April 2024


Posts Tagged: '%7Ecameron+delacour+%28cammied%29'

May. 18th, 2020



I just can not go. I feel closure and can not go. Not like I am wanted there anyway.

Thank you for coming out with me last weekend. We should do it again sometime soon.

I had fun at the club. We should hang out again.

May. 13th, 2020



I can feel myself getting stronger already. It pays to have a good teacher and someone who understands and can do the same thing as I can.

I know we spend all our time practicing usually, but I would like to take you on a date this weekend? Are you free?

Apr. 27th, 2020



Thomas Barrett

When is the next meal you are free for? I've got some time. I got a little ahead in my school work.

Mar. 26th, 2020



How is it only Wednesday?

Feb. 12th, 2020



Mature Content in the Jean/Merlin thread

Filtered from students
I'm usually an upbeat person, but this holiday gets me down. Anyone want to boycott with me?

Students and Teachers
This Friday night we will be showing, 'A Winter's Tale,' for Valentines. The youngest students will watch A Charlie Brown Valentine's Tale at six o'clock. The other movie will start at eight.

Jan. 3rd, 2020



So I might be a little hungover, but I'm having trouble believing the year.

I come from a world similar to this one, but we were about to ring in the year 2000.

Since I'm new here, I may as well introduce myself. Cameron Delacour, I'm studying to be a veterinarian and I'd like to learn a little more about my powers if anyone can help with that.