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Posts Tagged: 'jenny+prescott+%28child_of_eazyv%29'

May. 9th, 2021



Katie's Journal: Mother's Day

It's been a while, journal...

Today's Mother's Day, and seeing everyone wishing everyone else a happy one of those, it got me thinking... I never got to be a mom back where I came from. I was never ready to be one. I was never in the right headspace to truly be a parent.

To be blunt, I'm still not ready right now either before you get any ideas, Jenny! :P. My current situation isn't enough to support that, but I feel like it's a far more attainable goal here eventually... and I want that with Jenny. Because Jenny's my everything. I don't know if I'd be so ready to admit that here without her.

In fact, I think I'd still be the scared girl I was when I was sucked into this place without Jenny. But I don't have to play hypotheticals about that. Because she's here. And she'd make an amazing mother. I know she would. Can't you tell I'm in love? XP

Speaking of Mother's Day, my and Annie's mom Jodie wasn't perfect. She got around in her earlier years. She and my biological Dad were both druggies before they had me and Annie, which makes me feel bad for Michael that he didn't get to see what true parents looked like until it was too late. But by the time me and Annie were into elementary school, she had become a true parent to us.

I love and miss that woman every day she crosses my mind. She looked exactly like Princess Leia, and I bet Jenny would have loved her just for that. And Jodie would have loved Jenny, too. Like how she loved my first girlfriend Stacy.

I hope when the time comes that me and Jenny get to be parents that we're like Jodie without the previous baggage.

I love and miss you, Jodie Elena Calico-Montes.

Apr. 27th, 2021



Me a month ago: "You know what? I'm gonna start posting more."

Me today: "OH SHIT! You know what I've totally forgotten to do?"

One too many chair-shots to the face, maybe?

Katie Prescott
Katiebear! We should each invite a couple of our besties over, have a little dinner party. Also, remember when I gave you that *ahem* 'hall pass' to use with Mouse? I think I might want one of my own...

Shelley Silver
I miss you, chickadee. You're still my favorite bitch.

Billie Dixon

Apr. 18th, 2021



Kinda funny. All the people from my world that are here either are dying to find a way to get back into wrestling here, or become superheroes, all kinds of ambitious stuff.

Me? I'm happy just being Jenny again. And being married to the woman I love. I think I'm totally ok with leaving Lara Blackheart in the past.

Mar. 25th, 2021



Well, fuck me sideways!

They have superheroes here and a place called the Sugar Shack? I've died and gone to heaven.

Hi everyone! I'm Meggy. Jenny, come catch me!

Mar. 18th, 2021



Since I'd pretty much do anything that would make my Katiebear happy, here's me trying to post more on here.

So, today's a fairly melancholy day for me. This would've been my parents' 22nd wedding anniversary if Daddy was still alive. In our world, my dad was a superstar. A legend in pro wrestling. So I know there's still a lot of fans who miss him... but none of them will ever miss him like I do. I was Daddy's Little Girl and I idolized his goofy ass.

He never existed in this reality, so... I don't even have a photo of him. Luckily I still have the necklace he got for my sixteenth birthday. It's something I can cling to when I think of him. I just wish he could've met Katie. I've dated some people that I know he didn't approve of... and Katie's basically the exact kind of person he always wanted for me. He'd had adored her.

So on less depressing topics, I'll give another short intro for myself, since I think I've posted on here all of once.

I'm Jenny Prescott. My parents are pro wrestlers Vlad Blackheart and Lara Chastain. I began training to enter the sport when I was 12 years old, and turned pro at 17. When Daddy passed away shortly after my 18th birthday, I paid tribute to both of my parents by taking the ring name of Lara Blackheart.

About a year before arriving here, I suffered a severe mental breakdown due to losing my dad. A big part of my recovery can be chalked up to meeting and falling in love with Katie. Her devotion and unconditional love helped heal my heart, and give me something to smile about.

Quite a few of my pals ended up here as well, including my best friends Mia Hayashi and Shelley Silver, and also my godfather, Judas Lasher.

Since coming here, I can honestly say I'm very at peace with not being a wrestler anymore. I work as an administrative assistant at Stark Industries (Daddy would FLIP HIS SHIT if he were here to see me working for Iron Man) and I'm thriving at the position. I love having a more 'normal' life, being able to go out with Katie, have friends over, not waking up in pain every morning.

So c'mon. Tell me a little about yourselves. Katiebear's got a nice little circle of friends, so maybe it's time I make one too. What kinda things do you enjoy? Sports? Music? Books? Let's get to know each other.


- Jenny

Mar. 16th, 2021



Private to Jenny Prescott

I know we have small talk all the time in person, but you should post a little more on this network thing, even if it's just so we can have small talk. That, and I see a lot of people I think you'd get along with on here.

Though honestly, if you don't post more, I'm not exactly gonna be upset because I absolutely understand, I'm the kind of girl who'd rather keep to my little circle, too. :P

Feb. 28th, 2021



So, me n' The Bestie went to that pornoriffic store Sexyland, in Commerceport. Figured we'd get some stuff to surprise our significant others with.

In our 16 years of knowing each other, I don't know that I've ever seen Jenny more ashamed or mortified to know me. Except for maybe that time we went to the Christian Family Bookstore while in Pittsburgh (they had breath mints called TESTAMINTS for fuck's sake, Jen! Was I not supposed to laugh?)

Anyhoo, the moral of the story is that even if you think you are incapable of being embarrassed, I find a way. In this case, it was was chasing Jenny around the store with a giant dildo while yelling "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!"

Feb. 17th, 2021



You know... for how much I keep saying how much my dad would freak the fuck out over this place if he was alive? I fail to mention that my mom would be low-key flailing too. Total Marvel nerd, that one.



Private to Jenny Prescott

I know Halloween's months away now, but I have an idea for costumes: Daphne and Velma from Scooby-Doo, because we both know they were gay for each other. :P

Dec. 18th, 2020



I'm officially a married woman.

I dunno how the afterlife works, or if spirits can travel between worlds... but I like to think my daddy was watching with a big smile on his face.

I love you, Katie. With everything I ever was and ever will be.

Dec. 4th, 2020



God, two weeks until the day... I know I shouldn't be, but I'm getting nervous. AND I STILL HAVEN'T SENT ANY INVITATIONS!

I'm gonna have to at some point. I have a few people in mind, but I don't want to leave anyone out tha-- waiiit a minute...

Private to Jenny "Lara Blackheart" Prescott

Baaaaaabe. Who do you have in mind to invite to the wedding?

Nov. 12th, 2020



I've run out of old Seattle Supersonics games to watch. If I were so determined, I could go find a universe where I could see them play in person. Then again, travelling from universe to universe in search of a basketball team when I could use that time to learn about other cultures, races, and species seems extremely vain and somewhat fruitless.

Oct. 28th, 2020



Private to Jenny "Lara Blackheart" Prescott

Hit me with a date for our biggest day, you gorgeous girl you.

Oct. 25th, 2020



Ok, I'm loving the music here so far. Between Eternal Embrace (so cool that Katie's like, BFF with the lead singer), A Woman Scorned (another singer my Katie's somehow befriended!), Bad Reputation, and Penelope Park (shuddup, a girl can like some pop with her rock!), I'm becoming such a big fan.

And now watching Idol here as well? Wow. Full disclosure: I am 110% pulling for Olive. I could listen to that girl sing all day.

Oct. 21st, 2020



Private to Jenny "Lara Blackheart" Prescott

Two questions:

1. Do we want to go to that Halloween/Engagement Party?
2. If so, what do we dress up as?

Sep. 30th, 2020



Katie's Journal Day 10

Day ten. Holy macaroni-n-cheese, I've made it ten days in this place without dying. I wonder if we can make it to twenty...

Mouse's place was really nice. I didn't make it in time to see her little one, but I did make it in time for us to see two old guys yelling at one another... and I genuinely wish I were exaggerating when I say that, but damned if that's not exactly what we got. All I could ask at the end was "so that's what schadenfreude is like?" Aside from that, I had fun. Mouse's hospitality even despite her low mood is absolute top-tier. 5 stars, would recommend.

I even gave her a hug at the end, which I don't remember if I'd promised her or not.

Today, however, is a new day. One nice thing about being in this dimension instead of my original one is that Mormons don't drop by my apartment to "spread the word about Jesus Christ" or salesmen don't drop by to try and sell me sponges. It's nice not having to worry about "who am I going to have to be mean to today," you know?

Yeah, sometimes the things I write in you can be really sweet, and other times, they can be inane. Honestly, I'm just giving observations about my time here, especially knowing it has the potential to end at literally any second with no warning. It'd be a real pain in the butt to have to go back home, assuming I live through my being purged.

Sep. 29th, 2020



Katie's Journal Day 9

Day nine.

I saw a couple of people from Star Wars walk in today, and for a split-second, I thought one of them was gonna approach me and say "Jyn Erso, is that you?" Then I remembered I don't look like that anymore (having looked as such for 23 years will do that to a girl), and I don't know whether to be thankful that I'm a ghost here, or worried about the actual Jyn-E should she exist here. Last I personally saw of her, she died as the very thing she started the process of destroying completely bodied the planet she was on, but hey... anyone's liable to show up in this place, so there's a little hope I'll come across her eventually.

Anyway, aside from that, this page is gonna be a little short. I forgot to set a day for when me and Beatriz were going to let "the blind [lead] the blind," so I don't fully know when that's going down. I've not heard from Mouse in a minute, and I'm curious as to her whereabouts now. Oh, and my fiancee Jenny (not the one who died getting the Death Star plans to the Rebels, the one who was a wrestler like me) met a gender-flipped Harry... Harrie Potter.



I never properly thanked Rachelle and Jenny for helping me out with that yesterday... thanks, you two.

Sep. 28th, 2020



Katie's Journal Day 8

Day eight.

Sorry that I've missed a few days of not writing in you, journal, but you're about to see why I've slacked: I have a job now, officially. I get to see all the faces that decide "I need to go to The End Zone" and take their orders and whatnot. There are actually a few folks I've heard of here and there, but mostly, they don't know I exist past being a waitress. Much like how I don't know them past being people from shows and movies I've seen. Heck, I thought I saw a wrestler who textually "killed" me once, but they were someone else completely. Thank god, but clearly, my culture shock is still there, even if said shock grows ever more acute.

Me and Jenny have an apartment near The End Zone, too. It's like a college dorm, which I'm personally used to, having lived at Georgia Tech for a hot minute, though knowing who-where-n-what Jenny came from, I do worry what she thinks about it. She's been quiet on this thing that I'm putting these journal entries on since we got here.

I'm gonna see about showing Beatriz around town, and maybe seeing if she and Mouse want to hang out after that. I think with them, in addition to Rachelle, I've found good friends. I've found my people, so to speak. I know I can't personally fill any sort of void that any of them may feel, but I can do my best to be as good a friend as I can be to them. This is my second (and possibly last) chance, and I promised myself that I wouldn't blow it should the opportunity present itself.

And I plan to uphold that promise to myself.

Sep. 21st, 2020



Don't quote me on this, but I feel as though I've seen something like this before... I'll have to ask my geek friend with the big tits about it later. If there is a later.

Hi, I'm Katie Montes-soon-to-be-Prescott, but you can just call me Katie. As Jenny pointed out, we kinda just popped into existence in this place. Again, I fell right on my face. That wasn't fun. But now we have phones and while I still don't know what this place is... it still kinda scares me at that... at least Jenny's here, so I have some sense of ground and familiarity in a sea of... uh... floating anonymity, I guess? I'm not too good at being creative like that.

A little background for me, so we can know each other a little, even though I have no idea who I'm talking to or really why I'm talking at all: I went to Georgia Tech, I have what was once called Asperger's Syndrome, and I feel like if this is some kind of survival horror game, I'm gonna die really quickly.

And yes, anime tiddies plz.

Wait, what do you mean "plz" isn't a word...?



Alrighty. I'm not entirely convinced I didn't smack my skull on the headboard during sex or something, but sure, I'll go with this being real for now.

I'm Lara Blackheart, for those who don't know me. If this is all real and legit, me and my fiance Katie both just randomly appeared in the middle of some park (thank god we had clothes on), and this hot little blonde chick called Nyx gave us our phones and the basic rundown of this place.

I'm only gonna say this once: if you are seriously from one of the anime we like? Expect us to hit on you mercilessly. You've been warned.

I see a few names here that I know, so... let's just embrace this shit. WHERE MAH BITCHES AT???