April 2024



Posts Tagged: 'ellie+williams+%28_endure_survive%29'

Jun. 7th, 2021



Deep breath, Ellie.

I'm not good with words. Never have been. But today's a special day.

Today's Kat 18th birthday.

So, I'm gonna try.

I don't know if many people know this, but Kat was the second friend that I made here. We connected straight away, although it wasn't until much later that we realized that our feelings for each other ran deeper than just friendship. Our decision to be together didn't come without some heartbreak and some teething problems, but after holyshitballs almost a year together as a couple, I've come to this conclusion: Kat is, singularly, the most amazing person I've ever met in my entire life.

Honestly, most of the time I don't think she even realizes how amazing she is (which, whoa, what the fuck, right?). There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not blown away by who she is, or how privileged I am to be loved by her. I'm thankful every hour, every minute, every second I get to spend with her, because I know if I hadn't met her I wouldn't know what it felt like to meet your One True Love. I wouldn't know what it would've meant to be afraid to love someone so completely, be afraid to lose them and dive in anyway. I would've missed out on us. And there's a good chance I would've missed out on who she is today.

I love you, Kat. For who you were, who you are, and who you're gonna be someday. Happy Birthday.

Private to Kat

And if you're not against the idea, after this week ... maybe we could run away for a little while? Just us, our love, and the open sky?

Jun. 1st, 2021



My bestie Lita might not be here anymore... but dammit, she loved having a big Pride party every year, so I'm keeping her tradition alive.

Next Thursday, 8pm, the top of Stark Tower in Freedomtown. We're gonna call it Young Pride 2021, and it's a special party for anyone between 16-23. Obviously no booze will be involved, but we'll have good music, good food, and TONS of fun. Let me know if you're interested, because depending on how many people RSVP, we might need to cap it.

May. 27th, 2021



Who: Ellie and Kat
Where: Doom Republic, Kat's workshop
When: Prior to this post
What: Ellie gets a ship all her own.
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed; Complete

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May. 14th, 2021



Holy flarkin' shit! I'm gonna be 18 in three weeks. I wish my mom and dad were here to see it, but as long as I have Ellie, my friends, and Sawyer & Mama J, It'll be great.

May. 11th, 2021



You know... I'm realizing a few things about myself. I do enjoy music (especially the creating it part), but I don't think I'll ever want to make it a priority in my life. I enjoy building things and doing the Young Avenger thing too much. That's who I am, deep inside.

Any idea what you're gonna name your ship yet? Cos for real: you have to. Totally bad flarkin' luck not to.

Enid Rhee
Bitch, where the flarkin' hell you been? I miss my bestie.

Hey girl! I checked with Ellie, and she's totally cool with letting you check out the ship I built her. Just... do me a favor and gimme a chance to clean it good first, ok? Please trust me on this one.

Apr. 11th, 2021



Alright. Anyone who knows me knows that I try to do the right thing, even if I end up doing it in a really, really stupid way.

This right here is one of those stupid ways.

When Galador had a single ruling family, they contacted me about helping with something. As some of you might remember from a few years back, two kaiju (Kong and Clover) appeared here, brought by the gem.

Clover was defeated by having a starship explode in it's face, and Kong was knocked out by Ant-Man in a moment that hopefully gave him a lifetime of pussy being thrown at him.

Nobody ever really asked what happened to the kaiju after this, and I'm guessing everyone just assumed the gem took them just like it brought them. Well... that's not the case.

Those were far from the first kaiju to appear here. In fact, the first of them arrived shortly before we relocated to Galador. Trust me, it wasn't just people that were taking up too much room on Knowhere, folks.

So, we picked out a large, unoccupied continent on the other side of Galador, and have been using it as a habitat for any kaiju that are brought here. We've put one-way shields around it, that enable people/creatures/etc to enter the area, but not to leave without having the shields temporarily lowered.

We called it Monster Island (if you love cheesy old monster movies, you get it), and since I was (at the time) princess of a Monster Kingdom, I was told about it, so that I could help oversee it. I wasn't thrilled about the idea of hiding it from everyone, but a combination of getting their reasoning (if people knew about it, they'd be tempted to visit it and/or weaponize the kaiju) and the fact that they told me I could keep my widdle Jason if I went along with it convinced me.

These monsters are not evil. Not in any way. They're more like wild animals... who happen to be roughly the size of skyscrapers. We'd rather keep you AND them safe. That said, a woman that was just brought here, a half-monster called Mileena, somehow sensed the presence of the kaiju on arrival and stole a ship to get there.

We're sending a retrieval team to get her, but clearly this is gonna make keeping the place a secret any longer pretty much as likely as Joss Whedon ever having a career again.

For now, we're still keeping the coordinates private, for YOUR safety. But I assure you, as Queen of Monstropolis (and by proxy, of Monster Island), once this is over, Queen Emily and myself will sit down with whoever we need to, to devise a method of allowing you all to satisfy your curiosity while also keep you safe.

Bea out, bitches.

A'ight, peeps. Here's all the info I could get for you at the moment. There's a shit ton of creatures on that landmass and the surrounding ocean. But obviously, the ones to be extremely careful of are the BIG-ASS BUILDING-SIZED MOTHERFUCKERS.

So, here's a list of the ones we've had placed there, along with any pertinent info that could help. 
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Feb. 2nd, 2021



Who: Ellie and Kat
Where: Kat's Workshop
When: Previous to the recent plot
Rating: PG
Status: Closed; Complete

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Dec. 28th, 2020



Ok. So, I was sitting around thinking to myself.

I said, "Self? Why are you so nervous about not making any friends here? You had literally two friends at home, and both are here as well. And nobody's been able to find you even remotely dateable, so it's not like you can be less pathetic, right?"

I mean, I could be. If I started standing on street corners holding a sign that said 'Will Work For Friendship" or something.

Which, TBH, doesn't sound like an altogether bad idea.

ANYWAY. Point is, may as well get myself out there and try making a few friends.

So what do not-at-all-pathetic people do for fun here when they wanna meet people?



Feelin' kinda restless and bored.

Wonder what kinda trouble I can get into?

Nov. 2nd, 2020



Thank you so much to everyone who attended my Halloween bash at Ryze! It was tons of fun, and we raised a lot of money for Open Arms!

Personally? My highlight was getting to kiss Ellie in the DJ booth while "Dance Macabre" played. That was kind of an unofficial bucket list thing there.

Oct. 30th, 2020



So, Brandie and I have been working SUPER hard on this for the last couple months, and managed to keep this a secret from almost everyone... but we did it!!! I actually have an album! When I envisioned Scarlet Gospel, it was as a mostly solo act. But me and Brandie have made such a great team here... I really hope you guys enjoy it! You can order a copy through Full Moon's website, or pick up the exclusive version at Madhouse Music (HI JYREEL!) that has two bonus tracks, just a couple of covers we did for fun.

I was looking for an answer when I fell into you... you were like a dream cos you never came true )

Oct. 7th, 2020



Stay as Long as You Need

Who: Ellie and Kat
Where: Ellie's Room
When: After Six's vanishing
What: Ellie comforting Kat
Rating: Low
Status: Closed; Complete

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Oct. 2nd, 2020



Ellie and Juliet

I probably won't be home till morning. Tony found my dad all dehydrated and sick. I'm gonna go meet him at XMH.

Sep. 22nd, 2020



I'm not gonna lie. I'm having a rough go of it right now.

I miss my mom. I feel so helpless without her around. Sobo was like an older sister who always looked out for me. And Alisha... she'd been my ride-or-die bestie pretty much since I could first talk. And to make it worse, Daddy hasn't spoken to me once since Mom left. I don't think he's spoken to anyone. He's just... locked alone in his workshop.

I'm so grateful to Juliet and Sawyer for letting me stay with them for a while... and I feel so bad for putting Ellie through having to see Sad!Kat... but I don't know what to do.

Sep. 16th, 2020



Shit. Thanks to the gem, I just lost my mom and my bestie. As an added topping to this utter shitburger, now Daddy's being super quiet, locking himself away in his workshop, and giving one-word answers to everything.

I'm gonna cry, I swear to god.

Sep. 13th, 2020



...what's the average amount of time people are here before they get in their first fistfight?

Asking for a friend.

Sep. 11th, 2020




Who: Ellie and Kat
Where: Kat's New Workshop
When: Not long before this post
What: Kat being adorably frustrated
Rating: PG
Status: Closed; Complete

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Love Makes Fools of Us All

Who: Bea and Ellie
Where: The palace in Monstropolis
When: Last month
What: Old friends catching up
Rating: PG-13 (Sex talk near the end)
Status: Closed; Complete

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Aug. 22nd, 2020



Family, Kat and her parents

I've been reading over the network about Paris. You can guess what I have in mind. Since Hawaii was such a success we should go to Paris next weekend. Leave Friday after school and come back late on Sunday.

Kat, I thought you and your parents might want to come along. We must walk around the Seine. We don't have to spend every moment together. I was thinking we explore the Seine Friday night and go to dinner together. Saturday, we'd go our separate ways and then on Sunday spend it together.

What do you guys think?

Aug. 3rd, 2020



Your OTL

Who: Ellie and Sin
Where: Sin and Quinn's Super Mega Pop Culture Emporium
When: Just after Ellie and Kat start dating
What: Discussing dating
Rating: PG
Status: Closed; Complete

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Jul. 29th, 2020



Who: Kat & Ellie
When: Backdated to July 21st
Where: Kat's room, Six & Rocket's home
What: A spot of adorableness
Rating: PG
Status: Closed & complete

Sweet enough to give you cavities )

Jul. 24th, 2020




Dear, I have so many things to tell you, all good things; and one thing to ask you that I just found out about. I also owe you an apology.

When you are ready for a talk, we need to.

Jul. 15th, 2020



Who: Ellie and Kat
Where: Kat's Room
When: Following their network interaction here
Rating: PG-13 for possible triggers
Spoilers/Notes: Quotes from Riley were taken from The Last of Us: Left Behind DLC. The game never mentioned what the girls did after they were infected. Kir filled that in herself.

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Jul. 11th, 2020




I'm meeting Ellie's parents next Sunday... so flarkin' nervous!!!

I don't know what to wear! Or what to say! Or more importantly what not to say!


Jul. 10th, 2020




Do you have a minute?

I just wanted you to know that I've asked Katarina to come to dinner next week. Get with her, figure out a night, then let me know when it works for the two of you.

I have no problem rearranging my schedule to make it.

I thought you were just friends. When I asked her, well you can imagine what I thought.

If she is important to you, she's very important to us as is your happiness.

Please cancel any plans you have Saturday. (I'm willing to choose another day.)I'm taking you shopping in Commerceport on Saturday. Feel free to ask Katarina to join us.

I think it would be cute to have something that matched.

I apologize if I shouldn't have contacted her. I just want to meet your friends.

Jul. 8th, 2020



You know... I didn't think anything could shock me anymore.

Then the night before last happened.

Still laughing by the way, Pen. You are INSANE.

Mom and Dad
So, Penelope offered to help rebuild my workshop and apologized to me. We talked it out, and nothing like this will happen again.

So, there's a CHANCE that I might've built you a hovercraft just like mine, so you don't have to rely just on the tram.

Jul. 4th, 2020



So, who's coming over for my annual fireworks display?

This year, we're gonna use a Skrull multi-missle launcher that I cobbled together and REALLY knock this outta the park.

Wanna make this one super special, so who's with me?

Jul. 2nd, 2020



TWD Family (Beth, Daryl, Carl, Enid, Judith)
Hey. I ain't had a chance to check in with you guys lately. Everything copacetic? Anything me n' Six can do for you?

Tony Stark
Hey, Streisand... you ready to quit bein' a songbird and get back to work on this EVA unit with me?

Yo, kid. We should probably talk.





Drops at midnight... whatever timezone. )

Jul. 1st, 2020



I feel like today is the start of a new me. I'm putting focus on my future, I'm handling things with a maturity that I didn't even think I was capable of, and I'm putting other people's feelings before my own. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I want a flarkin' medal or anything. This is all crap I should've already BEEN doing. But at least I feel like I'm finally moving past being "the old Kat".

Lita Todd
HAY GIRL. We should get together soon. It's been TOO long.

Brandie Bale
I got some new ideas for our masks/costumes I can't wait to show you!

Hey you. I hope you know thanks to you I've have four people ask me why I'm glowing so much today.

Jun. 14th, 2020



Alrighty then!

So, I guess now you guys know what I've been so busy with recently. For once I wasn't blowing anything up, right?

Thanks to everyone who voted for me! I still can't believe I lasted until the end!

Oh, and if anyone's curious? The reason I glomped onto Princess Bea at the end? DUDE. Flarkin' look at her! I sang my butt off, d'ast right I was gonna get a hug from her as a reward!

Jun. 5th, 2020




I have a very, very important question to ask you and it requires your full attention.

How do you feel about horses?

May. 19th, 2020



So... I sort of avoided my birthday. I'm eighteen now. That means... a lot of things.

First of all, I want a party. Second of all, can I get a night with my girl?



Private to Ellie

Elz! I need your opinion on something. Since I kinda can't really tell anyone I know at Echidna yet about the song I'm working on, I'm going to the one person I trusted enough to tell about my current hobby: YOU.

I sent you a file with a song I've been working hard on. It's just me, a keyboard, and some electronic music programs I downloaded into my computer, but I'm dying to know what you think of it.

Apr. 21st, 2020



Ugggh, I am SO flarkin' tired today... I feel like I could sleep for a week.

Apr. 19th, 2020



Who: Ellie & Kat
Where: Kat's Home
When: April 8th, following their interaction here
Rating: PG

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Apr. 8th, 2020



Word to the wise: Death Wish Coffee is no joke. I'm bouncing off the flarkin' walls here.

What's the haps, oh fabulous rock star?

HEY BOO! I looked at that generator we were working on for your CynBot. Good news, it was only overheating because there was some thick dirt stuck in the fan. I cleaned it out good, and it seems WAY better now.

Hey there, oh gloriously-hot-friend-of-mine! How goes it? Haven't seen you in a while. Wanna hang out?

You busy? I could use some cuddles. Also, I found a bunch of cool British metal tunes from the 70s and 80s I'm dying to play for you.

Alisha and Magnus
You guys need to come visit soon. I miss you both!

Hey you... whatcha doing? Been thinkin' about you a lot.

Mar. 20th, 2020




So Cheryl is having a sleepover on Saturday and she said that I could invite you. I know that it's sort of short notice, but do you think that you can come with me? I asked her before going to you.

Mar. 17th, 2020



First couple of days in a new school was decent. I'm already feeling a lot better about who I am and what I can do. I guess that's the first step, right?

Mar. 11th, 2020



A'ight dudes and dude-ettes. Have you ever said to yourself "Self? I wish I could find a job where I bust my ass, get paid barely not-insulting wages, and get sweet discounts on video games and other pop culture stuff & things"?

Well if so, lemme tell you it is YOUR lucky day because we are still hiring stockpeople/clerks at Sin & Quinn's Super Mega Pop Culture Emporium in Commerceport!

Work perks include previously-mentioned sweet discounts, good hours, and getting to see Quinn in the little shorts she wears when she goes for a jog at lunchtime.

Feb. 14th, 2020




Gee Brain, what're we gonna do tonight?

Feb. 9th, 2020



I've got a little surprise for everyone!

I'm taking a risk by being the girl who wasn't on Universal Idol, releasing a single when the Idol contestants are starting to leak their albums.

That being said, I'm still gonna put it out. Low Key In Love.

Jan. 16th, 2020



I realize that at my age, you can experience physical change rapidly, and almost without warning... but holy crap. I just saw a picture of myself from a year and a half ago when I first arrived. And to think I actually look like a girl now. Gotta give my homie Eve most of the credit for that one.

Jan. 12th, 2020




Impromptu date night tonight?

Jan. 6th, 2020



I'm finally going home. The New Year is such a blur. I've delivered too many babies over the last six days to count. I plan on sleeping for at least a day. Then I intend to celebrate with James and Elle. I'm sorry you guys but the babies wouldn't wait.

I don't think I've ever been this exhausted.

Dec. 14th, 2019




This is not going how I had hoped.

Dec. 12th, 2019



I don't know about anyone else, but I had my fill of Lifetime/Hallmark Christmas movies to last a lifetime. It's bad enough that 99% of their movies already have the same basic plot, but they actually think that three months' worth of them in a wintry setting is a good thing?

Anyone got a copy of the first two Silent Night, Deadly Night movies? How about the original Black Christmas? I have "A Christmas Horror Story" and "Krampus".



Liz Evans
I'd like to hire you to cater food for Doom Memorial on Christmas Eve. Is that possible?

Doom Memorial co-workers
I will be catering food for Christmas Eve for all employees. I'd like to meet you all, I stayed so focused I haven't said hello to most of you.

King Doom
I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy holiday. I hope you'll stop by the hospital and share a meal with us. I think the 'troops' we enjoy seeing you. It will booster morale. Not that morale is low, on the contrary it is very high.

James and Ellie
I'm off Christmas Day but have to work Christmas. I'm catering food for us in hospital. Why don't you come and join us? Id love to have you there.

What shall we do for Christmas? Is there anything you want or need for Christmas?

Oct. 29th, 2019



Whoooooo just figured out what she's wearing for the Halloween party?

If you guessed 'this bitch right here', you are abso-flarkin'-lutely correct!

Oct. 30th, 2019



Juliet and Sawyer

Hey. So. Penelope and I are gonna go out for Halloween, but I could use a little help. I need a tiny person tux. Like, kid size. Just for the night. Would that be cool?