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September 11th, 2012

[info]svanstrom in [info]invol_journals

in which erik is belatedly reconsidering his class choices.

can i drop a subject and take an independent study does anyone know
i think i give up on maths

unless that super maths person can give me his power
more useful than licking things i think

[info]marine in [info]invol_journals

Tommy Wiseau is Belgian. What did your country give the world?

[info]decerebrate in [info]invol_journals

tuesday morning.

Has anyone else met the new kid? He seems so sweet! My Japanese is limited to konichiwa, arigato and my usual order at my favourite sushi place back home, so I wasn't equipped to give him a proper welcome, but I tried my hardest. It must be beyond overwhelming to be in his shoes, so let's be nice, though I prob shouldn't have to remind anyone.

Tack Taka Taki?, if you're reading this, welcome to IVI. :)

[info]lustres in [info]invol_journals

Okay so like I need work on my accents so if I could get volunteers from people to like work on that stuff, I'd be totes appreciative!!!! Like I think I have my Australian one down pretty good but like I totes can't tell the difference between South African and British. Like no offense. It is just like my tongue doesn't work that.

I mean like I'm not going to pay you but you get to talk to me which is pretty awesome I think. ♥ Lol. I mean I'll buy you ice cream?? Or something? Idk. Or you can do it out of the goodness of your heart!! Which I recommend because like come on you need all the good karma you can get when you're trapped in the middle of Australia.

[FILTER: Daisy, Karim, Violet, Mason, Marine]
Ok so is there like a secret lotion everyone's using or something because it's like everyone is dating someone except me??? Like seriously do I smell or something, like I make sure to use like that birthday cake body wash from Philosophy, it smells really good in the bottle.
[FILTER: Robbie]
Soooo what's the movie for this week???
[FILTER: Erik]
Can I ask you a serious question??? Like be honest?

[info]mimicries in [info]invol_journals

Out of curiosity, how many of you have pets?

[info]veterinary in [info]invol_journals

Anthony! I have found something to help us with our secret evil plan (thanks, Carter, for the link to that science website! Maybe we'll be less evil to you)!

But really, this is hilarious, you should all just read the reviews. Some of my favourites are:

"As a busy mad scientist with many voices distracting me on a nearly constant basis, it is helpful to find such a wonderful product that I can use on on a daily basis. Whether as fuel for my robot army (coming soon to a neighborhood near you) or as a catalyst for mutation or just as a healthy snack, this product continues to amaze. My wife/captive swears by it and uses a pinch in her morning coffee. She is literally glowing from the inside out because this product. Highly recommended!"

"This product has made my life so much easier, in numerous ways. I've saved a fortune on electricity thanks to the healthy green glow given off by my dog. I no longer have to worry about mosquitoes and flies in the house during summer, as they can no longer fit through my windows. I was even able to type up this review in under three seconds, using the extra arm that recently grew out of my chest! I was very pleasantly surprised by this product, and would heartily recommend it. 5 stars."

Plus a really great one about trying to use Uranium instead of Plutonium in the DeLorean (Spoiler alert: it doesn't work).

[info]agentpaper in [info]invol_journals


[posted during internet times]
So in Canada, we don't steal your cars, your money, or your entertainment system. No, we steal your maple syrup. When your syrup gets stolen, that is when it really hurts. If you're Canadian anyway.

On a personal note, I hope this doesn't create a shortage that interrupts my recurring shipments from home.

While I'm at it, I'm going to post a few things I found extremely inspirational and would like to try to recreate:

This plant is incredible. Does anyone know what it is?
This one is colloquially called a lobster plant because the leaves look like lobster claws.
I found these as well. Unfortunately they are beyond me at the moment, but maybe one day.

[info]fck in [info]invol_journals

so fucking bored i'm either going to go mad or die or all three

[info]polarity in [info]invol_journals

In Austria, we dance without socks and steal bicycles. It is very sophisticated.

cut for picture )