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August 20th, 2012

[info]chimericals in [info]invol_journals


To everyone who came to the swap shop and slumber party last night--
To my uh-may-zing team that threw me a surprise lunch yesterday--
To the sweetest roomie ever who absolutely rules at picking polish--

Ya'll'er the best. ♥

And I will see you at pub night this Saturday!

[info]chargeup in [info]invol_journals

monday afternoon.

either my roommate's got sticky fingers, or someone broke into my shit.

bet you're next.

christ, i'm starting to miss hangovers.

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_journals

[Filtered to Team Loon]

In an attempt to foster some sort of team spirit, how about a survey?

What, in regards to your ability, are you most proud of?

Edited: As per Bryn's request, the thing I am most proud of in regards to my ability was sorting out how to turn them on of my own accord. I realise this doesn't sound like an accomplishment, but it meant that I could start working off a schedule and stop cutting school and avoid getting to the migraine-stage of my power capacity.

[Filtered to Nawal]

We've not talked in awhile. How is everything?

[info]creamandcrimson in [info]invol_journals

thanks everyone for the bday wishes and to my fellow eagles for the cake today - you guys are the greatest. seriously.

it's kind of weird bc my school starts back today and everyone is talking about it on facebook. anyone else in a similiar sitch? someone asked when the first scrimmage was :(

[info]excommunicated in [info]invol_journals

Now that we know the administration was serious about making accommodations for an ice rink, I'm thinking it might be worth it to petition for a rock wall in the gym.

[info]eftirherma in [info]invol_journals

Crushed Phones and Feral Girls.

Are we charged to replace phones? I've accidentally crushed mine.

I said for every- You two should have lis-

Thank you for trying to help with Eun Joo. And I am sorry I could not get to her fast enough before she got to you two.
I bet none of your days today was as eventful as mine. I had to deal with a feral minded teenage girl that got set off by a bug and then attacked three of my teammates and our leader.

[info]c6h12o6 in [info]invol_journals

Filtered to Leigh

I was going to give you shit crap crap 'bout your boy Manning, but I heard y'all had a rough day at training today. You okay?

And thanks for getting my stuff back to me. Hasn't looked that clean since I got it.

[info]strengt in [info]invol_journals

011: monday night.

My supply of liquorice didn't last nearly as long as I thought it would. I've been looking into ordering some more, but between shipping costs and the AUD/DKK exchange rate, I think I'm going to have to wait until I go home at Christmas, just out of principle.

To piggyback slightly off of Carter's last post -- any national specialties that you're looking forward to stocking up on come the holiday, IVI? Contraband tragically aside, I'd be interested in what kinds of indulgences (snacks and otherwise) you can't live here without.

[info]magnetow in [info]invol_journals

This campus is not safe.