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July 25th, 2012

[info]fanimal in [info]invol_journals

i still have a headache from orchestra today.

i hope this is not a foretelling of things to come. #worst day yet

[info]allegs in [info]invol_journals

Oh. My. God. Lunch was amazing, Nolan. And everyone else. Why can't every meal be this entertaining?

I swear I have been trying these last two days. So unless anyone else has been feeling inexplicably frustrated, I think the snake pit was just a fluke. Can they just decide I am crazy/not a Vol after all and send me home?

[info]fck in [info]invol_journals

DJ shit came fucking finally. Least I'm not too tired or sore to use it either.

[info]marine in [info]invol_journals

i think this is all i need to say,

you are actually mental, don't ever not be my friend.

[info]mitzi in [info]invol_journals

Is anyone interested in petitioning the school for a track and field team?

[info]ex_stench166 in [info]invol_journals

Team Condor.
I'm including Malcolm so that he can know what is happening. If you choose to not read any more after this, Malcolm, it is entirely up to you.

I want to try to talk to the dean to get him removed from the team. I don't think any of us wants to be his nanny any more than he wants to be babied. I'm not calling him selfish, when a large reason why we (or at least I) want him there is because we're doing more push-ups when he isn't. He gave some reasons why he doesn't come to training. I wish he used some other ones, but what can you do?

We will get used to extra push-ups. I don't care about that too much. My problem is I don't want to be disqualified from any challenges in the future because of his actions, or the lack thereof.

Does anyone have any thoughts, or ideas on how to go about it?

[info]illure in [info]invol_journals

The secret is out. Some of the staff are Vols too. Sorry to disappoint - we aren't the first. Yesterday I caught my art teacher speaking to her paintbrushes. I'm certain they replied. She also appeared deep in conversation with flowers.

Particularly the daisies. Unsurprising though - they are quite beautiful.

[info]cyberblonde in [info]invol_journals

Y'all, this week's episode of True Blood hit a little too close to home. I'm not really sure I want to keep watching.

But there was this conversation that Sookie has with Sam, where she asks him if he would give up everything that's "special" about him (ugh, if I could like, never hear the word "special" again, that'd be great) if he could? And it just got me wondering, you know... would you guys give them up? Stop being a Vol if it meant you just got to go back to living a normal life, but the rest of us were still stuck here?

Or maybe the better question's whether anyone would actually KEEP their powers, if they had a choice.

[info]notactuallykali in [info]invol_journals

I didn't think I'd enjoy being forced back into the classroom, but I'm really enjoying it. Of course that could be because I have some really brilliant independent studies going on.

It'd be nice to stop aching from Loony Bin Time though. Without having to substitute it for counselling. Blegh.

[Private to Team Loon]

Punch ups? Really?

[info]ex_rebounds165 in [info]invol_journals

005: wednesday afternoon.

FYI, I just submitted my proposal for IVI's first Film Culture Club. I'll be curating a series of movies to be screened once a week in either the amphitheater or main lecture hall, and then we'll open it up to discussion afterwards. It should be fun.

Please bear in mind that we will not be screening anything that's won Best Kiss at the MTV Movie Awards. It's a film culture club, so we're focusing on pieces with actual academic and artistic merit. If you want to watch the latest summer blockbuster / Cameron Diaz movie, go start your own club. This will not be a democratic operation, though I'll be taking suggestions under consideration.

Not that I'm actively discouraging membership or participation. Very much. I just want you to know what you're in for. If you've got an open mind and a willingness to learn, then by all means, come join us.


Thought this might be easier than just making you a list. And this way, we get to screen with a real projector, instead of on my Macbook.

Also, I need to talk to you. In person.

[info]prophesee in [info]invol_journals

[Password Protected: Henry Hannigan]

23/07 - Winter, poss. early December as Christmas decor present. "Hyvää Joulua!" researched phrase, it's Finnish so geographic placement. Goat was present in background, symbolic? Arguing couple -two men, one early 20s the other 27 exactly- but speaking Finnish(?) so no idea what was said. Argument ended with tearful embrace, 27yo's brother entered unexpectedly holding a sausage.

24/07 - Summer (Winter? S. hemisphere) very clear so happening soon. Boy with dreadlocks [saw him at pool party, need positive ID] and curly-haired boy, physical altercation. Curlyhair used his powers - some kind of radioactivity? Probably wouldn't have known that outside the confines of the dream. Unpleasant, anyway. Very unpleasant.

Consider the Prime Directive. More good than harm if interfere. Might only hasten confrontation? Consider vision: in the future, only boy w/ dreadlocks is affected. What if interference puts more people in danger? One in definite peril or potentially risk the lives of more? Terrible calculus of premonition.

Feck it.


I'd like to share something very special to me: this watch. I was given it, when they first told me what I was. It was meant to cheer me up, and I suppose in a way it did. In Doctor Who, the Time Lords can store their consciousness in a receptacle -it looks like a pocket watch, like the one I own- and then a device overwrites every single cell in their body. It changes them completely, lets them hide from the most dangerous foes the galaxy has to offer. At the time I thought being given it was a joke, but now...I'm not so sure.

I'm a precognitive. I don't run faster, don't train harder. I can't hold my breath for three weeks, and I can't punch through a truck. I don't have the ability to turn your brain into custard with my eyes. In fact, except for the 'gift' that a few times a week I see a quick glimpse of the future, I'm of comparable fitness to any other seventeen-year-old boy who spends too much time indoors and engages in less than regular exercise. The fact that I'm now expected to engage in military-level physical training is...well, it's fecking ridiculous. I don't care who reads it. I hope they read it. Half of you spent the first two weeks here telling us we were exaggerating, that it wasn't all bad. That you were sick of us whining. Now we're children, being trained by soldiers, being forced to exercise like they did to Winston in 1984. What's next, the Two Minutes Hate? Soylent Green is Vols?

I might be a nutty conspiracy theorist to most of you, but the one thing history's taught us is that nobody ever worried about anything until it was too late.

Speaking of which, there's a boy with dreadlocks here somewhere. I need to speak to you about a dream I've had.

[info]otissaunders in [info]invol_journals


To: famsaunders87@hotmail.com
From: osaunders@ivi.edu.au

Dear Mom and Dad, )

[info]ex_adelia958 in [info]invol_journals

I know someone has already begun to organize for football and track and field, but I was wondering if there is still interest in field hockey? Moira brought the suggestion up first, however, as we are now allowed to petition, I thought it would be wise to check back in!

I would also love to be able to continue playing volleyball if anyone has any interest in that :)

And while I am writing, I am more than happy to tutor Spanish -- even better if it in exchange for help with my Portuguese!

[info]corrosively in [info]invol_journals

I know this is going to sound ungrateful and vaguely idiotic considering people spend inordinate amounts for holidays in the sun but I am too British for this weather. Seriously, we're more or less born with webbed feet to deal with the massive amounts of rain. To quote, we call forty days and forty nights a summer. By the time 'summer' hits, I'm just going to be a puddle with glasses.

My complaining out of the way - Sunny (and anyone else who would be interested), do you still want to set up a comics night to read new ones, new-to-us ones and general comicy goodness? I think I found somewhere here that gets them Thursday, so if we include shipping and the staff having a look through, we'd be a week behind at most.

[info]suzee in [info]invol_journals

I wish I could take all the art classes as independent studies and like, just sort of drop in on each one every week. MY ARTISTIC SPIRIT IS BEING SUFFOCATED.

[info]itsvanhogh in [info]invol_journals

sooo has anyone noticed if the toilets here flush the other way?