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Posts Tagged: 'jyreel+%28jyreel%29'

Dec. 28th, 2020



Hey hey hey, y'all!

We're gonna be running a New Year's sale at Madhouse Music all next week: all instruments 25% off regular price, all accessories 35% off.

Got a super cool surprise, too - anyone who buys at least $50 worth of merchandise gets a free copy of an exclusive CD called "The Madhouse Sessions", made with the blessing of Full Moon Entertainment. It's some of the best performances FME artists have had on random trips to Madhouse Music.

Speaking of which, I wanna take a moment to say how proud I am of a few of my pals, for the amazing work they did on Universal Idol this season. My homegirl Barb won it all, my unofficial little sisters Bella and Ash were bad-ass as the backing band... y'all were fantastic and I love you all.

Aug. 15th, 2020



Hey hey everyone!

Good to finally be up and running on this network.

To those who don't know me, I'm Jyreel, owner of Madhouse Music in Commerceport!

We sell instruments and equipment to help with any type of music you wanna play, and now, thanks to the attention my favorite customer has brought us (hey, Bella! Love ya, sweetiepie!) by playing on our drum sets, we now have a small area of the store set up specifically for people to come in and jam. Consider it an open stage. You feel like singing? Playing one of your instruments? Hell, playing one of OUR instruments? Bring ya ass to Madhouse Music and have some fun.

Hope to see y'all there! PEACE!