May 2024



Posts Tagged: '%7Earizona+robbins+%28humanrainbow%29'

May. 26th, 2020



I was sitting in the cafeteria with my headphones on, listening to Samael's "Hegemony" album, and it made me have a craving to work on some #ScreamQueens stuff. Baby Sister, you feelin' it?

Babe. Totally outta nowhere here, I know... but how's your schedule looking for this week? I'm in the mood to do something sudden, rash, and wonderful.

Jan. 10th, 2020


I know I’m not the best mom ever. But, I need some parenting advice. Anyone want to help?

Jan. 3rd, 2020




Got a minute?

Amber Valenti

Are you working tonight?

Oct. 18th, 2019



So I did a thing.

Sep. 22nd, 2019



Kate Messner
Kate, my love... are you busy?

Arizona Robbins
Ma'am... if you aren't too busy, do you have a few moments to talk? You're the closest thing to a parent I have.

Aug. 21st, 2019



Babe. I know you're working, but I need to talk to you. Benjamin Bale's wife just came up to me at Ryze, and... if I want it, a future in music is still on the table.

BABY SISTER. Please tell me you're not busy, cos we need to talk.

Aug. 11th, 2019



Okay I got the full explanation of this place but it still doesn’t make me happy. I have classes to attend. I have a life. This can’t be happening right now.

Aug. 5th, 2019



To anyone who was pulling for me... I'm sorry I let you down.

Jul. 1st, 2019



I've been at work for 24 hours now. And yet, I am so wide awake it's not even believable.

BABY. Sorry if you're sleeping, but I'm sitting here at work and I just received a verrrrrrrrry fantastic e-mail....

May. 30th, 2019



Arizona Robbins

So. Babe. 'Universal Idol'. Any thoughts on if your darling wife should audition?

May. 11th, 2019



XMH Staff

I remember when I was a kid hearing about the staff at Grey Sloan throwing a prom for a sick patient. We should do that for the entire peds floor this month. What do you guys think? They should be able to enjoy prom just like everyone else.



Moms & Dad

So I kind of have a boyfriend now.

Mar. 26th, 2019



Arizona, Erin, Kate
Hello my favorite people! Just didn't want you guys worrying... I know my shift was supposed to be over already, but they're gonna need me to stick around till morning, just to work on a more... sensitive case.

Private to Arizona Robbins and Zola Grey-Shepherd
Baby? Sis? I know you're due to come in in the morning, but just... be super careful, ok? I have a bad feeling something crazy is about to go down.

Mar. 22nd, 2019



Dad. Moms. Can we have a family dinner sometime? All of you should get to know each other better. My new brother and sister can come too.


It's almost Spring Break!


Hi you.

Mar. 10th, 2019



mommy needs help

Mar. 7th, 2019



Soooo, how did your date go late night. I need details. And you've got another one tonight, right?

Mar. 5th, 2019



Gotta say, I'm loving working at XMH so far. Interesting patients every day, great staff overall, and working with Dr. Robbins has been an absolute joy. I love seeing someone as invested in these kids' welfare as I am.

This place is pretty great. I was freaked out at the beginning, but I think this might really be a great second chance for me to have the kind of life I want.

Feb. 22nd, 2019



Private to Arizona Robbins

Baby, I know you're at work, but pleeeeeeeeeeeease tell me you have a couple minutes to talk? I'm somewhere between laughing out loud and having a meltdown, and honestly this could go either way.

Feb. 12th, 2019



Quick question to... pretty much anyone, really: got any recommendations for a good place to get some dinner here?

Private to Arizona Robbins
Dr. Robbins? Hi. Brian Pritchard. New arrival here. I just talked with Chief Webber about taking on a job at XMH, and from what I've gathered, you seem to be the person to talk to. I'm going to be working primarily in child psychology, but will also be helping out with peds, so... I just figured we should get to know each other.

Feb. 7th, 2019



What would you like to do for Valentine's Day this year?

How's the hangover treating you today?

Feb. 6th, 2019



Filtered to family and friends

Hey. So... there's kind of someone here I should probably introduce you all to.

Jan. 20th, 2019



Good to know that even on another planet, I can pass a loud sports bar on my way to work on Championship Sunday. Feels like home.

How you holdin' up, Robbins? Back to whatever passes for normal yet?

Jan. 18th, 2019



First good mood in months.

Bloated af, though.

Jan. 2nd, 2019



Something doesn't feel right.

Dec. 31st, 2018



Just checking in. How are you doing?



Does it make me a terrible person to be my age and STILL get such a kick out of torturing DB? Also... I'll be coming to the hospital tonight with Erin so we can have our midnight kiss.

Hey sweetheart. I'm gonna go to XMH tonight so that I can spend New Year's with 'Zona. You're free to come with us if you like... or you can invite Michiru over and have a nice New Year's by yourselves. ;-)

Dec. 30th, 2018



All XMH employees
I just wanted to let everyone know that there will be food, music, and games in the main lobby all night for those of you who will be working through New Year's Eve. Your families are free to stop by and see you as well.

Nov. 20th, 2018




[ posted during this conversation last night ]

So I never told you but I was let into a werewolf pack a few weeks ago. I just talked to the leader and she invited me over for dinner so I can meet her and she said I could bring you if you're not busy. It's tomorrow night. Are you one or both of you free?

Nov. 9th, 2018



filtered to Arizona Robbins, Alex Karev, and Jo Wilon

I could use some help.

Nov. 8th, 2018



Well this certainly blows.

Did I relapse?


Nov. 4th, 2018



It's so good to be back. Is everyone managing to settle back in after what happened?

Sweetheart... I heard what happened. Are you ok? How are you handling this?

I'm thrilled to hear that Dr. Shepherd and yourself were able to stay safe. I... would very much like to talk to you when you have a moment.

Thank you again for the most amazing "welcome back" possible. I love you.

Glad to see things are settling down... was New Wakanda able to stay safe?

Nov. 1st, 2018



Private to Kate Messner
Kate, honey? Are you able to come see me at work?

Private to Queen Irinia
Your Majesty? I'm not sure what's going on here, but your personal pilot was just brought in. Ms. Syndulla. She's conscious, but a little shaken up.

Private to Arizona Robbins
Michiru just walked into the hospital. No idea how she's alive, much less just a little bruised up.

Oct. 19th, 2018



Am I really a werewolf now?! I heard people talking outside the door.

Oct. 18th, 2018




I know that this isn't the best time, but is it OK if I go spend some time in Sunnydale with Jef? Mom doesn't want me around anymore. I think she's broken.

Oct. 17th, 2018



Filtered to Grey's crew and friends

I have no idea what you do right now. My little girl is hurt. Bad. And I refuse to leave her bedside until I know she's going to be ok.

Someone help me... I'm trying like hell not to fall apart...



Voice post

H ... help ... 9 1 .... 1.



Anybody else ready to wake up?

Oct. 15th, 2018



Private to Arizona, Kate, Erin, Zola, and Meredith

How're we all doing with making sure everyone is taken care of

And Kate, sweetheart... I'm so, so sorry about Michiru. She saved us all and I'll make sure we always remember her.

Oct. 14th, 2018



I just saw someone bleeding from their EYES!

Oct. 10th, 2018



Just putting the word out that as Chief of Surgery at Xavier Memorial, I plan to have every possible doctor we have on-site 24/7 until this passes. If you are injured or otherwise hurt in any way, please safely make your way to us in Freedomtown, and we'll help you ASAP.

Private to all XMH personnel

Alright, I know a few of you might not be able to, but we need all available doctors, nurses, and staff in this hospital immediately and ready to work until this thing is over. We got tomatoes, candy, clown, even a damn dog chasing people around and attacking them. If we're all here it not only puts us in a position to help, but it also keeps us in one place and safe.

Oct. 3rd, 2018



Text to Arizona

Booooooring night on-call. I miss my sexy lady.

Oct. 1st, 2018



I realize that I am in need of some good solid sleep after working a double at the hospital but THERE IS A GIANT PRAYING MANTIS WALKING DOWN THE STREET!

Sep. 28th, 2018



[Moms (open to Kate )]

[backdated to the beginning of this week]

Can me and Kate go to Disney with Tony and his sister this weekend?


If all of the adults say yes, wanna go to Disney with me and my sister this weekend? Your sister can come too!



Family ( +Emmaline and Prue )

How does next weekend sound for everyone?

Sep. 20th, 2018



I'm gassy, I can't sleep, I have heartburn. I'm already so over being pregnant again.

Fifteen weeks and counting. Consider this my birth announcement. Madison ( If we stick with that ) Riley-Robbins is due in March 2019.

Big brother Kaleb is thrilled.


Family trip to Disney? Sof and I can't ride anything but we can eat everything in the park and take pictures.

Sep. 10th, 2018



Wow. Feels like it's been a while since I've been on here. Between planning a wedding, working, and mommying, it's easy to forget about things like this. So to all my pals? MWAH! I missed you! Tell me what I've missed recently. And to all newer arrivals? Hello to you! I'm Dr. Ellis Shepherd and I look forward to getting to know you all.

Filtered to Erin Shepherd
Hey kiddo... what do you say after school tomorrow I pick you up, and we go have a special Mom/Daughter day? Dinner, shopping, maybe a movie...? I wanted to let you and Kate both help me and Arizona pick things for the wedding, so maybe we could even look at some of that stuff!

Filtered to Arizona Robbins
Hey, gorgeous! Just wanted you to know you're on my mind. Naked, mostly... but on my mind nonetheless.

Filtered to Kate Messner
You busy today, honey? I was thinking (if you'd like) maybe I could take my newest daughter out for a coffee and girl talk.

Sep. 8th, 2018



accidental voice post

This can't happen right now. It's too early.

[cries out in pain].

( ooc - canon that Piper gives birth to a healthy baby boy six weeks early. )

Aug. 22nd, 2018



Private to Arizona Robbins
Dr. Robbins... I would very much like to surprise Kate with a weekend trip to Galactic City and Commerceport. With your blessing, I can promise you I will keep her safe.

Private to Usagi Tsukino
Usagi-chan... can I trust you to be on your best behavior if I introduce you to my new girlfriend?

Private to Kate Messner
Darling, one of my dear friends from back home arrived recently. Since she's the closest thing to family I have here, I'd really like to introduce you to her.

Aug. 20th, 2018



Hello to all the new arrivals! I'm Arizona Robbins. I hope you're all settling in all right.

What do you ladies think about a pizza and movie night this week?

Hey, little brother.

Hi, sweetie. How are you?

Jul. 24th, 2018



Wow. Ok. Yeah. So this is kinda crazy. I know I can't be the only one thinking it.

Anyway, now that I've had a full night to lose my freakin' mind and scream at my friends process this, I'm gonna try to go with the flow here.

Not sure how we do this... am I supposed to introduce myself or something?

So, I'm George O'Malley. I was a surgical resident at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital, and had just signed up for active military duty when I, well... when this happened.

If any of my friends are seeing this... if you want to talk, I swear I'm myself again. Sorry for acting nuts.