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September 27th, 2012

[info]nawal in [info]invol_journals

Last week, I had an accident with my powers that could have been much worse. I used to have them far more often, but this was the first in several week. I was fortunate that I was outdoors and that my target wasn't flammable, but it was still quite nerve-wracking at the time.

This gave me an idea: I should start a support group for other Vols like me, with dangerous abilities.

This does not need to be an official club, and we do not need to have formal meetings, but I believe it could be helpful for myself and others to know who at IVI would be willing and able to talk to others who identify with our struggles.

The way I think would be most expedient to arrange this is that I will create a list of members over e-mail. That way, everyone will have it for future reference and in case there is a need to contact the entire group. To join this group, please just let me know as soon as possible, either by commenting here, or contacting me whatever way makes you feel the most comfortable.

[info]fck in [info]invol_journals

yes i'm out. no i don't care what i missed. yes i do know i'm a fucking idiot and no i don't care about that either. but sorry about your face anyway kody.

just out of curiosity does anyone have powers to just like i don't know make someone not care about something or to think something else or i don't fucking know.

and who the fuck took my fucking laptop last night?

[info]marine in [info]invol_journals

hey, neve, i have one thing to say to you: finnick ohdear.

as a reminder, i can see your dreams when they are particularly emotional.

the well-dressed italian is kinky.

i may have a boyfriend, but you're still my favourite daydream. dinner/movie tonight? we can roleplay with me as saraswati. help you get some confidence.

[info]gotluck in [info]invol_journals

this is shaping up to be the WORST fucking day.


hey, sorry about

listen, i

[info]lilja in [info]invol_journals

I am totally fine with fixing people's computers and stuff when they break and I am even pretty okay with people having private things on their computer but if you want me to fix your computer at least name the folders with your ~personal items~ so that it's in something that gives away that it's not something I would want to see CARTER


[info]understander in [info]invol_journals

I think what we really need is a bit more happiness in this place. Let's all share something about ourselves. Share your favorite poem or your favorite lyric. I would love to see what touches your soul.

Here's mine.
when the clock strikes me
something will be different
something will feel completely random
the moment will feel slightly eerie
the unexpected will change places
with the predictable
and life will truly feel like an adventure

- Saul Williams

[info]decerebrate in [info]invol_journals

thursday afternoon.

Hi loves, I feel still awful about what happened Monday, and you all better promise that you don't loathe me for it! My ability's still a work in progress, and that Nawal girl I'm working with the counselors and even Rathborne, total jerk that he is, to get a proper handle on it. In the meantime, you're the best xo. Still on for a team pool party this weekend?

Hey babes. :)

Hello hello, please direct your attention hereabouts, DOES ANYONE ELSE HERE DANCE? Not just like ballet, I mean anything choreographed to a beat! Call me crazy, but how fun would a recital be? It's been a while since the talent show, which I didn't go to, and we've all gotten a bit more comfortable here, so I thought I'd toss the idea out there. :)

[info]totalrecall in [info]invol_journals

I've managed to memorise every page of all of my texts books. Tests should now be incredibly easy, although I'm really fucking bored.

[info]ravissement in [info]invol_journals

Well, my evening looks remarkably free no thanks to Little Miss Internet. Was I not intriguing enough? Is there something wrong with my approach?. I suppose I could sit here and twiddle my thumbs until something exciting happens, or I could go about making it myself. Unfortunately, I find myself fresh out of ideas.

So what do you do for fun? If I were home, I would most likely be watching the television with my parents making fun of Mattéo for being covered in grease in the garage helping Emma clean [...] in a café with friends or going shopping. But here, I find myself reading or taking more walks. It is not as beautiful as home, but it will have to do.

[info]rumouring in [info]invol_journals

LISTEN UP BITCHES, swans won yay good for them hope they have a blast whatever. us super awesome peeps in condor are good sports and will tip our hats to these winners, but we will also be making sure that they regret missing ivi's BEST WEEKEND EVER

yeah thats right this saturday the condors will be throwing a TIKI BIKINI BEACH PARADISE PARTY A-GO-GO!! so break out your itty bitty polka dot bikinis my lovely pinepple princesses and your banana hammocks my big kahunas and lets have ourselves a beach partaaaaay

also note i am accepting auditions for live music, no shitty performers plz. also if anyone can find the hydrokinetic or like anyone else who can make ~waves~ then you can be my favourite for a day


right so lets do this thing bitches!! errol kiara you're on decor, damien jordana in charge of games, harry ishak on food, remy on libations, kody on promotions, i'm obvs on music & mc, fin on everyone getting funky, whitney on looking h-o-t. mal can bounce the undesirables

[Audra, Hendrik, Hedda, Uldis]

alright you crazy weather bitches, i'm conscripting you to make sure things are gorgeous this weekend got it?? and uldis can i get 'KARIM IS DA BOMB' in clouds plz kthx kisses


ok novak here's the deal i can maybe get my hands on some beach toys but i need you to turn them into enough for the whole school capice?? do it or i'll tell marine that daisy found midget porn on your hard drive

{ooc note: my bad, the lake isn't going to be announced till tomorrow so it was edited out of this post - but rest assured Karim will be announcing it as the new venue for the party tomorrow!}

[info]fck in [info]invol_journals

i went to confession earlier and feel much better. but i need to everyone forgiveness for being an arse all the cursing and not being very nice to some of you and that sort of thing. it's really not as bad here as i used to think and there's no excuse for my behaviour.

[info]doomsdame in [info]invol_journals

[Filtered to Jimmy]
Is Gator Hunters coming to IVI? For ... crocs or something?