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Posts Tagged: '%7Esummer+landsdown+%28rangeryellow%29'

Aug. 2nd, 2020



So this is Galador? They definitely weren't exaggerating when they said this place was going to be different than home.

Penelope Jane Clark - reporter, recently disowned daughter of people who care more about their image than their child but I grew up knowing that. And yes I will in fact punch the first person who calls me Penelope or Penny in the face. I go by Jane.

Jul. 5th, 2020



So I say that essentially for me, this is the afterlife. Don't worry, I have been given the full rundown.

I was murdered by a ghost back home, but I came here just in time for a new chance.

My name is Alan Corbett, and I see the Winchester brothers are here. I know that they did their best to help me, so I don't blame them for what happened to me. Now, I get to start new. I just wish Ed were here, too.

Jun. 22nd, 2020



Well, that was embarrassing. I came here crying because I had begged Dean Winchester to end my life because I didn't want to live as a vampire. I'm still not sure that I fully believe that I'm not going to hurt anyone here, but they told me at the Welcome Center that I don't have to be. There is even a school here that I can go to where I'm not alone. Which is great.

My name is Billy Whitman, and I see that the Winchester brothers are here, but they may not necessarily know me, because I've been told that they've been here a while.

May. 26th, 2020



You know you've seen some crazy shit recently when showing up here barely phases you.

What's up, everyone? Name's Jason Scott.

May. 17th, 2020



I hope we don't get attacked any time soon. I was supposed to meet up with Jason and he doesn't appear to be here anymore. I'm the only ranger left now.

May. 14th, 2020



I know that it hasn't been great for everyone else, but the heat has seemed to amplify my powers. I knew that they were always there, but I never really never did anything with them. I think now is the time.

Sam and Dean are not gonna like this...

Apr. 21st, 2020



Rangers + Dean

It's the worst thing in the world to be world there's something dangerous here but be told to hide from it and stay safe. Every fiber wants to defy my friend's plea and go after whatever this thing is. What kind of Power Ranger am I if I just sit back and let someone else take care of it?



Private to Tifa Lockhart
Tifa. Tifa. .....he's here. Oh no... he's really here... I can feel it.

Private to her friends
I need you all to stay inside. NOW. No questions asked. We might all be in grave danger, and I need you kept as safe as possible.

Apr. 20th, 2020



What the heck? I just left the Welcome Center and am heading to my new home, with my pup. Thank goodness he is here with me. But, why am I here? I did not even get to get my master's degree. I wonder if I can transfer my credits here and get my degree here in June. Does anyone know if this is possible?

Also, Maya. Mom, Dad, are you really here? I saw a few of your names on the list. Also, I saw two other Riley Matthews. Explain, please.

Apr. 12th, 2020



It's not my mech but it will do for now

Apr. 1st, 2020



Bunker Fam + Rangers

[backdated to Saturday]

Who wants to help myself and Dean move today? We promise a BBQ and beer at the end of it to reward you.



So I got a little time off coming soon.

As a newbie, what should I do? Are there any gardens to check out? Something special and out of the ordinary?

Mar. 25th, 2020



Dean | Summer

I just got the call! We've been approved for our house.

Feb. 17th, 2020



I try to stay positive, but the last few days... they've been pretty terrible.

Does anyone know if the boy I saved is ok, at least?



I'm... back? I'm back.

Dean, Sam, Charlie? Are you guys still here?

Feb. 11th, 2020



I just wanted to give all of Aerith's friends a head's up. Last night she used her powers to help a kid outside of XMH. She's fine, but she's resting. She might be out of it for a few days.

Feb. 2nd, 2020



I got one job already as the front desk person at a shooting range in Sunnydale. It is such a different place then I am used to working at. Guns typically tended to worry me before. I think being around them more will make me more comfortable with them.

This weekend I am checking out a jewelry shop in Gotham to see about a second job, part-time at this one. If I can manage to get the job and work my hours around the shooting range. We shall see. At least things are falling into place for me here. Finally.

Hi there. It was very nice to meet you the other day. Thank you for showing me around the range. I will see you Monday bright and early for my first shift of work. Are you working Monday?

Jan. 29th, 2020



I wonder sometimes... is it being selfish to so desperately want someone to love?

I had died. The gem brought me back.
I had nobody. The gem brought me Tifa and the kids.
Years ago, I had Zack. How many people ever get to meet their true love?

But now, I want love, and I feel so selfish and self-absorbed even thinking like that.

Jan. 18th, 2020



Who: Summer and Dean
What: Teleporting Experiments
Where: Max's Cupcake Shop
When: Friday
Warning: Shouldn't be any

Read more... )

Jan. 17th, 2020



I think I did it! I think I finally reworked Ranger Series Green's teleporter so I can use it. Now to give it a few test runs.


Including coming to you, mister. You know what this means, right? If I can master this, I won't have to babysit the HQ and we can move in together sooner rather than later.

Nov. 17th, 2019




[ bcakdated to shortly after Cara's post]

Someone from your world showed up. The grandaughter of Pat Fremont? I'm hanging out with her at the Welcome Center.

Oct. 28th, 2019




What are your plans for Halloween?

Aug. 18th, 2019



Sometimes I like to forget about my birthday. Thinking about it only brings back memories of when I turned 16 and Venjix bots were attacking the world. I got separated from my friends, my parents were MIA, and after my butler died, it was just me. I was alone. I had to fight off the grinders myself and make my way into the city of Corinth. That was six years ago. It seems like a lifetime ago and just like yesterday all at the same time. Happy birthday to me.

Aug. 6th, 2019



Who: Summer and Dean
Where: Mr. Cue's
When: After their network conversation here
What: Date!
Rating: ?
Satus: Closed; Ongoing

Dean and Summer had somehow managed to finagle themselves free dessert at a coffee shop in Freedomtown -- although finagle probably wasn't the right word since they were celebrating how long they'd unofficially/officially been together -- before finding a pool hall nearby to share a few games and beverages. Summer was good at pool. Hell, she was good at a lot of things. He'd likely never say it but sometimes it was hard to keep up.

"I still can't believe you bought a car." It was a bomb, too. The kind that he loved to fix up. He was thrilled to be able to help her work on it.

Jul. 20th, 2019



I have way too much downtime and decided I needed a project. I bought this in Mos Eisley for pocket change after I haggled the guy for trying to overprice me. It's going to be fun to turn it from nothing to something.

Dean, Dillion - I expect you boys to come help me. I know a lot about cars thanks to Scott and Flynn but not everything.

Jul. 14th, 2019



It's a good day to try out some yoga and see if it suits me. There's a class starting at [the name of Buffy's Gym] in an hour if anyone wants to join me.

Jun. 22nd, 2019



Pivate to Summer; as Well as Their Friends and Family

How do I even start this?

Most of you know that I'm not good with words. But I want us all go out together. Next Saturday. No burgers or pie. Somewhere fancy. Dressing up. Good company. Good food. Good booze. Everything.

Let me know if you can come and I'll do the rest.

Private to Adam
We'll get you something to eat before. You're family. I want you there.

Private to Charlie and Sam
I want this to go well. Summer--she's family. I haven't said it to her yet, but she's family.

Apr. 20th, 2019



Beach Date!

Who: Dean and Summer
Where: Oahu
When: Saturday, April 20th
What: Beach date
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed; Ongoing

True to his word, Dean had picked Summer up early on Saturday morning so they could go to the beach. He'd decided on Oahu and since it wasn't accessible by road they had to catch a tram across. He'd rented a hotel room in the event that they wanted to stay the night, but was under no illusions as to where their day would lead. If anything, it was mostly going to be a place where they could store their things, maybe get dinner afterwards. Dean didn't consider himself a terribly romantic person, but for Summer he was prepared to try. He liked her. He liked spending time with her. And maybe today could be a dry run for a potentially longer vacation in the future.

But he was thinking ahead of himself. Once the tram reached its destination and his feet found dry land again, he took in a sobering breath of the sea air. "I've booked a room. We can drop out stuff off, get changed and go from there. Or lunch first, even." He shrugged. He didn't much mind either way. "Whatever works for you."

Apr. 17th, 2019




Dean wasn't the best person to get to know in any given circumstance. If anything over his years on Galador he'd become even more of a recluse. He had family in the bunker and a girlfriend(?) that he rarely spoke to. Maybe it was time to change that. He wasn't as tech savvy as his brother Sam, or his friend/surrogate sister, Charlie, but he decided to try.

Bunker Family & Extended Family
The weather's warming up. BBQ, anyone?

I'm gonna try to wrangle my family into a BBQ sometime soon, if you wanna join us.

If not. Maybe a beach date sometime soon?

He wanted to give her an out if she didn't want to meet 'the family', but he still wanted to make an effort for them to spend time together. It was about time, honestly.

Mar. 30th, 2019




Let's get out there and see what we can do to help.


I'm suiting up and heading out to help. Heads up.

Feb. 17th, 2019



I feel terrible.. like I'm coming down with a really bad cold. I really hope this isn't going to be like last time.. I don't want to go through that again.

Feb. 13th, 2019




It's getting to be a little last minute, mister. Are we going out tomorrow or am I staying home in PJs with chocolates and a movie?

Jan. 25th, 2019




It was your birthday yesterday?

Dec. 17th, 2018



Wow... when and how did I become that girl?

Oct. 31st, 2018



Checking In

Who: Dean and Summer
Where: On their communicators - video call
When: October 31st
What: Catching up

While it was true that there was always some kind of drama going on on Galador, it felt like the last month or so had just kicked things into overdrive. It had kept Dean super busy to say the least. He barely made time for sleep, for the most part he went hunting or worried about the people in the bunker. He felt like a louse for not calling Summer earlier and checking on her, but in his heart he was sure she could handle herself.

Still. When he finally found a quiet moment, he shut his bedroom door and sat on the edge of the bed. He fiddled with the communicator for a minute (technology was more Sam's strong suit than his) before setting up a video call so they could talk. Hopefully she wasn't busy. He unconsciously brushed back his hair, wanting to look at least mildly presentable.

Oct. 1st, 2018



I've just realized my birthday was a few days ago. I can't help but think of my 17th birthday a few years ago when the end of the world first began back home. It took the life of my very dear friend and butler Andrews. He practically raised me. I'll never forget him.

Sep. 14th, 2018



I don't mean to alarm anyone but there are dead bodies behind the Bronze. They look like they've been there for a little while and that they were attacked by one or many vampires. [It was Holden]

Sep. 10th, 2018



Dating on Galador

Welp... I'm about to do the singest most ridiculous thing I've ever done in my life, right here on the network.

I know there's gotta be other people like me: single, lonely, but either too busy or too socially awkward to go out and meet people. And since this planet doesn't seem to have anything like Tinder, here's my half-baked attempt at helping some of us get dates.

If you're single and looking, post one of your favorite pictures of yourself, along with what gender(s) you're looking for, and a few things about you that others might find interesting.

I'm gonna go first, so please. PLEASE. Some of you join in so I don't look like the most pathetic person on the planet.

Read more... )

Jun. 22nd, 2018



I have this urge to grab some vodka and ice cream, climb on the couch and veg out watching movies or perhaps binging a show.

Jun. 20th, 2018



Who: Summer and Dean
What: Hanging out
Where: New Orleans
When The other night
Warning: TBD
Read more... )

Jun. 19th, 2018



Okay I'm not sure what just happened but Morgan Landsdown-Winchester checking in I guess.

Mom? Dad? Uncle Sam? Aunt Cassie? Deanna? Are you here?



Y'all will celebrate just about anything, huh? We got a Happy Mechanic's Day?

Jun. 17th, 2018




What are you doing right now?

Apr. 28th, 2018



Who: Dean and Summer, I'm going to say OT anyone who lives at the bunker
Where: Outside the bunker in Freedomtown
When: Friday, April 26th
What: Working on the Impala

Since it was a nice afternoon, Dean decided to park the Impala out on the street in front of his home so he and Summer could work on his car in the sunshine. Well, that and so he could avoid any potential embarrassment that any of his family might bring him. It seemed likely that they'd come out to harass them at some point in the afternoon - but a guy could hope, right?

Anyway, Dean had just parked his car out on the street and was rounding to the front to lift the hood so he could look at his baby.

Apr. 27th, 2018




If you've got time today, let's start on the Impala. [he links her the address]

I reckon the engine could use a complete overall, honestly. She hasn't had the best few years. A lot of assholes have stolen her.

And, heh. It's been brought to my attention that I should warn you about my living situation. I live with a bunch of crazy people - who will be instantly suspicious that I've invited a stranger to help work on my baby car. Just say you're here for a job with Dean and you'll be fine.

It's probably overkill, but you never know with my family.

Apr. 18th, 2018



The lack of things to fight and my money running low means I should probably get a job. Is there a martial arts gym around here? I have skills to work in a auto body shop too if that's a thing. I could do something else if I need to but I'd prefer those two.

Jul. 6th, 2016



Is this one of those weird dreams again?

Cause it's seeming to look like it only....realer?
