April 2024



Posts Tagged: 'harriet+avery-kepner+%28_ladybug_%29'

May. 17th, 2021



Filtered away from Jackson Avery and April Kepner

Annnnd now my dad's here. No big, really. I love him, but I was much closer to my mom growing up.

But so help me Jesus, if Gramma Catherine shows up here, I am gonna smack someone. Hard.

Mar. 31st, 2021



You know, when I was a little girl, my grandma always hammered it into my head that as an Avery, I was destined for greatness. And that it was my responsibility to do great things.

Of course, she meant "become a doctor". Still... dating a superhero and making sure he's happy and healthy should qualify as doing great things, right?

April Kepner
Mama... thank you for inviting Bucky to brunch. That was so sweet of you. And he's so nervous about it, it's the cutest thing ever.




Your mom just invited me to an Easter brunch.

Aug. 7th, 2020



filtered; Harriet & Max

I have a date on Sunday!

Sep. 8th, 2019



I'm back?

Well, I didn't expect that. Are Harriet Kepner-Avery and Bucky Barnes still here?

Sep. 2nd, 2019



It's hard to believe that I've been here more than a year.

Are you busy next week?

Jul. 3rd, 2019




You doing anything tomorrow?



Iz, not sure if you planned one or not yet.

How about a massive BBQ for tomorrow? Be nice to have everyone together in one place.

Zola, think we can borrow the house?

If any of this is possible, let me know.

May. 12th, 2019



filtered to Harriet


Feb. 19th, 2019



Hey. So... we've been talking back and forth for a while now, and if I'm reading anything wrong, I apologize... but would you wanna maybe go out to dinner sometime?

Oct. 10th, 2018



Thanks to the several over-protective adults in my life (love you guys!) I've been ordered to stay inside as much as possible until things settle down a bit. And since I've finished my latest book and cannot for the life of me decide what movie to watch, I figured I might as well get to know some new people.

If you're interested in playing, comment below with your name, what city you live in, something interesting about yourself, and then pick a number between 1 and 100. I have a list of Getting To Know You questions, and I'll ask you the question that correlates with the number you pick.

I'll start things off. I'm Lucy Mills, I live in Storybrooke, there's also a younger version of me here in Galador, and #7.

Question#7 is, what motivates you to work hard?
My family, more than anything else. They've always raised me to believe in hard work and perseverance. They're all incredible role models.

PS. Trolls need not apply. If you're not interested in taking this post seriously, please scroll on by.

May. 22nd, 2018



Wow... "New Wakanda". While my dad and Gramma Catherine were hardly comic book fans, even they would have to appreciate this. Black pride and all that.

Private to April Kepner

Hey there pretty lady! How's the world's number one mom doing? I miss youuuuuuu! Lunch or dinner soon, yes?

Apr. 18th, 2018



» GIRL. You have got to come find me as soon as you're off work.
» There is some drama going down with Buffy right now and I need someone to gossip about it with.

Apr. 16th, 2018



I suppose I should have something more profound to say. But right now all I can think of is bloody hell I’ve got rotten luck

Apr. 2nd, 2018



I was fighting a grazer demon and suddenly I'm here. I'm used to freaky things, but this takes the cake. What the hell heck is going on?