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August 26th, 2012

[info]gengars in [info]invol_journals

Devon's out to get me. Sobbing forever. Next thing you know she's going to throw my iphone out the window. I'm counting down the clock when she snaps at my korean boy band alarm clock.

[info]deceleration in [info]invol_journals

001. AUG 26 2012.

I don't know what he did, but I just saw Carter being taken away by guards. I can only assume he's finally landed himself in solitary. I'm going to see if I can find out what happened, but who knows how forthcoming the staff will be with information
It would be so nice if there was a full week without something ridiculous happening here. I am not talking about petty drama, either. It is the idea that someone we know is being hauled off to solitary confinement on what seems to be a weekly basis now. Are we supposed to get used to that? It's exhausting.

[info]cyberblonde in [info]invol_journals

I can't believe we've only been here for 6 weeks. It feels like forever. I want to go home. Also, does anyone have something like, stronger than Tylenol? My head hurts so bad I want to cry. And please don't tell me to like, go see the nurse because duh, I know, I'm not an idiot, but I really don't want to leave my room right now.

Carter's in Can you please Hey.

[info]magnetow in [info]invol_journals



[info]kikkoman in [info]invol_journals

My room got "TP"ed!


[info]pushmepullyou in [info]invol_journals

Filtered to Team Condor
    I think we should do something fun together this week. The frisbee and picnic day was a lot of fun, so what about something else?

Filtered to Vol Club
    Has there been any progress about getting us a blog or a tumblr? If not, that should be our goal for the week! And how did the Dean take our letter?

Filtered to Aksel
    Is Han still mad at me?

How is everyone? Does anybody want to play frisbee this afternoon or something?

[info]soulconnection in [info]invol_journals

A few days ago I mentioned possibly putting together a fund for the aunt of the Vol who was killed in Russia. The dean said it was okay if anyone is still interested. You can either bring the money to me or Jimmy who is in 7b. Thanks.

Would you like to go for another walk?

[info]occluded in [info]invol_journals

kolme. we can break the laws, until it gets weird

As precious as I am finding this "pub night" tradition, I wish that after those drinks I could have been trudging home to my own flat, to spreadeagle like a sky-diver across my own bed after hugging everything in my own walk-in closet. Nothing will ever compare!

Ei ole paikkaa kuin koti. )

Still, it is better than ordinary prison! And if one has to share a room, one should count their lucky stars if they are rooming with Providence Segokgo.

And what's all this about some naughty chaps doubling-up on solitary? Fill a girl in.

[info]primemover in [info]invol_journals



I have to give it up though, Peyton was fucking on. Broncos should've left him in a little longer. I'll take that W though!

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_journals

Only in Essex would a lion be on the loose and not be from a Zoo. As long as it doesn't turned out to be a stuffed toy, we'll at least be better than Southampton.

[info]auriferous in [info]invol_journals

jesse has discovered something awkward.

yo brosephs dont call that number 4 a good time thx. also tomorrow i'm gonna be singing downstairs (JEAH!!) so hit me up with requests

[info]helpline in [info]invol_journals

sunday morning

I got a Twitter account yesterday, and this is what I've discovered so far:

1) Twitter is strange.
2) And a little [...] overwhelming.
3) My siblings are embarrassing on Twitter (why does my sister make the weirdest duck faces in her pictures and why is my brother freaking out about misplacing his glasses)
4) People just follow you without having to know you first?
5) When Justin lol a celebrity replies to you, you get a lot of followers.

Have you ever studied Robert Frost's 'Acquainted with the Night' before?

Hey fellow Reds fan, you up to watch them go against Manchester City tonight?

[info]replicable in [info]invol_journals

AUG 26 2012.

SO. FELLOW STUDENTS, I'D LIKE TO DISCUSS A CERTAIN TOPIC WITH YOU THAT NO ONE SEEMS TO BE TROUBLED BY: the mysterious "staff building" we aren't allowed to go into.

now, at first you may think nothing of its plain exterior with the little sign that says it's for staff only. maybe it's just a state of the art break room. maybe it's where they keep their enchanted rose/magic mirror dual pack. maybe they host orgies there. who knows. however, if i have learned anything from years of being a self-proclaimed pop culture aficionado, i believe the "staff building" is just a front for a more INSIDIOUS PURPOSE.

let's discuss. what do you think they're keeping in the west wing? i'm 99.9% sure it's where they're going to cage us up and make us fight for sport.