May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'jason+todd+%28rejectrobin%29'

May. 14th, 2021



Holy flarkin' shit! I'm gonna be 18 in three weeks. I wish my mom and dad were here to see it, but as long as I have Ellie, my friends, and Sawyer & Mama J, It'll be great.

Apr. 17th, 2021



Just wanted to take a moment to talk about how much I love the way Sheriff Hopper has helped set up the police force in the various cities here. We've managed to combine the police with 'superheroes', rather than have them on opposing sides, and it's amazing.

Also, I've been training one of Oracle's new operatives for a while now, and while yes, we're together and I love her, I can say without bias that she's going to be one of the great ones. So, officially, let's welcome to the Birds of Prey my protege and girlfriend: Becca Foster - The Black Vulture.

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Bec... I'm so damn proud of you, you have no idea.

Apr. 4th, 2021



Happy Easter, folks. Never forget the time The Easter Bunny got his ass kicked by Jay & Silent Bob.

Nov. 21st, 2020



Wanting to be a superhero doesn't feel the same here. I wanted so desperately to be the next Batgirl where I was from because I felt like Gotham needed my help. I have the powers and abilities to handle the job, but I had absolutely no training, and I was going off of my ego.

No more. I would like to start doing this legitimately. I know that this place isn't short on heroes, but it's still all that I want in life.

Nov. 10th, 2020



It's a great feeling to take someone under your wing, train them, and watch as they start taking to it better than you could have ever hoped for.

If this is how Bruce felt, now I know why he always had a Robin.

Oct. 8th, 2020



If the past few months haven't been crazy enough, now I'm on a different planet... in an entirely different reality?

That is totally cool, but I think that I'm totally alone here. I don't recognize any of the names on this list. What sucks is that I'm only fifteen, so I don't have anyone to take care of me now.

So if there's anyone with a little extra space, I'm Courtney... and I recently became a superhero.

Oct. 7th, 2020



Well, fuck. I almost won that race and then I find myself here!

Sep. 19th, 2020



Filtered to teens 19 and under, but over 15

Let's have a party! We are all missing people, I know, but we need something to do other than mope. It's sad, yes, but let's live a little. Who's in for tonight?

Aug. 12th, 2020



When I said that I needed a break from my sister, I didn't mean that I wanted to go to space in a different universe entirely.

Oh well, I guess here I am. My name is Kyle. I'm an actor and professional wrestler back home and I could use a couple of drinks.

Jul. 4th, 2020



So, who's coming over for my annual fireworks display?

This year, we're gonna use a Skrull multi-missle launcher that I cobbled together and REALLY knock this outta the park.

Wanna make this one super special, so who's with me?

Jun. 14th, 2020



Alrighty then!

So, I guess now you guys know what I've been so busy with recently. For once I wasn't blowing anything up, right?

Thanks to everyone who voted for me! I still can't believe I lasted until the end!

Oh, and if anyone's curious? The reason I glomped onto Princess Bea at the end? DUDE. Flarkin' look at her! I sang my butt off, d'ast right I was gonna get a hug from her as a reward!

Jun. 11th, 2020



Well, I did it, I went out and got myself a job. I will be working in a bookstore. A dream come true.

Text to Gar
Hey, I was wondering, would you like to go on a picnic with me in the park tomorrow?

May. 29th, 2020



That's right guys. I was the Panda! Did anyone of you guess it? The multicolored hair animals should have given it away!

I had so much fun doing the show and singing each week in a style I usually don't do. Unicorn Blood ladies, what do we think about a future rock album?!

Good luck to everyone who made it to the finale! I'll be rooting for you guys from home.

May. 6th, 2020



Flarkin' HELL!

It's hotter than SoBo in a bikini out there! I'm sweatin' like a Kree in a room full of Skrulls in here!

Private to Tundra
Hey gorgeous, you ok? I'm working on something that might help you if this lasts more than a few days.

Apr. 8th, 2020



Word to the wise: Death Wish Coffee is no joke. I'm bouncing off the flarkin' walls here.

What's the haps, oh fabulous rock star?

HEY BOO! I looked at that generator we were working on for your CynBot. Good news, it was only overheating because there was some thick dirt stuck in the fan. I cleaned it out good, and it seems WAY better now.

Hey there, oh gloriously-hot-friend-of-mine! How goes it? Haven't seen you in a while. Wanna hang out?

You busy? I could use some cuddles. Also, I found a bunch of cool British metal tunes from the 70s and 80s I'm dying to play for you.

Alisha and Magnus
You guys need to come visit soon. I miss you both!

Hey you... whatcha doing? Been thinkin' about you a lot.

Mar. 31st, 2020



I'm feeling SUPER energized right now. Just kinda in a "I can do anything" sorta mood.

How's all my peeps doing tonight?

Mar. 8th, 2020



Just curious... since I'll legally be able to do this in a couple weeks, would there be any interest in an authentic Japanese bakery/restaurant here? I love to cook, and I'm quite good at it if I say so myself... so I'd like to make a career of it.

If there IS interest in it, I'd be grateful if Liz-chan would want to have it associated with The Crashdown, since she and her family have been so wonderful to me.

Feb. 2nd, 2020



NAME Kat and Jason Todd
WHERE Stark Tower
WHEN 11/04/2019 (backdated)
WARNING language
STATUS closed
Read more... )

Jan. 21st, 2020



Ok, so at first? I hated the whole idea of school and being made to go here. But now? I'm so glad I am! I met this really nice girl named Katarina, who's a genius when it comes to mechanical things. She said if I help her gather parts for a speeder she's working on for fun, that I can have it when we're done!

Jan. 2nd, 2020



I... I'm back?

Donna, please tell me that you're still here and that you're OK.

I guess that I missed New Year's Eve. Eliza, I am SO sorry.

So hi... you're the only doctor that I know. I was wondering if you could help me with something that happened to me while I was back home. Or at least, you could probably refer me to someone who can.

[Dick (fuckbatman)]
While I was back home, I was abducted by Cadmus and they messed with my brain. Dr. Zola Grey-Shepard is going to do some tests to try and reverse it. I'm not sure if you need to be there for the tests, but I know you'll have to be if she has to go in to fix it.

Dec. 9th, 2019



If I have the calendar figured out as well as I think that I do, I turned fifteen today. Well... at least, this was the day that we have celebrated my birthday my whole life.

Nov. 27th, 2019



You know, it's a shame Larry isn't here. He'd be making a huge feast for Thanksgiving that we all couldn't eat in a month.

Oh well, guess I get to look forward to meeting the parents.

Nov. 4th, 2019



What the? What the fuck?