can have that.

As always with pub night, people can feel free to have my tickets if they want them. I'm starting to think there should be a spares jar.

    What about putting up a Cancelled Night for the television? I'm sure via the nerd network (which I think makes you the Wonder Woman commanding the league) we'd have a lot of great old shows to watch. Particularly the poor people who've never seen Firefly. If you think we could get enough to have a night a week watching an episode of maybe 4 or 5 shows, it could be interesting. Think people would be interested?

[info]monkeydo in [info]invol_journals

[ 17 year olds ]
Movies tomorrow night! 9:00, first floor common room. Bring movies and we'll vote.

Also, vote for Sadie or Ellie [edited in 5 minutes later] or Tanja [/edit] for class rep depending on what year you are!

[info]unicycles in [info]invol_journals

does neone know wheres the cheapest place online to buy condoms in bulk??? i got a box from the hospital wing but i dont think they rly want to give me as many more as i need :/