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August 1st, 2012

[info]flashboom in [info]invol_journals

...Why do we have a Vol Club at a school for Vols?

[info]moquist in [info]invol_journals

Sweden got a medal! In horse jumping. I think you call it that except it sounds like you jump over horses not that horses jump over things but I think you know what I mean.

I need some sleep.

[info]puppeteer in [info]invol_journals


This place would be better if there was an X-men style danger room or at least one of those Star Trekky holo-things that you can design to look like whatever you want.

Or you know, if we had the ability to leave. That would be great.

[info]readyornot in [info]invol_journals

15// Wednesday morning, before breakfast

If this thing about being able to leave for Christmas is true, then I'm going to the beach. Just need to figure out which one. And how not to make sure I stay out

[info]kikkoman in [info]invol_journals


Track and Field Club has been approved!

If you are interested in Track and Field Club, please tell me here! I will be having an informational meeting next Monday at lunch, but it will be super helpful to know who is considering. No prior experiencing is needed.

Please fill out this form!

[info]aliformis in [info]invol_journals

This Institute is not quite as bad as I'd initially believed it would be. The usual background levels of life-reducing people and experiences, but I'm surprised by how many of you are so sweet! And cute ;) It's easy to put up with the losers when there are so many people here who are a joy to be around.

It's...weird. When I was home, I hated using my wings. Now that I'm here, I really kinda enjoy it: perhaps it's the open skies or the warm weather, or maybe it's the fact that I don't need to clean an inch of smog off my feathers when I come back inside. I miss the obstacles, though: the updrafts around the Empire State building, dive-bombing Rockefeller Plaza and scaring the tourists. I used to hang around Saint Patrick's every once in a while waiting to fool Catholics, but

I don't know. This is a lot to take in. I'm going to busy myself with my own club in the meantime, and it's not one that needs some go-ahead from any faculty.

[Filtered: Private to Neve]
[In Italian]

I am of the opinion that you are very pretty, physically and mentally both. If soon I am going to the bar and you are going to the bar, perhaps I and you can accompany each other together?

[info]corrosively in [info]invol_journals

For the sake of curiosity and pseudo-science, do we know who was first to manifest an ability? Was anyone ever named as the first, to any ones knowledge?

I realize we're just a small group in comparison to the whole, but I don't remember there ever being a Vol 0 reported on or even mentioned at any point, which does strike me as a little odd.

[info]readyornot in [info]invol_journals

16// Wednesday, before dinner

Like we needed any more proof that people hate us. What was that about cooperation and support?

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_journals

One bonus to being sick -- listening to a lot of Olympic broadcasts at odd hours. Too many negatives out-weigh it, though. Ugh.

Hopefully I've managed to contain the flu to my one room; this one is brutal. Five days of being laid up is 5 too many.

[info]rumouring in [info]invol_journals


[Private to Marine, Lottie, Vi, Jasmine, Daisy, Isla, Ellie, Tanja]

also omg lol there is a girl here named MOA whose power is to know when someone is talking about her HOW AWESOME IS THAT

i have set my phone to remind me to mention her in conversation every half hour so don't be weirded out when i'm just like i don't think blue and orange should be included together in beep beep oh hold on MOA ENQUIST so anyways they just don't compliment yknow

[info]doomsdame in [info]invol_journals

Vol or not Vol?

THAT is the question.

[info]maskelyne in [info]invol_journals

The "Human Preservation Society" is an awful name. Makes me think of a bunch of vigilantes running around dumping formaldehyde on all those who've been "attacked" by Vols.

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_journals

ha ha ha

glad i didnt skip dinner today. woulda missed the show.

sucks to be that guy

so whatd he do?

[info]sparky in [info]invol_journals

So... how do you know when you've signed up for too many clubs?

I think I might have. But not on purpose!

[info]creamandcrimson in [info]invol_journals

isn't hpv actually a virus?

you okay bro

[info]helpline in [info]invol_journals

I'm starting to regret taking subjects that involve too much reading and memorizing. Yeah, they're more interesting than what I learned back home, and I intended to take them anyway for university, but when you combine literature and history-type subjects together the words start becoming a blur. Or a spiral.

Maybe I should've taken up something like Carpentry instead for one of my independent studies.

[...] This doesn't have anything to do with training, but I kind of need advice? [...] I kind of want to dance with this girl at Pub Night, except she said no the first time I asked. But I still want to ask her again because I think she'd have fun. Would you do it if you were me?

[info]fulgurant in [info]invol_journals

I don't know about y'all but I'd be offended if some fucking group calling themselves the HPV or whatever, was going around making accusations about teams having Vol athletes participating. Plus, it would spice things up, since the Olympics is usually boring as fuck. Anyway, anyone wanna tell me what happened at dinner? All I saw was a tall skinny dude, a sobbing dude, and then my fork floated away from me before I was able to dive into my mashed potatoes. Someone owes me some hot mashed potatoes.

[info]mimicries in [info]invol_journals

HPS is fucking bullshit, but dinner made this day [...] interesting.

[FILTER: Solomon Tyler]
What the hell?

[info]rollicking in [info]invol_journals

HPS sounds like an STD and has the manners of one.

Bull fucking shit.

I get that the Olympics are a big deal for the people who train for them and accusing them of a genetic advancement just basically wipes out all that effort. This? This is petty fucking jealousy by idiots who want someone to blame. If it wasn't us, it'd be doping. Gosh, aren't we all so fucking happy to be a new scapegoat?

Where do I find an Idiot Prevention League? One that has the right to bear arms.

[info]tangible in [info]invol_journals

[ Max ]
Are you alright? Do you need me to come over? I'm sure everybody's probably asking this so maybe you just want to be left alone, but I'm worried.
[ Solomon Tyler ]
You're an asshole.

[info]catalunar in [info]invol_journals

Solomon Tyler, I hope you have a very good reason for abducting my teammate today.

[info]seisms in [info]invol_journals

Inserting obligatory "I told you so" here.


[info]likepetrichor in [info]invol_journals

All the talk about the Olympics just makes me wish we had Vol-specific games.

like pro-bending!! ;)

was there already a platypus-bear team? I can't remember, but it only seems right b/c we're in Australia and all

though I guess there were those koala sheep from when Zuko struck out on his own and ended up at that farm

omg I sound like such a nerd :( I was just up early a lot on Saturday ok :(

[info]pushmepullyou in [info]invol_journals

    I think we need some bonding time. Anyone up for a game of frisbee on Saturday before pub night? Use of powers absolutely allowed! We could bring some things to have a little bit of a picnic, too, and just hang out.

    Anyone interested?

International Vol Club/Whatever they're calling it
    I think our first official act should be to thank the groups who have classified HPS as a hate group. Or at least we should make some sort of statement about it. Don't you think?