April 2024



Posts Tagged: '%7Ejacob+black+%28awolfling%29'

Sep. 10th, 2020



I'm playing Nana the dog and a Lost Boy, or I guess girl, in Peter Pan the next two months! This is so exciting!

[her Jake]
Will you come to see me in Peter Pan?

[Prim, Cassie]
Will you two come and see me in Peter Pan? I got two small roles in it! I am very excited!

[All Cullens + older Jake, including other Nessie]
I’m in a show! I’m in Peter Pan! Will you guys all come to see it? October 2nd it opens. In storeybrooke at the annex theater.

May. 22nd, 2020



Want to come watch the parade with me?

I invited Jacob to watch the parade, too. I thought it would be fun for you to see him again, even a different version of him.

[Younger Jake]
Want to come watch the parade with us?

May. 12th, 2020



It is so hot.

Mom, can we go to the pool or the beach? We could bring an umbrella so we do not burn, but think how nice the water will feel.

Apr. 10th, 2020



[Jacob Black] [info]awolfling
How are you holding up here? Have you adjusted, found a place to live and all?

Apr. 6th, 2020



This is a bit much.

Mar. 30th, 2020



This isn't quite what I meant when I said I wanted to get out of Forks. Dad is going to freak out.