May 2024



Posts Tagged: '%7Emarian+locksley+%28abeautifulwish%29'

Jul. 1st, 2020



Filter: Jordan Shaw

Jul. 1st, 2019



Jordan Shaw

So, I made a deal with one of my sisters and now I'm free from my babysitting duties this week. And I thought if you weren't busy you'd want to hang out for a few hours? Like we used to before things became complicated.

Jun. 29th, 2019



Well that was unexpected.

Regina Locksley
I'm sorry little one

May. 12th, 2019



Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who despite being 5 months pregnant with twins continues to do our laundry and prepares dinner for us three nights a week.

Nov. 19th, 2018



Who: JR and OPEN
Where: Storybrooke on the beach
When: Monday evening
What: Sitting and doing some thinking
Status/Rating: Incomplete/PG-13ish
Warnings: None

So this is where I is quite peaceful )

Nov. 8th, 2018



I tried to wait. I really, really did. And you should be so proud! I lasted TWO WHOLE days. But I simply cannot wait any longer. And I MUST share with ALL of you the surprise that Nana Dora had for Grandad Remus at our last family dinner.


cut for image, not filtered )

Sep. 4th, 2018



Yeah, this blows.

Not like I'm strong in it, but I've been working on it with Mom.

Jul. 6th, 2018



In yet another case of people meeting because they have a kid together in the future...

I remember that my son's last name is Shaw. I forgot his dad's name, though.

Also... is now a good time to tell my kid that I am in no way a responsible adult right now?

Jul. 5th, 2018



filtered away from responsible people

House party tomorrow. Starts at 10pm.

Jun. 23rd, 2018


Okay, the past. This is the new one.

Marion? Mom? Dad?

I mean, does anyone know Deke Shaw or Addy Carver?

Jun. 12th, 2018



Filted to Regina's kids/grandkids

I feel like I need a roll call right now because there's so many of us. I'll start.

Chapin, adopted.



Talk about a time jump.

This is going to awkward, isn't it?

Jun. 11th, 2018



So... I have a feeling that I won't have to hide who I am.

John Locksley, reporting in. I know that even in 2018, we already have a big family.

Jun. 9th, 2018



(( Backdated to after this.))

Attention Steve and Peggy, your daughter has arrived in the past. Please come and collect her.

Jun. 3rd, 2018



Hello and welcome to our newest guests.

As I'm certain most of you are aware by this point, something has caused the Reality gem to bring several of our future Galadorian residents here from various points in the future. Rest assured that we are looking into what has happened and the quickest way to remedy it.

In the meantime, if you have arrived here from the future, I would appreciate it if you would leave a comment here with your name and parentage. If you do not feel comfortable leaving that information publicly, you are more than welcome to privately message me.

Additionally, if any of you are under the age of 18 and do not have an of-age parent or guardian to look after you, please do let me know so that we can make sure you're taken care of.

And as always, I will do my best to answer any questions you may have.

Oh holy shit, I'm in 2018. I'm not even born yet. I'm not even close to being born yet.

May. 31st, 2018



[Marian Rae Locksley]

Hey 2018. Can't say I was expecting an adventure today. But here I am. I'm Marian Locksley. I attend Storybrooke High in 2037 and I guess this means that I won't be taking my Pre-Calculus exam today. Mom? Dad? Other Locksley's? Are any of you actually here?