June 2024



Posts Tagged: '%7Edanny+lawrence+%28broadzilla%29'

Jul. 6th, 2021



It's a beautiful day outside, nice and warm but not TOO hot... perfect kinda day to go have a Sugar Fairy Shooter. Or four.

Apr. 18th, 2021



I know most of you don't know me well yet. And really, I hope to change that! I love making new friends and just hanging out with people.

But anyway! Before coming here, I had been struggling with a lot of dark, bad feelings for a long time. The girl I loved had too many demons, and had to leave to go fight them herself. But in doing so, she completely cut me out of her life. It broke my heart, and I honestly thought I'd never find anyone I could love that much. I wrote a song about how I felt, but... I never put it to music or recorded it, because it hurt too badly to even think about.

So, fast forward to here and now. The gem brought me to Galador, and soon after, my belief that everything that happens is part of God's plan was strengthened when I met Danny. It was like the moment we met, my heart felt better. I wasn't thinking about Lexi anymore, because I was now focused on the person I knew I was meant to be with.

I'm happy for the first time in quite a while, and I was finally able to finish the song. So... please enjoy it, and let me know what you think.


Apr. 10th, 2021



Just wanted to share this photo. My girl is so strong, smart, beautiful... I can't even believe she's mine.

Danny, you are extraordinary. Mwah.

Apr. 6th, 2021



I just wanna throw some thanks out.

Thank you to everyone who attended me and Emily's wedding, and to those who weren't there but sent their well-wishes.

Thank you to my friends for being there to witness my special day.

Thank you to Emily for marrying my crazy ass.

And thank you to Stephanie Whitmore and Danny Lawrence for getting so into each other that they literally fucked on my property. Yes, the cameras caught that. And yes, I enjoyed every moment. Encore, please.

Apr. 1st, 2021



YAY! Queen Beatrice just asked me to sing at her wedding reception tonight! Omg this is so exciting...

Danny Lawrence
Hey youuuu... wanna be my date to a royal wedding tonight?

Mar. 29th, 2021



Hi everyone!

So, I sat down and had a long talk with the fine folks at Full Moon Entertainment, about the music I'd made in our world, what I brought here with me, and what I'd like to do moving forward.

I put a lot of thought into this, but I'm going to let my band from home (Beautiful Ghouls) stay there. I want to evolve, and grow, and show the changes I've made to my voice and my style over the last few years.

So, I'm tweaking the sound slightly, changing the name of the band to Suspiria (I have a thing for old horror movies, ok?), and am now looking for a permanent drummer, bassist, and keyboardist (super-special bonus points if you're a keyboardist who can also play rhythm guitar on request).

To give anyone interested an idea of the sound I'm going for, this is the last song I wrote (and completed) before being brought here, called "Forget Me Now".


Mar. 21st, 2021



Who's in a grrrrrrrrreat mood right now? That's right, this gal!

And for once it's not (just) because I had three Sugar Fairy Shooters already today.

Carmilla Karnstein
Hiya. So... this might be awkward since I was kinda flirting with you before Laura reappeared, but... can I talk to you about something?

Lucy Van Warren
Girl where are you. I'm bouncing off the walls and need my bestie.

Mar. 9th, 2021



Because of course, I end up on a different planet in an entirely different reality while looking out onto the horizon with my friends. I actually figured we were due for another apocalypse back home anyway.

Hey Laura and Carm. I see your names on here. So is it just us here?

It also seems that I can't continue my work here, because vampires are treated quite well. So there's that. I guess I can find something else for myself here. Hello everyone, I'm Danny.