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Posts Tagged: 'anakin+skywalker+%28l0rd_vader%29'

Jan. 17th, 2021



Filtered to all Jedi
I've been feeling a disturbance in The Force for a few days now. Have any of you? Something feels... I don't know... I have a deep feeling of dread and I'm not certain why.

Private to Chi
Chi... I need you to double your efforts in protecting the entrance to the caves. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I feel that something terrible is coming.

Apr. 1st, 2020



I've spent almost every waking moment since arriving here trying to atone for the things I did in my world. For the lives I destroyed, and the misery I brought on the entire galaxy.

And today, as I looked through the Jedi Temple in Galactic City, for the first time I felt like maybe I'm actually starting to make things right.

We're actually beginning to rebuild the Order.

Myself. Two versions of my son, Luke. Several versions of my grandson Ben. Obi-Wan. Ahsoka. Rey. Jacen. Finn. And all the others. I'm finally helping to restore what I once helped extinguish.

Dec. 25th, 2019



For those from my world, Happy Life Day to you all.

For those from other worlds, Happy Holidays. I'm afraid I'm not familiar enough with them to list them all, but I hope you're all having a great day celebrating your beliefs.

Feb. 18th, 2019



I need to train more.

Is anyone skilled with lightsabers or something like them? I need to practice and need someone to spar with.

May. 9th, 2017



I would like to volunteer to assist in bringing Cosmo back to Knowhere. He's been good to us all since we arrived, and I would be able to assist on the ground or piloting a ship, whatever is needed more.

Nov. 28th, 2016


To whom it may concern: my name is Padmé Amidala and I am a new arrival to this place. Based on the information passed onto me, the phenomenon causing this is unknown, or the topic is otherwise unable to be discussed at length. Regardless, because of it I'm here and because of it I'm unable to return home.

Are there any members of the peace committee, listed on the pamphlet I was given, or others able to spare some time to discuss the matter? I have additional questions and this seems to be the best manner with which to contact others.

Thank you.

Jun. 20th, 2016



Backdated to Father's Day

Happy Father's Day. Like Leia, I'm glad for this chance with you and mom both.



Filtered to Anakin, Padme and Luke

I am told that today is an important holiday in some worlds.

Happy Father's Day, Father. I am glad that you are here and we have been given a second chance.

Feb. 14th, 2016



Filtered to Anakin and Padme

I was told you were both here. It's hard to understand all of this, but I want to meet and talk to both of you.

I've made my peace with everything, father...I am happy for the chance to spend more time with you. And I've always wondered about you, mother...I will be happy to meet you.

Oct. 14th, 2015



Filtered to Anakin

When can we have our next lesson... and talk?

Aug. 19th, 2015



Filtered to Anakin

I've thought about it, and I would like to take you up on your offer of training.

Luke would want me trained by the best.

No matter what side yu were on, no one could argue with your skills and knowledge.

May. 25th, 2015



This being kidnapped all of the time is really getting old. There's a war going on and my people need me.

Apr. 27th, 2015



FIltered to Anakin

I need to talk to you as soon as possible.

Apr. 19th, 2015



Private to Anakin

So, I was thinking about that second chance and how we can possibly make use of it.

Feb. 2nd, 2015



Knowhere? I'm dead. The babies. Anakin.

Obi-Wan? My babies. How am I alive?