July 2013




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Jul. 14th, 2013


Involuntary RPG is now closed.

July 13, 2012 - July 14, 2013


Look, you can think what you
None of you even knew her,
Before you decide to judge me or my sister


I'm sorry that


I guess I really fucked this one up, didn't I?

[Ultimately, nothing posted.]


see you all on the other side.


[his Parisian phone number, and an address in Paris.]

Jul. 15th, 2013


Okay, here goes nothing. I don't like goodbyes, because I get all weepy and gross, but I will say this: for the last time, there is cupcakes in the lounge.

Can't wait to see what you do with this, Evie.

[eagles + stuco]
    Thank you. I don't really have anything more prolific to say but you guys, okay? Just you guys.

[conner, claudia, immy, rashida, conner, rianne, padraig, lilja, daisy, mette, momo, leigh, sunbird, harlow - it's like 1am, if i missed any of her friendly types, just go ahead & respond]
    You guys are the reason I'm actually a little sad to be leaving.

    Tech ladies, it's been a fucking honour. Claudia, I am re-enrolling in Uni and it's all your fault. Rianne, I stayed out of solitary and have never actually fucked conner because of you, so thank you. Immy, Harlow, you guys and chris both introduced me to new culinary delights. Rashida, if you can manage to boss Pad around from home, teach me your ways. Mette, you were the best roommate a girl could ask for. Momo, you were fucking close second. Ladybug, I know more survivalist shit than ever and it's all down to you. I will visit. Sunbird, no matter what, still one of us. Conner? See you on the flight home.

Jul. 14th, 2013


Let's all do our best to keep in touch, yeah? donovan.murphy@gmail.com

I don't really know what else to say except thank you to everyone who helped me make it through this. I know we're all gonna do great things.


I originally write out this huge thing (because who am I?) but I decided to scrap it. I already did the long emotional goodbyes with the people that needed them and I think you've had enough of my walls of text. You're welcome, my Vol family.

If you want to chat after this, feel free to e-mail can reach me at masonjlaughlin@gmail.com. I promise I am much nicer in real life than when I'm stuck in a prison for a year.

See you later, folks.


It's been an experience everyone. Insert some terrible joke about our paths crossing again here (oh don't give me that look, I'm allowed) because it's definitely bound to happen.

And with that , I'm out. To the great Canadian wilds I go!


over and out


Are you still around?

Dani and Shannon.
I'm going to England instead of Scotland. Wish me luck.

Bye you lot. Email me if you're in the UK. I don't have anywhere to offer you to sleep or anything, but let me know. Here's to never getting ditched in a ravine or shot at with a paintball gun again. Cheers.

Alright Kody's masterpiece is still on my wall from ages ago, so if anyone wants to see it, I've left my room cracked. It's 2E. I would say don't steal my shit, but I don't think I own anything worth stealing. And if you do, I'll make you feel bad about it.

Anyway, cheers IVI.


Goodbye, everyone!!! It has been very fun, except for the times we were almost killed by demon clowns or terrorists or agents of our own governments!!!

You all must come to Valletta for Karnival next year!!!!! We will have the most festive of all floats!!

Jul. 15th, 2013


So Davi and I are backpacking around Europe together. For a few months, at least. If you have a home base in the area and can stand to put up a couple of actual Loons (we had the most appropriate team name, let's be honest) for a night or so, drop one of us a line. Both of us are decent cooks, you may get fed for a night.

Everyone else has said this much more eloquently than I ever could, but you guys were honestly the best and only good thing about this place. You're the reason why even though I'm glad to get out of here and finally be able to move on to some sort of future, I have a few mixed feelings about leaving this hell hole.

Jul. 14th, 2013


I was in terrible shape when I came here and I thought the thing that I wanted most in the world was to be left alone. As most of you may have noticed over the course of the year, I do quite a bit of writing in a notebook; I don't usually go back through and look at what I've recorded, but I spent sometime last night doing so. It's strange to read your own evolution (pun intended) over the course of a year and try to relive those feelings and those events in your mind. It's even more strange to realise just how much I've changed, even though I tend to take just as many steps back as forward. Like rock climbing in a way - sometimes a way up looks good, but you end up having to go back down a bit before seeing a clearer way up.

I've always been a private person by nature and I certainly hold to the English stereotype of playing emotions very close to the vest. It's never been much of an issue because I've lived, until this place, the entirety of my life within that very prevalent social convention. It's been a phenomenal education, then, to be around so many people that are used to a different mode of operation. From the explicitly religious to the unrepentantly emotional... I can't say that I'll ever be any of those things myself, but it's certainly softened some of my approaches to things. I am indelibly altered.

There were some very good things about this place. I know that a lot of the countries work quite differently, but in Britain we all went about our lives, never knowing another Vol. While I can't speak for everyone, I find myself surprised by how much of a gap in my life that was. Even for someone so used to being a pariah as myself, I find that I really did take a lot of strength from the sense of fellowship that just naturally kind of sprung up here and was, for better or worse, honed over time by the bad acts of the IVF.

I'm fairly diligent when it comes to New Year's Resolutions and 2013's is to Be A More Authentic Person. It'll always be a work in progress, but I think being here with the lot of you has made a lot of progress on that front. I do find myself feeling more self-assured. Connected. So in that spirit, rather than hide this in my notebook to be buried away by time, I'll post it publicly.

Good luck everyone. If you're ever in the UK, give me a ring. Those of you already there: expect phone calls. And plans.


Relevant song, bitches! I'm out!

I'd say it's been real or whatever, but a lot of you were assholes, so. I'm totally going to keep in contact with the cool people, though! Hit me up with your deets.


dani has overheard something interesting today (LOU SAID I COULD)

Wait, what the fuck is an undernet? Am I completely missing something?


so i know we're all saying goodbye and everything but. i just wanted to let everyone know that even despite everything, I'm glad met you guys even though the whole situation sucked. it's going to be weird when in a few days we're all apart even though we've all just met a year ago. i know that while we were here we were always like this time last year we were doing this with this person but in the next year i know i know that i'll be going, man this time last year i was playing laser tag or i was watching the superbowl and we played beyonce bingo. you guys changed my life and i am really glad that we are one big not always happy vol family.

anyway dudes, it's been real. if you're in indy lmk. I'm bradandcrimson @ gmail.

and seriously has anyone seen albert?



So long and thanks for all the fish, I guess.

[Included is a list of Davi's email, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.]

Enver )


Don't panic if I check in now and again. You know who you are.

So. What do you think?


alright. my turn, sorry. for anyone who saw me last night, i'm not joking when i say i'm going to miss you all. sorry i was a bit drunk.

i suck at goodbyes so i'm going to say i'm hoping i'll see many of you later, or soon or sometime. i don't think i'll ever come back to australia, but maybe one day. i'm not ruling anything out because who knows what's going to happen, you know? but if any of you find yourself in vancouver, call me up. i'm really lucky to be going back to a city where there's a few of us there.

as for keeping in touch, i think i threw my number at a few people and my email's damien.r.harrington@ gmail.com

[FILTER: Savannah]
one month from tomorrow. i love you.


I'm heading home to New Orleans.

If y'all are ever in the region and wanna visit the most haunted city in America, look us up for a stay. My parents own the Magnolia Bed & Breakfast, and I even used to do seances there. Not sure that's still gonna fly now, but we'd still love to have y'all. Plus, I still do tarot for guests.

On a personal note, some of the best friendships I've ever had in my life were made here, and while I'm sad we're splitting up, I figure we'll find a way back to each other at some point. Good luck wherever y'all are running off to, and remember that you don't owe anybody anything to stay in touch. I'm gonna leave my e-mail here: two.city.name@gmail.com.

Y'all are responsible for the biggest and most of the best memories I'll be taking away with me. If any of y'all ever want to meet up for any reason, let me know. Shoot Send me an e-mail if you want my number.


packing light is for pansies i guess

They told me I cant take a damn case of blueberry muffins into JFK with me. Told me chocolate chip muffins was OK, but not blueberry. Tell me how that makes any damn Sense

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