May 2024



Posts Tagged: '%7Ejane+connor+%28timeloopanomaly%29'

May. 26th, 2020



Things are so calm here.

So peaceful.

No galactic civil war. No Sith trying to rule the galaxy. Just... people co-existing.

And yet it's the most terrified I've ever been.

War is all I know. Fighting. Subterfuge. Assassinations. Regardless what side I was on, I knew my worth.

But what am I supposed to do in a place of peace? Where the only people I know, know me only as an enemy?

May. 14th, 2020



Here's hoping this rain helps Rafa sleep tonight.

May. 4th, 2020



Anybody kind of suspicious and/or irritated at these androids trying to help you?

You'd think Skynet was following you or something.

Apr. 8th, 2020



I haven't even so much as smiled since Judgement Day.

Now that I don't have to worry about those machines anymore, I'm looking to change that.

Apr. 1st, 2020



I... Guess I shouldn't have given my family so long to get used to the idea that we have a timeline where I'm me instead of him.

Feb. 3rd, 2020



Not exactly what I was planning to do today but doesn't look like anyone has a choice about this.

Jan. 22nd, 2020



So I've been researching all of the places where I can get my first legit job and the top of my list is Doom Republic General Hospital. Is there an audition or whatever to get considered for a position, because I don't feel it would be right to hire someone just because they say that they can do something.

Jan. 15th, 2020



Terminator people
I was going to wait to say it because I know how hard trust is to come by in our world, but I'm not going to try and break that trust by essentially lying to all of you.

Something happened in the time-loop before mine and Skynet became extra aware, so more precautions had to be made. Mom's even told me that after I was born, she asked to see her son, because that is what daddyKyle told her was going to happen.

So in short, you now have a timeline where John was born female. I came here while I was literally in the middle of a battle against some T-805s.

Jan. 9th, 2020



It's a damn good thing I have lightening fast reflexes, or I would have definitely shot someone when I got here. At the same time, I'm definitely not complaining.

I see a few familiar names on here, but none of them probably know me. I'm Jane and I'm a biomedical engineer... only without formal education and training.