May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'katarina+%28miss_fixit%29'

Jul. 1st, 2021



Soooooooooooo.... I might've kinda done a thing.



Never thought that I'd live to see eighteen, but here I am. I even got a job and everything.

I'm also looking into apartments. Suggestions for cities?

Jun. 23rd, 2021



So, anyone else throwing any Pride parties before the month ends? We seriously need to celebrate more.

Ellie 2.0
Hey youuuu. Thanks for coming to my party. I know you probably weren't overly comfortable, so the fact that you came means a lot to me.

PS - You looked suuuuuper hot. Yum.

Jun. 13th, 2021



Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who remembered me on my birthday, and huuuuuge thanks to everyone who came to my Pride Party last night.

If Lita was here she'd have approved of it 110%. Hope everyone had a great time!

Jun. 7th, 2021



Deep breath, Ellie.

I'm not good with words. Never have been. But today's a special day.

Today's Kat 18th birthday.

So, I'm gonna try.

I don't know if many people know this, but Kat was the second friend that I made here. We connected straight away, although it wasn't until much later that we realized that our feelings for each other ran deeper than just friendship. Our decision to be together didn't come without some heartbreak and some teething problems, but after holyshitballs almost a year together as a couple, I've come to this conclusion: Kat is, singularly, the most amazing person I've ever met in my entire life.

Honestly, most of the time I don't think she even realizes how amazing she is (which, whoa, what the fuck, right?). There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not blown away by who she is, or how privileged I am to be loved by her. I'm thankful every hour, every minute, every second I get to spend with her, because I know if I hadn't met her I wouldn't know what it felt like to meet your One True Love. I wouldn't know what it would've meant to be afraid to love someone so completely, be afraid to lose them and dive in anyway. I would've missed out on us. And there's a good chance I would've missed out on who she is today.

I love you, Kat. For who you were, who you are, and who you're gonna be someday. Happy Birthday.

Private to Kat

And if you're not against the idea, after this week ... maybe we could run away for a little while? Just us, our love, and the open sky?

Jun. 1st, 2021



Teens Only

Not to step on Kat's toes, but I feel like a big, end-of-the-school-year bash needs to happen. Something in the woods with a bonfire that is separate from the PRIDE events? Would anyone be interested?



My bestie Lita might not be here anymore... but dammit, she loved having a big Pride party every year, so I'm keeping her tradition alive.

Next Thursday, 8pm, the top of Stark Tower in Freedomtown. We're gonna call it Young Pride 2021, and it's a special party for anyone between 16-23. Obviously no booze will be involved, but we'll have good music, good food, and TONS of fun. Let me know if you're interested, because depending on how many people RSVP, we might need to cap it.




This month... Pride has begun to mean something a little different for me.

[ooc: That's the non-binary gender flag.]

May. 27th, 2021



Who: Ellie and Kat
Where: Doom Republic, Kat's workshop
When: Prior to this post
What: Ellie gets a ship all her own.
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed; Complete

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May. 14th, 2021



Holy flarkin' shit! I'm gonna be 18 in three weeks. I wish my mom and dad were here to see it, but as long as I have Ellie, my friends, and Sawyer & Mama J, It'll be great.

May. 11th, 2021



You know... I'm realizing a few things about myself. I do enjoy music (especially the creating it part), but I don't think I'll ever want to make it a priority in my life. I enjoy building things and doing the Young Avenger thing too much. That's who I am, deep inside.

Any idea what you're gonna name your ship yet? Cos for real: you have to. Totally bad flarkin' luck not to.

Enid Rhee
Bitch, where the flarkin' hell you been? I miss my bestie.

Hey girl! I checked with Ellie, and she's totally cool with letting you check out the ship I built her. Just... do me a favor and gimme a chance to clean it good first, ok? Please trust me on this one.

Apr. 3rd, 2021



I flarkin' did it!!!

I've been trying to crack how to get into a hydro engine for an Atlantean transport ship without having to completely separate the engine from the hull (thus breaking the seal) for two d'ast months now, and I finally did it.

Sometimes I wish I could give my brain a big flarkin' kiss.

Mar. 18th, 2021



Needed: Someone open-minded and unbiased to talk to.

I'll buy the coffee.

Feb. 4th, 2021



Private to Zorii Bliss

Hi! My name's Kat. I'm something of an inventor. Hoping you could do me a solid here.

So, a while back, I built a LMD (Life Model Decoy). Essentially, it's a droid that's built to be as close to human as possible. Long story short, something happened and it gained sentience. And it's kinda dating someone now, and wants some new forms of self-defense added to her, so she can protect her girlfriend.

I'm good with weapons, but admittedly robots are still a little new to me, and I don't want to risk messing up her programming or her sentience. And... I understand you have a friend who's flarkin' near a genius with them. Could you ask them if they'd be willing to help me?

Feb. 2nd, 2021



Who: Ellie and Kat
Where: Kat's Workshop
When: Previous to the recent plot
Rating: PG
Status: Closed; Complete

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Jan. 25th, 2021




Hi, you don't know me, but one of my girlfriends told me that you would be the one to get in touch with if I wanted to start making bombs to help with our new friends currently in the sky.

Jan. 21st, 2021



Had a sudden hankering to do some Young Avengers shit again. Something about blaring "Flying Whales" by Gojira just gets me all revved up to go charging into battle.

Dec. 28th, 2020



Feelin' kinda restless and bored.

Wonder what kinda trouble I can get into?

Nov. 23rd, 2020



Private to Josie Saltzman

Before word gets out and the rumors start and believe me, they will, I've started a new relationship. He's a powerful warlock from a different world and about a decade older. We started talking one night and just instantly connected. I'm still being cautious because I can already tell that his magic is a LOT stronger than mine, but it's already going so well.

Private to Kat

So things with Ash have gotten serious. I just told Josie about it. I think it's time we break it to Ellie unless you already told her.

Nov. 2nd, 2020



Thank you so much to everyone who attended my Halloween bash at Ryze! It was tons of fun, and we raised a lot of money for Open Arms!

Personally? My highlight was getting to kiss Ellie in the DJ booth while "Dance Macabre" played. That was kind of an unofficial bucket list thing there.

Oct. 30th, 2020



So, Brandie and I have been working SUPER hard on this for the last couple months, and managed to keep this a secret from almost everyone... but we did it!!! I actually have an album! When I envisioned Scarlet Gospel, it was as a mostly solo act. But me and Brandie have made such a great team here... I really hope you guys enjoy it! You can order a copy through Full Moon's website, or pick up the exclusive version at Madhouse Music (HI JYREEL!) that has two bonus tracks, just a couple of covers we did for fun.

I was looking for an answer when I fell into you... you were like a dream cos you never came true )

Oct. 21st, 2020



Ahhhhh, Halloween. The one time per year where I can blast "Monstrance Clock" and not have people give me weird looks and think I'm a satanist.

And yes, Mama Emeritus is making her triumphant return when I host Ryze's Halloween party.

Oct. 13th, 2020



Status update on Rocket:

Mama's been staying with him at the hospital pretty much since she arrived. He's gonna be ok, hopefully soon. Losing her even briefly really did a number on him mentally and emotionally, but once he sees she's not going anywhere again, he should be good to go.

Normally I'd say he'd appreciate visitors or calls, but let's be honest: this is my dad. He pretty much hates everyone.

Oct. 12th, 2020



Time to start planning a big Halloween party for this year... we're gonna do it up big this year.

I got permission from Ben Bale and Rick McQuade to use Ryze for my party. I'll DJ (natch), and tickets to the party will be sold, with all proceeds going to help those who lost everything in the purges rebuild their lives. So start planning to party big on October 29!

Oct. 7th, 2020



Da fuck man.

Yo, Pops come sign me out of this place.

Oct. 6th, 2020



Now, this is so fetch!

Oct. 7th, 2020



Stay as Long as You Need

Who: Ellie and Kat
Where: Ellie's Room
When: After Six's vanishing
What: Ellie comforting Kat
Rating: Low
Status: Closed; Complete

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Oct. 6th, 2020



I never thought I would return home again.

Thank you, gem!

Oct. 2nd, 2020



Ellie and Juliet

I probably won't be home till morning. Tony found my dad all dehydrated and sick. I'm gonna go meet him at XMH.

Oct. 1st, 2020



What a shitshow.

Mom's gone, Dad still hasn't come out of his workshop nor said a single word to anyone.

But someone has to be strong here, so I guess it's gonna be me. I had my meltdown, I had Ellie and her amazing family to comfort me through it, now it's time to pull the big girl pants on and get back on track.

Juliet and Sawyer were nice enough to let me basically move in with them for however long this whole thing lasts, so I've started having my stuff transported to the Doom Republic so I can basically have a makeshift workshop here.

So. What'd I miss?

Sep. 22nd, 2020



I'm not gonna lie. I'm having a rough go of it right now.

I miss my mom. I feel so helpless without her around. Sobo was like an older sister who always looked out for me. And Alisha... she'd been my ride-or-die bestie pretty much since I could first talk. And to make it worse, Daddy hasn't spoken to me once since Mom left. I don't think he's spoken to anyone. He's just... locked alone in his workshop.

I'm so grateful to Juliet and Sawyer for letting me stay with them for a while... and I feel so bad for putting Ellie through having to see Sad!Kat... but I don't know what to do.

Sep. 17th, 2020



Today's the day for burning things.

Sep. 16th, 2020



Shit. Thanks to the gem, I just lost my mom and my bestie. As an added topping to this utter shitburger, now Daddy's being super quiet, locking himself away in his workshop, and giving one-word answers to everything.

I'm gonna cry, I swear to god.

Sep. 11th, 2020




Who: Ellie and Kat
Where: Kat's New Workshop
When: Not long before this post
What: Kat being adorably frustrated
Rating: PG
Status: Closed; Complete

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Aug. 25th, 2020



Alrighty. I hate admitting defeat. I really do.

There is almost nothing in the world I hate more than having to admit when I can't do something.

But here we are.

So here's where I ask all my mechanic/inventor friends if they'd like to help me on a cool, secret project.

Aug. 19th, 2020



Who: Kat and Skylar and Brandie
Where: Full Moon Records
When: Backdated to June 22nd
What: Kat brings by her music, gets to meet Skylar's daughter in the process

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Aug. 18th, 2020



OMG That vacation was so much fun.

I got to spend tons of time with Ellie (as well as tons of time with Ellie-In-Swimwear), got to know Sawyer, Juliet, and Claudia super well, and got wicked sunburnt. Turns out I don't tan. I go straight from pale to lobster.

I have got to get my mom and dad to go next time.

Aug. 15th, 2020



Mom, Dad, Tony Stark

I have a big favor to ask of you. We all live in Stark Tower, so would any of you be willing to take in Bobby Heffernan and her sister? Their guardians got poofed last week. They're nice girls, and Lila is REALLY attached to Bobby.

Jul. 29th, 2020



Who: Kat & Juliet
When: Backdated to July 21st
Where: The End Zone (Doom Republic)
What: An unplanned lunch meeting
Rating: PG
Status: Closed & complete

There's something to be said for making a good impression )




Who: Kat & Ellie
When: Backdated to July 21st
Where: Kat's room, Six & Rocket's home
What: A spot of adorableness
Rating: PG
Status: Closed & complete

Sweet enough to give you cavities )

Jul. 15th, 2020



Who: Ellie and Kat
Where: Kat's Room
When: Following their network interaction here
Rating: PG-13 for possible triggers
Spoilers/Notes: Quotes from Riley were taken from The Last of Us: Left Behind DLC. The game never mentioned what the girls did after they were infected. Kir filled that in herself.

Read more... )

Jul. 12th, 2020



This is so unfair.....I don’t want to move. I like where we’re at right now. What about my friends? School, this is my last year of high school before I graduate. I understand the reasoning and I told my Mama Lindsay that I want to see her happy. It just sucks....

Jul. 11th, 2020




I'm meeting Ellie's parents next Sunday... so flarkin' nervous!!!

I don't know what to wear! Or what to say! Or more importantly what not to say!


Jul. 10th, 2020



Huh. What a difference two years of growing up can do...

Jul. 8th, 2020



Who: Kat and Penelope Park
Where: The Crashdown
When: Following this
What: Apologies and the beginning of an unlikely friendship
Rating: PG-13 for language
Status: Closed and complete

Really. Nobody could've seen this coming. )



You know... I didn't think anything could shock me anymore.

Then the night before last happened.

Still laughing by the way, Pen. You are INSANE.

Mom and Dad
So, Penelope offered to help rebuild my workshop and apologized to me. We talked it out, and nothing like this will happen again.

So, there's a CHANCE that I might've built you a hovercraft just like mine, so you don't have to rely just on the tram.

Jul. 4th, 2020



So, who's coming over for my annual fireworks display?

This year, we're gonna use a Skrull multi-missle launcher that I cobbled together and REALLY knock this outta the park.

Wanna make this one super special, so who's with me?

Jul. 1st, 2020



I feel like today is the start of a new me. I'm putting focus on my future, I'm handling things with a maturity that I didn't even think I was capable of, and I'm putting other people's feelings before my own. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I want a flarkin' medal or anything. This is all crap I should've already BEEN doing. But at least I feel like I'm finally moving past being "the old Kat".

Lita Todd
HAY GIRL. We should get together soon. It's been TOO long.

Brandie Bale
I got some new ideas for our masks/costumes I can't wait to show you!

Hey you. I hope you know thanks to you I've have four people ask me why I'm glowing so much today.

Jun. 30th, 2020



Private to Alisha
So... I did it. It went much better than I'd expected. Apparently I've matured more than I thought.

Private to Enid
Hey gurl. When you have some time, can we chat?

Private to Tori Crowe
I know you probably want some time away from me totally... but I wanted to say that I am so glad we were able to handle this as well as we did. You still mean the world to me, and I will never NOT want you in my life.

Jun. 28th, 2020



Flarkin' HELL. Does anything suck quite as bad as having a problem that you literally feel like you can't talk to ANYONE about?

No, this isn't me fishing for someone to offer an ear. I'm being serious when I say I really can't talk to anyone about it. I just wanna know how the hell you DEAL with something like that.