June 2024



Posts Tagged: 'penelope+kowalski+%28worldburning%29'

Jun. 18th, 2021



So I've been spending a little time at Madhouse Music, trying to get into the swing of things. This is the result. To the awesome guitarist, I'm sorry but I've forgotten your name. If you're on here, let everyone know who you are.

Jun. 7th, 2021



Deep breath, Ellie.

I'm not good with words. Never have been. But today's a special day.

Today's Kat 18th birthday.

So, I'm gonna try.

I don't know if many people know this, but Kat was the second friend that I made here. We connected straight away, although it wasn't until much later that we realized that our feelings for each other ran deeper than just friendship. Our decision to be together didn't come without some heartbreak and some teething problems, but after holyshitballs almost a year together as a couple, I've come to this conclusion: Kat is, singularly, the most amazing person I've ever met in my entire life.

Honestly, most of the time I don't think she even realizes how amazing she is (which, whoa, what the fuck, right?). There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not blown away by who she is, or how privileged I am to be loved by her. I'm thankful every hour, every minute, every second I get to spend with her, because I know if I hadn't met her I wouldn't know what it felt like to meet your One True Love. I wouldn't know what it would've meant to be afraid to love someone so completely, be afraid to lose them and dive in anyway. I would've missed out on us. And there's a good chance I would've missed out on who she is today.

I love you, Kat. For who you were, who you are, and who you're gonna be someday. Happy Birthday.

Private to Kat

And if you're not against the idea, after this week ... maybe we could run away for a little while? Just us, our love, and the open sky?

Jun. 4th, 2021



I think I'm ready to start working on new music.

Apr. 12th, 2021



An odd question here... but do any other witches or magic-users feel as though their powers have improved since arriving here?

Perhaps it's just me... but I find my connection to magic so much more clear and unobstructed - it's as though I'm seeing it clearly for the first time in my life. And I love it.

Mar. 31st, 2021



So I just found out that witchcraft in this world is an entirely different beast than it is in my world.

Fuck yes. Any witches here that specialize in some of the darker aspects? Not full-on black magic, but just... dark?

Mar. 14th, 2021



So... different realities is a thing. I thought malivore was crazy.

Mar. 8th, 2021



Is anyone still interested in having a Coven?

Giles: Let's get away this weekend starting on Thursday.

Feb. 15th, 2021



Ok. So, (obviously) missing my friends... but otherwise? I literally couldn't BE happier here. Carm is here with me, I have an awesome job helping to run a place that I apparently created... and the people working there are so nice.

Lito is gonna be my new bestie, I can just tell. And Brayden! He literally doesn't want paid. He works here just to do some good. And don't even get me started on Billie. I didn't think real people could be as sweet as she is.

I could just burst right now, I'm so elated.

Not literally though. I feel like, with everything we've all seen, that I should probably point that out.

Feb. 11th, 2021



Oh geez... so, apparently Rachelle was going through some of the recordings that were in the studio for the first two seasons of Universal Idol, and found one I did.

It was the song I was going to do the week after I got eliminated, since we do studio versions of each one.

You've all gotta hear this. PLEASE keep in mind it's stupid on purpose. I thought it would be hilarious to turn Lil Jon into an acoustic ballad.


Feb. 4th, 2021



I see a lot of my friends are here.

Feb. 2nd, 2021



Sooooo, I was gonna make this a private message to the Bales, but I figured in case anyone wanted to chime in, I'd make it public.

Back home, I had a band called Beautiful Ghouls. We were on Full Moon Entertainment, and had just recently put our first album out.

Now, when I showed up here, my iPod was on me. And our album is one of the things on said iPod.

So, I dunno how things work here, like... do the Bales need me to hand it over to them to do whatever with? Or can I just upload it on here and let people download it if they want it?

Heck, would there even be any interest in it?

Jan. 18th, 2021



I've been spending some extra time at Madhouse Music lately.

This is the result.

Jan. 3rd, 2021



After going over it in the Welcome Center, I realize that not only did time move differently where I was, that I somehow also changed physically a bit while I was away. I just hope that Ash likes me like this.

Alright so, just to cut to the chase. I'm Penelope Park. From what I've been told, it's only been a couple of days since I disappeared here. However, for me? I was away for six years. The Gem saw how much I was struggling and I guess it took pity on me. I'm not sure where I was, but I was alone. Very alone. I've done a lot of growing while I was away. Not only emotionally, but I've found out just how powerful I can be.

Dec. 26th, 2020



Christmas has always been bittersweet for me.

I have such a great memories of it as a little kid, because my mom always made it great for Patience and I.

Then things got... really bad once she passed. I think my father tried to be an even BIGGER bastard than usual on holidays. God forbid I have a little bit of joy in my life.

More than anything though, I think I just get a little down at the holidays due to not being where I hoped to be by now. Anyone who knows me well knows I've always wanted to be a dad. And I guess I imagined that by this point in my life, I'd be giving a kid the kind of Christmases I always wanted my father to give me.

Instead, I'm on a world that still confuses me, and can't seem to stop saying and doing the wrong thing constantly. Still... I'm not the humbug type.

So just... I dunno. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Life Day... whatever you celebrate, I hope you have the best one possible.

Dec. 16th, 2020



Man... sometimes I really hate my life.

Just saying.

Penelope Park
Babe? You planning on ignoring me forever? If you're dumping me I'd at least like to know why.

Dec. 15th, 2020



It is Christmas and it feels strange without my sister here. I am happy to have my mom and dad here, though, even if they are not together in this world.

So, I have realized that I do not get out a lot and I would like some sort of life. now that I can finally have my own. Would anyone like to do something this weekend?

You are the only one who would understand this but I feel guilty because I am actually glad Lizzie is not here in this world. I feel like I can be myself for the first time ever.

Dec. 1st, 2020



You know... while she can be a little uptight for my tastes, Legs had a point: Me n' Patience are typically always hanging out. YO PK!!! We gotta fix this asap, bitch!

Anyway. So, there's been a lotta new peeps arriving lately, some even from the same world as me n' Blake. Sorry for not saying 'hey' sooner, just been busy with a job, kids to raise, and a wife to do unspeakable things to.

To those who I haven't met, name's Gwen Morrison. Hope everything's going well for all of you.

Private to Penelope Park
Yo. You don't know me, but I kinda feel like we need to talk.

Nov. 23rd, 2020



Private to Josie Saltzman

Before word gets out and the rumors start and believe me, they will, I've started a new relationship. He's a powerful warlock from a different world and about a decade older. We started talking one night and just instantly connected. I'm still being cautious because I can already tell that his magic is a LOT stronger than mine, but it's already going so well.

Private to Kat

So things with Ash have gotten serious. I just told Josie about it. I think it's time we break it to Ellie unless you already told her.

Nov. 11th, 2020



Little out of left field here, but are there any covens around here that wouldn't mind a master of the dark arts being a part of them?

Penelope Park
Hey, gorgeous. Busy tonight?

Nov. 4th, 2020



I've had quite a few people now ask me who I'm pulling for on Idol this season. I guess they just assume I have a vested interest since I was on it last year.

I admit I haven't really been paying attention, but after being asked enough times, I checked it out. None of them are really my style, but I think I personally dig Spencer the most. Girl's got style and attitude all her own.

Not shitting on anyone though. They're all talented. I just like my music a little more on the R&B side of things. Just because I'm a dark warlock doesn't mean I can't play the hell out of Penelope Park's album.

Oct. 27th, 2020



Come one, Come all!


Oct. 25th, 2020



Ok, I'm loving the music here so far. Between Eternal Embrace (so cool that Katie's like, BFF with the lead singer), A Woman Scorned (another singer my Katie's somehow befriended!), Bad Reputation, and Penelope Park (shuddup, a girl can like some pop with her rock!), I'm becoming such a big fan.

And now watching Idol here as well? Wow. Full disclosure: I am 110% pulling for Olive. I could listen to that girl sing all day.

Oct. 24th, 2020



Who:  Lito; Open to Hernando and Penelope
Where: Their home
When: Monday, October 19th
What: Lito has news!
Rating: Likely Low
Status: Closed; Ongoing      

"Hernando! Penelope!" Lito called out as he entered the home that he shared with his boyfriend and their ward (granted, Penelope was 18 now and could do whatever she pleased, but she was still family). "I'm home! With good news!" Which was a far cry from how he'd behaved when Dani, Laura and several members of his cluster had vanished on the same day the previous month. He'd been a dramatic mess on that day and most days since. It was only since Laura Hollis's return that he'd started to come back to himself. The stress of losing his friends and family while taking on more responsibility at Open Arms had taken a serious toll on his mental health. But now? Things were looking up!

Oct. 22nd, 2020



Felt cute. Might delete later.

Who'm I kidding? No I won't.  )

Oct. 6th, 2020



Today is an incredibly sad day for me. Growing up, I've always loved rock and metal music, and the main reason for that was the man who was my musical idol from the first time I heard him play "Eruption": Eddie Van Halen.

As my wife will tell you, we've literally spent entire evenings passionately debating which version of Van Halen (the David Lee Roth era or the Sammy Hagar era) was better, but regardless of which I loved more (Hagar, thank you very much), Van Halen was, is, and always will be a huge part of my life.

Today, it was announced that Eddie Van Halen passed away after a long battle with throat cancer. And for the first time in my life, the death of someone I've never met brought me to tears.

Tonight, I'm going to gather a few of Full Moon Entertainment's most talented musicians at Ryze, to jam on some of my favorite Van Halen songs and pay tribute to a fallen rock god.

Sep. 17th, 2020



Today's the day for burning things.

Sep. 16th, 2020



I know this is a sudden, rough, trying time for a lot of you. And I want to say that I am going to do everything in my power to make this as smooth for everyone as I can.

I'd like to put my money to good use, and helping you all feels right to me.

Also, with Queen Shiklah's departure, I have spoken with Queen Beatrice, and as she has no desire to run a record company, I am buying Echidna Records from her, and absorbing all of it's talent into Full Moon Entertainment.

If there are any acts who do not wish to switch over, let me know and you will be released imediately from your contracts.

Aug. 30th, 2020



Because who isn't excited for Halloween and fall to get here. I'm going to be hosting a singles night a month before we finally get that beautiful fall. It'll be at the Hotel Cortez on September 4, 2020 starting at 6pm.

To make things a little more interesting please comment before with your name, age, something fun about you, maybe even a picture.

You can come alone, with someone you just started seeing and still feeling out a bit, or with someone you click with down below.

Aug. 18th, 2020



I feel like getting into some trouble.

But also, I could use a gig or two.

Aug. 16th, 2020



Alright folks!

We got two people very interested so far... who else thinks they have the potential to be the next Prince or Princess of Monstropolis?

Aug. 13th, 2020



This place is so freakin' boring! Nobody ever wants to just go have fun!

Aug. 9th, 2020



Having one hell of an "FML" kinda day. Anyone want to at least try cheering me up?

If you do... may the odds be ever in your favor.

Aug. 6th, 2020



Filtered to staff and students of Miss Robichaux's Academy

Just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself properly.

I'm Ash Kowalski. I've been a warlock specializing in black magic for sixteen years, and I've been invited to be a teacher and assistant to The Supreme by Mallory.

I look forward to getting to know all of you.

Aug. 5th, 2020



Private to Penelope Park

So, a little bird tells me you're interested in meeting me.

Jul. 26th, 2020



It's been a bit since I really caught up with a lot of my pals on here. What's everyone up to?

Maya wants Scarlet Gospel to play Above The Dot again next month, and I'm wicked excited because this time, I'll have Brandie playing with me, maybe one or two others, and we'll do it as a full-fledged performance, with costumes, makeup, etc.

I finally found a way to update Lila's programming, to help her understand things like slang, sarcasm, and "common sense" a little better!

I'm gonna be going to Hawaii soon, which is gonna be awesome. I've never actually been there (mostly because this pasty little rail isn't exactly made for the beach), but my new girlfriend's parents want to take us as a trip and it's gonna be SO fun.

Hey babe! Wanna hang out this week? I had fun talking last week.

How's everything going over there?

Jul. 23rd, 2020



I feel like me being bored and restless might need to be seen as a sign of danger...

Dagny, Penelope, Mallory
C'mon, bitches... it's high time we had a witches night out.

Hey. Don't make a thing of it, but... I miss you.

Jul. 15th, 2020



Well, if that just ain't plain adorable.

Jul. 8th, 2020



Who: Kat and Penelope Park
Where: The Crashdown
When: Following this
What: Apologies and the beginning of an unlikely friendship
Rating: PG-13 for language
Status: Closed and complete

Really. Nobody could've seen this coming. )



You know... I didn't think anything could shock me anymore.

Then the night before last happened.

Still laughing by the way, Pen. You are INSANE.

Mom and Dad
So, Penelope offered to help rebuild my workshop and apologized to me. We talked it out, and nothing like this will happen again.

So, there's a CHANCE that I might've built you a hovercraft just like mine, so you don't have to rely just on the tram.

Jul. 6th, 2020





Jul. 2nd, 2020



Sorry for posting so close to my last, but...

Man, fuck girls. You're all selfish, spoiled whores and skanks.

So gentleman, I recently turned eighteen, and I have an album release to celebrate.

Bonus points for vampires.

P.S. Yes, I was recently dumped.





Drops at midnight... whatever timezone. )

Jun. 23rd, 2020



Who scratched my car door?

Jun. 22nd, 2020



Of all the crazy shit I've seen here since I arrived, I think the fact that I'm actually dating someone now is the most unlikely thing of all.

Jun. 14th, 2020



Alrighty then!

So, I guess now you guys know what I've been so busy with recently. For once I wasn't blowing anything up, right?

Thanks to everyone who voted for me! I still can't believe I lasted until the end!

Oh, and if anyone's curious? The reason I glomped onto Princess Bea at the end? DUDE. Flarkin' look at her! I sang my butt off, d'ast right I was gonna get a hug from her as a reward!

Jun. 5th, 2020




I have a very, very important question to ask you and it requires your full attention.

How do you feel about horses?

May. 22nd, 2020



Age filter: 16-20

So what are we doing tonight after the parade?

May. 19th, 2020



So... I sort of avoided my birthday. I'm eighteen now. That means... a lot of things.

First of all, I want a party. Second of all, can I get a night with my girl?

Apr. 27th, 2020




Happy birthday!!!


I love you. I'm sorry I've been so busy.

Apr. 14th, 2020



Lizzy, is it true? You're here? Even though we just merged.


I do not know where I should live now that I am here. It is too weird to live at the school now that I graduated.