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August 8th, 2012

[info]systolic in [info]invol_journals


Out of wondering, how many of you all are Jewish?

[info]tangible in [info]invol_journals

I understand that plenty of people have strong emotions about IVI/IVF, their goals, and the means they're using to achieve them. I do as well. If everyone could take a moment to think about what they post for public consumption here, to look at it with a rational mind and a critical eye to avoid sensationalism and hyperbole, I think that would help. Havoc doesn't aid anyone's cause.

Benjie Aquino-Robinson
I know that you're in this up to your neck now, defending what you've said to everyone who's commented to tell you the myriad of reasons why your choice of quote is not only inapplicable to our situation, but grossly offensive. I just wanted to say, that while I expect you'll come back with some sort of defensive logic as to why you're justified in what you've written - you're not. This was wrong. I am offended. I request an apology, and that you give greater consideration in the future as to when it is appropriate to reference quotes that were originally applied to mass genocides.

Cati Mendez
Are you okay? You missed training, but I thought the protest ended early?

Nawal Bechara
I'm so mad I could throw up.

[info]beaconing in [info]invol_journals

benjie has controversial thoughts

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Does anyone else have the feeling that anything could happen to us in here, and the rest of the world will either a) not care, b) not know until too late or c) not be able to do anything anyway thanks to the force field?

[info]svanstrom in [info]invol_journals

in which erik would like his beauty sleep please.

( OOC: posted directly after these texts )

i am very sorry, but how do you turn off vibrate?

[info]fastforwards in [info]invol_journals

002 → wednesday morning.

So now the HPS is a terrorist group? Is this really happening? I feel sick.

[info]seisms in [info]invol_journals

My uncle was there. He wasn't even a Fuck.

Uh. Also, minutes are free at the admin building, to those who didn't get the memo. Unlimited pity-free minutes.

[info]pushmepullyou in [info]invol_journals

Vol Club + Mimir
    I think, as our first official act, we should organize a prayer service or at least a candlelight vigil or something for the victims of the attack.

    ETA: I've asked the Dean for candles so we'll see what she says and I will make a post about the vigil. Maybe tonight at 9 in the quad? If we don't get candles, I say we raid our rooms. I know Katja has a bunch of candles. I also like Nawal's suggestion of a moment of silence.

    ETA2: We have candles and matches.

This week is the worst.

[info]readyornot in [info]invol_journals

21// Wednesday morning.

It is fucked up a hard reality to know someone wants you dead just because you exist and that they will kill others just to get to you.

[Later edited to add]
Anyone want phone minutes to call home or whatever?

[info]puppeteer in [info]invol_journals


This is fucking bullshit. You can't fucking bomb people because you're scared that they're fucking different from you. What the hell does that do besides kill a bunch of innocent people? The one known Vol there survived anyway so what does any of this stupidness prove?

Look I don't care if I like you or not, if I know you or not. If you need minutes to call friends and family hit me up. I have plenty to spare.

I don't want anything in exchange.

[info]wooden in [info]invol_journals

[Strikes out fully visible]

I have seen a few posts already offering phone minutes to those who might need them—mine are also free to anyone who requires them. Perhaps if anyone else is willing to make the same offer they might comment here, to make it as easy as possible to keep track?

Irrelevant and unnecessary: minutes are currently free at the admin building.

[info]grips in [info]invol_journals

I think it's kind of BETTER that we're all stuck here instead of out there in the world where people are going to KILL us just for being ourselves. So MAYBE we should all take a break and stop fighting amongst ourselves, RIGHT??? We have WAY more important things to worry about, clearly.

Don't think I'm going to let you off the hook for TEXTING EVERY OTHER GIRL IN SCHOOL because we're all in a time of personal crisis! If I even THINK you're trying to capitalize on any poor young girl's emotional distress this week, I will CRUSH you. :*

[info]fck in [info]invol_journals

for fuck's sake i was just trying to get the fuck out of here

[info]walkonh20 in [info]invol_journals

There is not enough coffee in the world for this day/week/lifetime. I miss my old neighborhood. If you didn't like someone, you punched them and moved on. No innocent bystanders. Not that violence is the answer, etc.

[info]suzee in [info]invol_journals

oh my god what if they bomb us here next?

[info]doomsdame in [info]invol_journals

I've seen a couple of people post concerns about our safety, and I just wanted to say... I don't know how many of you paid attention are aware, but there are lockdown procedures here to keep us safe during emergency situations until we receive an all clear from faculty and staff. There's also an evacuation plan in place if we need to leave the compound.

I know we haven't had any drills yet, but maybe we can request that there are some soon, because familiarity with the procedures is really helpful. We used to have bi-monthly disaster drills at home.

Oh! And messages and alerts are supposed to go straight to our cell phones, so you might not want to turn them off.

[Filtered to Team Toucan]
See what I mean? Other people think it's a good idea, too. We really are on the right track with team-led disaster drills. Toucan can be the model!

Moa and I started searching for the bunker yesterday, btw. We didn't find it, but I'm still looking. Anyone else up for our next scouting?

[info]cockblock in [info]invol_journals

Fuck them too, then.

[info]alizadeh in [info]invol_journals


The sad part is I can't say what that group did surprised me.

[info]pushmepullyou in [info]invol_journals

For anyone interested, the Vol Club will be hosting a candlelit vigil in the quad at 9 o'clock for the victims of the Olympic attacks. I've We've asked the Dean for candles, but if they're not available, we'll think of something else.

It'd also be nice to have some music, maybe, and if anyone else has ideas, we're happy to hear them.

ETA: Even if you don't agree with the Vol Club about things, you're still welcome. This is just so we can show support for the victims.

[info]marine in [info]invol_journals

this cannot be happening. thoughts and prayers to everyone who had family or friends at the olympics.

i don't understand attacking this, the olympics: it's a place for countries and people to come together, this makes me---

is it even safe to be here, hps knows where we--

for anyone who wants to keep abreast of the situation, i am going to try and speak to administration about getting a channel link to the news, or to open up the internet, if anyone wants to tag along.

i remember us talking about your running. i hope your friends are safe if anyone you trained with was there representing spain.

[ooc: the group who went were told that they cannot do anything about the internet because it is a bandwidth issue. the televisions are currently beaming in one olympics coverage channel, which will certainly be talking about the event, but will also be showing events --- as the games continue.]

[info]itsvanhogh in [info]invol_journals

els is choosing to focus on another kind of drama

is there anything in the world greater than a male gymnast?

answer: there is not.

[info]jewplicate in [info]invol_journals

four. wednesday after lunch.

black september did it better.

[info]totalrecall in [info]invol_journals


I need to stop watching the fucking television. These images, words and fucking feelings are going to be stuck with me forever. I need to do something else.


I'm going to get out of here and hit the gym if anyone wants to join me. Might go for a swim too.

[info]shadowbinder in [info]invol_journals

My cards are getting bent all around the edges, I've been handling them so hard.

I'm a tarot reader, if anyone wants theirs read. I'm not saying it'll make everyone feel better, but I just need to concentrate on something else, so this is me offering. I won't even charge, and Lord knows it's been a while since I read for free, so y'all who'd be interested, better get the pie while it's hot, or something else hick like that.

[info]violetsarered in [info]invol_journals

so they're the human preservation society

and all they managed to accomplish was

killing humans

flops tbh

[info]corrosively in [info]invol_journals

i guess that controversy and the resultant worry about whether the security for the games would be good enough was well founded.

[info]ishak in [info]invol_journals

Did anyone else see that cloud rabbit? It wasn't just me right? It was hopping and everything. Can we stop talking about the bombing It was a nice distraction, even if it wasn't real.

[Team Condor]
Would anyone like to break fast with me today? I would like the company, if anyone isn't busy.

Is your family okay?

Are you okay Is your family okay
I wish I could help, or do something.

[info]readyornot in [info]invol_journals

22// Wednesday, during lunch.

Well that sucked.

But it's good to know they actually are monitoring every inch of our lives here. It's not just in your head.

[info]helpline in [info]invol_journals

Are your parents all right Did you check on [...] It's okay if you don't want to talk, but if you need anything at all, just let me know.

[info]hydro in [info]invol_journals

Jiwon is human, too.

today can end. i will not miss today.

[info]elongates in [info]invol_journals

two. wednesday during internet hours.

How could
Why woul
Does anyone want to pr
Is everyone's fam

I can't believe this.

What is even the point of saying anything??? :\

Your kin's all squared away, I hope??

[info]whipmyhair in [info]invol_journals

I have been watching the television today with a...a strange kind of feeling. On the one hand, of course I am horrified at the scenes we have seen: it defies understanding, the mindset of a terrorist. To be so dedicated to a cause or a belief that any action appears justified in the service of it? That is a style of thinking that I cannot understand, and I would hope that most or all of you feel the same way.

There is another sensation I am feeling however, and it is one that I am not entirely proud of. My father, Crown Prince Valentijn, is a familiar face at the Games. He has visited many of the athletes and watched numerous matches with his family -- with my family. I am a little concerned about their safety, but only a little: it is a terrible thing to take comfort in, but I know that if they were hurt -or worse- then it would have made the headlines.

But then I am learning so much here. I think that admitting these things as true will only serve to infuriate some of my classmates. It is a troublesome road to walk :(