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August 30th, 2012

[info]eudyptulaminor in [info]invol_journals


Can everyone just stop beating the shit out of each other? Enough with the violence. You're not making it any easier for yourselves or anyone else that's stuck here with you.

Let's all just chill. How about a little solidarity, for fuck's sake?

[info]readyornot in [info]invol_journals

29// Wednesday night

Today was definitely one of the better Wednesdays I've had here. Can't say I understand why everyone is so worked up about solitary, though.

[later edited to add]
I found this online. At least I know it's not just me.

Reasons Why the English Language is Hard to Learn )

[info]teanotcoffee in [info]invol_journals

Filter to Beth and Tess
So I had the intentions of texting you two but then I promptly realised that does not work for the whole group dynamic of corresponding. So then I thought e-mail but I was lazy so here this is.

CAKE! WE have two days till Aksel's birthday. we should get started on this epic cake. When is good for you guys?

Filtered Private
Annoying the blood guy, probably not smartest thing I have done.

[info]haemic in [info]invol_journals

Parker Phillips is unimpressed with your sartorial choices.

Now, I realise we are on a closed campus, largely cut off from the public eye. But, my friends, this is hardly an adequate excuse to dress in sweatpants for lecture. In fact, here is a bit of advice: there is never an adequate excuse to dress in sweatpants for class unless you're a FUCKING IDIO

If you're not quite sure how to start dressing more appropriately for your age because you're ALL FUCKING IDIOTS, I suggest this article. It may be targeted to university students - which we obviously are not - but the advice largely applies:

When you dress sharp, you think sharp. If you don’t believe me, try it out yourself. When you feel put together, you feel more alert, more confident, and more ready to tackle the day’s tasks.

Truer words never spoken.


Where are my business cards?

[info]readyornot in [info]invol_journals

30// Thursday, before dinner

Because sweatpants are fucking comfortable, there's going to be a bunch of us hanging out in them in the 2nd floor guys lounge tonight around 8 until...whenever. So if you also enjoy being comfortable, feel free to join us. There will be snacks, but bring your own if you want. Games would also be pretty cool. Sweatpants optional because who cares what you wear?

[info]rascal in [info]invol_journals

i think i jst became a man 2day

[info]enpierre in [info]invol_journals

(posted during internet time)

Not that any of us should be allowed to see such a thing in real life, but the video is fun.

BBC News: Koala surprises canoeists by hitching ride in Australia.

I was inspired by Sunny's cat videos. I never knew there would be so many videos of cats on the internet. But then I never owned a cat, so I never felt the need to film every move that it made.

[info]whipmyhair in [info]invol_journals

[Filtered: Private to Kody]
Come on up, kiddo. Any friend of Karim is an asset friend of mine! :) Those big boys picking on someone little like you, it is just not correct: I shall keep you under my auspices until they cool their fucking heels.

I have some Jolly Ranchers up here, if that will shut you up sweeten the deal.

Hello, everybody! I would just like to make an announcement, sorry to disturb your days. Just to say that, for the time being and until further notice, little Kody Cruz is under my protection. You are all such lovely people, and I would like to think that this is simply a precautionary measure to stop anybody doing anything they regret in the heat of the moment!

I am sorry to say that I will look very sadly on any attempts to harm a hair on that boy's head, and I know that nobody here wishes to hurt my feelings! So let us keep everything :) and less >:[ okay? Okay.

[info]marine in [info]invol_journals

cheers to everyone who celebrated, i will handwash any clothes that you cannot get paint out of. thank you for making my twenty-first brilliant!

i realised today i really missed belgium. anyone want to commiserate on what you miss most about home?

so, you hit karim. what is your problem? he's smaller than you.

are you okay?