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Posts Tagged: 'josh+levison+%28hesitantmurse%29'

Nov. 10th, 2020



Anyone else still having 'what if' feelings since the purge? I don't know how else to describe it. I'm done mourning. I miss Noah, but I'm not gonna spend my life grieving, either. But I still find myself wondering what if.

Would I have made a good wife? A good mother?
Would I have retired early? Focused on family?

I keep wondering those things and it frustrates me.

Private to Whitney Dean-Ramirez
Hey, hon. Just checking on you. How's everything? You've gotta be so proud of Neveah.

Sep. 30th, 2020



So, all these people from my world got sent home, yet I remain stuck here.

Just wonderful.

Aug. 6th, 2020



Friends and family of Erin Shepard + her doctors and Lux

I think that now is probably a good time to give a full explanation of what happened to Erin.

For some reason, despite receiving memories of her life with me at home shortly after I got here, it seems that she has been sent home to live it all out.

She was a teenage runaway taken in by a werewolf with a grudge against my vampire roommate, Aidan, and I. She had been manipulated against us and even after we had taken her in and even after she felt comfortable with Nora and me, she still sought out to hurt Aidan. After he found out that he had been poisoning his blood supply with hers, she went after him with a wooden stake. While defending himself, he pushed her away and with his strength, she kinda flew across the room and against a wall.

With time, I know that she will get better and she will be back to the girl that we all know and love here.



Dad? Tell Aidan I'm sorry. Liam told me to.

Jul. 30th, 2020



blocked from Corrine

I'm going to need more therapy.

Jul. 25th, 2020




Texting you because I can't hear you talk ...

How are you enjoying your first party with teenagers?

Jul. 13th, 2020



Mary Bering + Josh

[ backdated to June 7th ]

It was recommended by my OBGYN that I start seeing you as my doctor due to my unique situation. What spot do you have open this week?

Jul. 6th, 2020




[ backdated to this morning ]

I couldn't tell you this last night because you were you know ... but I didn't feel right last night. I think we should make a doctor's appointment for this week.

Jun. 20th, 2020



Sally and Aiden

What are we doing for dad tomorrow?


I'm coming to sleep over tonight!



Who: Cathy and Josh + Cory
What: Date night
Where: Cathy's place
When: Backdated to Valentine's Day
Warning: None

Read more... )

Jun. 8th, 2020




Are you able to take your break soon?

May. 22nd, 2020




I was thinking we could do dinner out tonight before taking the boys to see the parade. Pizza perhaps? Anyone that wants to join in can. Don't feel bad for saying no. I know parades aren't for everyone.

May. 15th, 2020




[posted at 6:23am]

We have a situation.

Apr. 30th, 2020



[Carrie, Josh, Sally, Aidan, Erin]

Pencil the date in, on May 5th we'll all be going to Leona’s Italia in Chicago for Carrie and Cory's birthday. They have a nice big playroom that Cory will love.


And we are going out or that first drink of yours on the 8th or 9th if you're free, sister. Let me know.

Apr. 28th, 2020



[backdated to around 9:25am]

Shit! Shit, shit, shit. I'm in so much trouble.


Bro! I am freaking out.


So I had an unintentional sleepover with that guy I sent you a pic of and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get grounded now.

[Dad ( open to Cathy)]

You probably got a call from the school already that I didn't show up. Let me explain! I hung out with one of the other dancers after the Masked Singer last and I fell asleep at his place and I just woke up like ten minutes ago. You can punish me later. Right now I need to get to school.

Apr. 18th, 2020



It's moving day! Two families merging as one. Cory and I couldn't be more excited.

Apr. 13th, 2020



... Is there a way I can block myself some seeing someone on here?


Come over? ( I can't wait until I don't have to ask you that anymore)

[Amber - added in the morning]

Do you have any spots open today?

Apr. 10th, 2020



We don't go out to eat a lot as a family because I prefer to cook but I'm thinking ahead to next month and I know there are some parents out there that might be able to help me.

Are there any restaurants out there with a children's play area? I'm something more upscale than McDonald's. A place where they sing to you and bring out cake for your birthday is a bonus but not necessary.


I'm home and almost ready for tonight! I've been looking forward to this all week.


Thank you for tonight! Dinner is in the fridge ready to be heated up. I made it last night.

Apr. 3rd, 2020




How do you feel about moving in with Cathy and her family? Not right away, or anything, but we have been discussing it.




What do you think about Josh and his kids moving in?

[Josh -edited in later]

Carrie is on board.

Mar. 24th, 2020




So I asked Cassie if I could be in her superhero group and she said YES! I can do it right? I'm strong and fast and I can do some good! It'll be great.

Mar. 23rd, 2020



[ posted earlier in the day ]

Now that I'm getting more gigs as a background dancer, I decided I should get some professional pictures done so I have something to take to auditions. Let me know what you think! Be gentle, okay? I bite. Literally.

Read more... )

Mar. 10th, 2020



I'm on a different planet, with the most mind-blowing stuff you could ever imagine... and all I do is work, go home, repeat. Karev's right: I'm boring.

Feb. 28th, 2020



Josh/Carrie (seperate)

Is it wrong that I'm a little bummed out that I didn't get a shout out in Rachel's post? I mean I know assistant choreographer isn't a big as a job as the main choreographer but I've worked just as hard as he has.

Feb. 14th, 2020





Feb. 5th, 2020



Cory came home with a note about making a Valentine's Day box for school. What do those look like these days? I haven't made one since the 1950's and I want to make sure I help him do it right.

Jan. 1st, 2020



I'm happy to announce that Losshén Confections will be having it's Grand Opening in Arendelle on Saturday. Samples of everything we offer will be available and we will have deals cgming on. Come check us out.

PS: Beware of shop dog, though she's a big teddy bear. Her bark is bigger than her bite.

Dec. 29th, 2019



Aidan & Sally
I'm going out with Cathy for New Year's. I trust you can take care of yourselves? Don't be afraid to text one of us if you get too drunk, or something.

Younger Erin
How are you doing, sweetie?




I've arranged for my nanny to watch the boys on New Year's Eve. Are you working then?

Dec. 13th, 2019



Who: Cathy and Josh
What: Kid free time
Where: Josh's house
When: Horribly backdated to Labor Day
Warning: None

Read more... )

Nov. 10th, 2019



Aidan, Sally, & Erin x2

Cathy wants to know if we want to get together for Thanksgiving Dinner.

Younger Erin, it's cool if you've got something going with your moms and sister instead.

Older Erin, I know that it's been a long time since we've seen each other, but I wanted to include you, as well.

Oct. 24th, 2019




Do you want to go to the Halloween party at the Crashdown Cafe next week with us?


There's a children's party happening on Halloween at that alien themed restaurant. You can join us if you want. Josh will be coming a well.

Oct. 12th, 2019



Full moons coming up tonight. Stay out of the woods in Arendelle at [these cordinates] if you know what's good for you. There will be magic in place for your protection but magic can go wrong and I ain't about to hurt anyone.

Oct. 8th, 2019




[backdated to last night]

Can you come spend the night?

Oct. 2nd, 2019



When I first came here, Jory was a small four month old baby. As of last weekend, he's now a walking, talking one year old toddler.

I can hardly believe how much he's grown in such a short amount of time. To my delight, he loves to dance whenever there's music on. He's my child that's for sure! I can't wait to put him in the preschool class at the studio.

We had a small get together for him over the weekend at the house and I'm pleased with how it all went. Thank you to Kate, Josh, your families, and everyone else that stopped by for coming to celebrate my little guy.

Sep. 24th, 2019



There's another me here and it's really weird.


I'm going back to mom's this weekend now that I have 100% soundproof headphones but I plan on crashing at your place sometimes too. I like living there.


I'm going to be moving back to Freedomtown so I'll have to commute school now. Let's be train buddies again!


I'm moving back to my mom's this weekend. Want to help me pack?


I'm coming home!

Sep. 23rd, 2019



Space? Really? I've been through some really weird shit in Madison Valley but this takes the cake. Presto? Babe are you here with me?

Sep. 2nd, 2019



[Cathy - backdated to Saturday evening]
I know it may be short notice, but Aidan suggested we get together on Monday. Probably a cookout? He wants to meet you! This is a good thing!

Aug. 31st, 2019



(filtered to Josh & Sally)

Are we doing anything on Monday?




Jory turns one in a few weeks and I'm going to have a small get together for him. We would both love it if you could be there.

Jul. 23rd, 2019




I miss you. I just got the boys down and thought I would check in with you while I wait for Uniseral Idol to start. How have you been? Do you watch the show? It reminds me a little bit of American Bandstand ... which is very dated and I'm not sure you'll even know what I'm talking about.

Jun. 29th, 2019



Who: Josh, Aidan, Sally, & Erin
What: Dinner and a confession
When: Saturday evening
Where: Halliwell's
Rating/Warnings: at most PG-13 for the reactions

They were in a different world now. )