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Posts Tagged: 'kanan+jarrus+%28forceblind%29'

Feb. 14th, 2021



It appears that I have returned to this place on the day of the massacre. This pleases me greatly.

For every one that I did not meet before, I am Cara Dune. While I was back home, I was named Marshal of Nevarro, but I'm sure that won't apply to all that much here.

Feb. 11th, 2021



Weird, semi-random question here, but does anyone know how to get an evil-looking former Sith Lord to talk? Like... at all? About anything?

Because he kinda helped big time during the invasion, but after operating on him, nobody has called or visited, and it's a little depressing watching him heal all by himself.

Jan. 17th, 2021



Filtered to all Jedi
I've been feeling a disturbance in The Force for a few days now. Have any of you? Something feels... I don't know... I have a deep feeling of dread and I'm not certain why.

Private to Chi
Chi... I need you to double your efforts in protecting the entrance to the caves. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I feel that something terrible is coming.

Nov. 11th, 2020



After growing up in a zombie apocalypse, I never thought that I would ever be able to just feel so relaxed and secure. I think I could get used to this place.

Nov. 10th, 2020



While I'll probably never fully forgive myself for the things I've done... it's good to see that The Force seems to have done so. I have peace. I'm helping to rebuild the Jedi Order in a new universe. And I have Rey at my side, as it was meant to be.

This time, I truly am going to finish what my grandfather started: I'm going to help restore The Force to it's proper balance.

Oct. 21st, 2020



This place may be confusing and not a place I understand yet, but I will tell you all one thing that I know:

I am glad that I have found my friends that I thought I lost, and I am glad that I have found My Ben. I finally feel like I am whole again and not an empty shell. Who knew that love could feel like this?

Sep. 18th, 2020



I do try not to be a pessimistic person. But considering that I've been in this place for a while now, failed to capture the interest of the one person I had a romantic interest in, and now watched as my oldest friend was taken from me... I feel I'm entitled to a few days of sulking, at least.

Aug. 25th, 2020



My daughter, well, a version of her, is getting married in just three weeks. I am so happy that she has found love, and so young, too. That is all I ever wanted for her, was to be in a good place in her life.

Jun. 2nd, 2020



Parents of Future Kids

Have you ever gotten the distinct feeling that your kids are hiding things from you that are kinda prevalent?

May. 4th, 2020




... Alex bet I would forget to do this. Pay up boy.

Apr. 7th, 2020



I'm not used to saying this, but... life is damn good right now.

We're in a world with no trace of The Empire. I have two different versions of my son. Kanan is with me again, and is about to be on the Jedi Council. I have a good job as Queen Irinia's personal pilot. And in Lorelei Gilmore, I have a best friend - something I wasn't sure my life would ever have room for.

I've come a long way from how I felt just a year and a half ago.

Apr. 1st, 2020



I've spent almost every waking moment since arriving here trying to atone for the things I did in my world. For the lives I destroyed, and the misery I brought on the entire galaxy.

And today, as I looked through the Jedi Temple in Galactic City, for the first time I felt like maybe I'm actually starting to make things right.

We're actually beginning to rebuild the Order.

Myself. Two versions of my son, Luke. Several versions of my grandson Ben. Obi-Wan. Ahsoka. Rey. Jacen. Finn. And all the others. I'm finally helping to restore what I once helped extinguish.

Mar. 22nd, 2020



You know... earlier today, I laughed... and it hit me that I don't think I've smiled or laughed in years. I really let Palpatine bl;acken my soul so badly...

Mar. 10th, 2020



It's strange... I expected my connection to The Force to diminish somewhat the longer I'm away from my own reality. Instead, the more I meditate and work to cleanse myself of the darkness... the stronger and more pure I feel that connection becoming.

Feb. 19th, 2020



Sabine? I see your name on this device.




Feb. 11th, 2020



I keep being told that it's ridiculous to have royal blood yet choose to live like a commoner.

Hey... I am MORE than happy to let my cousin do all the royal stuff. If a small, humble home and average money means no responsibilities and no having to worry about "princess" stuff?

Hell yeah. I'm all over that, thanks.

Jan. 30th, 2020



Trying to maintain my Force powers while not harnessing the dark side... is proving extremely frustrating.



A boy whistled at me in Commerceport today. Yelled something about me being "so damn sexy".

I wanted to tell him I was old enough to be his mother. But then I'd feel old. So I just smirked and kept walking.

Have to admit... while he was kind of being sleazy... it felt good for someone to think I was so much younger than I am.

Jan. 6th, 2020



I can't get over how amazing this world is! It's like all the best parts of home without any of the bad parts!

I can't wait to get to know more of you!

Dec. 24th, 2019



This is so... wizard!!! I can't believe this... another reality? And some kind of mystical gem brought me here?

I try to think the way Master Skywalker told us... that when the unexpected happens, we have to let The Force guide us... but I still can't help but be a little excited and terrified.

Master Skywalker? Are you here? Ben? ....Mom?

Dec. 5th, 2019



I'm not under a glass dome at least, but I do wonder if the others have made it out?

Nov. 10th, 2019



I just sang to Remy, and he giggled and got all happy. I don't think there's ever been a better feeling in the world.

Sep. 6th, 2019



I went exploring for a few days. Have to say that so far this place isn’t too bad. I miss my family though. My husband and children especially. I wonder what they are up to now?

Aug. 13th, 2019



The force is going to go crazy with all this time shifting.

Can't wait to see how this unfolds.

Aug. 5th, 2019



Well, that was certainly the most wonderful vacation I’ve ever had. It was relaxing, got to spend quality time with the most amazing man ever. Sorry I’m late posting that. But, I do feel very lucky. And when we got back, I cuddled with baby Eliza for a great while. As much as I complain, I love my little family. And I very grateful.

Jul. 26th, 2019



I just want to announce to the world that I have the best girlfriend ever. Everybody should be jealous.

May. 6th, 2019



I knew sorcery existed... I have seen things most men would never believe. But this is beyond anything I have ever imagined.

Mar. 31st, 2019



Space Battle with Annihilus' Forces

Who: Hera, OT all, multiple threads encouraged!
Where: Space, near Galador's orbit
When: Sunday morning
What: Fending off Annihilus' fleet

Maybe it was the experience she had battling The Empire. Maybe it was the fact that she'd been positively itching for some action. Hell, maybe it was both... but Hera wasn't scared going into this. Not even nervous. No... if anything, flying The Ghost into a firefight, with Kanan at her side, felt like home. Far from the knowing suicide mission she'd flown to stop the beast terrorizing Monstropolis a few months back, this was a cool, confident Hera: the general that had liberated Lothal and been a beacon of heroism to The Rebel Alliance.

Looking at her scanners, Hera smirked proudly, seeing all the forces that had placed their faith in her leadership for this mission. There were everything from starfighters, to armored humans, to the famed Spaceknights of Galador - all awaiting her command. And coming from ahead? The fleet Annihilus had put together. Far from the collected, disciplined, structured army of Thanos, this was more like a pirate squad: ships of all different makes and sizes, no order or strategy to their formation, more like a swarm of locusts looking to decimate anything it passed.

Looking over at Kanan, she took a moment to appreciate this moment. Her one true love, the man she trusted more than anyone in the universe, finally at her side again. She felt like she could take on the whole galaxy right now. She reached over, tapping her commlink to talk to the others in the battle.

"Alright everyone... time to show this guy why he's messing with the wrong planet. Blow these guys out of space. FOR GALADOR!"

She looked at Kanan, giving him a wink.

"Time to show these people what the Rebels can do... ready to do this, love?"

Mar. 28th, 2019



Attention, all citizens and refugees -

After completing recon to investigate a warning given to our doctors by a Kree pilot who crash-landed here two days ago, we've obtained information that proves the warlord known as Annihilus is heading towards Galador. While we don't believe this planet to be his actual destination, what we have learned about him shows that nothing near him is ever safe. And for the sake of wherever he is headed, we need to cut him off, and either defeat or deter him.

Most of you here on Galador will be going about your normal daily lives. But as Queen Irinia's personal pilot and General of the Galadorian Military, I am calling on all pilots, military personnel, Spaceknights, and anyone versed in space combat to join in me protecting not only our planet, but any others in danger of being attacked.

Sunday morning, we will depart from the docking bays of Mos Eisley Spaceport, after a short debriefing to get everyone on the same page. I would like to see anyone who will be going with us reply to this post. There is no room for error here, so anyone I do not feel 100% confident about will be quickly and curtly turned down.

Anyone at all who has any questions regarding this mission, feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.

Mar. 3rd, 2019



Que demonios! Why am I back here?


Please tell me you're still here. I can't lose you all over again.

[AU NM Max]

Does she know?

[NM Michael and Isobel]

I know what you did. Stay the hell away from Rosa.

[Her Kyle, Alex, Maria]

I went home and so much happened. I don't know how to process any of it.

Kyle, I have an injury I need you to look at.

[Other Liz O]

Papi's sick.

Feb. 18th, 2019



I need to train more.

Is anyone skilled with lightsabers or something like them? I need to practice and need someone to spar with.

Feb. 12th, 2019



voice post
What is this?

Hera? Ezra?