June 2024



Posts Tagged: '%7Eluther+hargreeves+%28moonmission%29'

Apr. 27th, 2021


I have decided to enlist here, so I am now a proud member of the military here in Galador. I am looking forward to working with you all and keeping everyone safe.

Apr. 6th, 2021



Well, I can say that my daughter certainly knows great taste in guys. I didn't think that I would be ready to move on here. But I have met the most amazing guy and I have found happiness once again.

Mar. 9th, 2021


A lot has happened these past few months. This place is even stranger than home. But I have met a great girl, that I like spending time with, so that is another reason I am never on the internet. Thank you for the blind date that helped me to find her.

Jan. 25th, 2021



Well, I guess I should thank my daughter for setting me up on that blind date. I had a lovely time, I think that I could see myself seeing him more and more.



So, uh... looks like the gem's at it again. I was just flying The Benatar back from a supply run on Xandar, and I watched while a big-ass portal tore open right outside Galador's orbit.

Lottttttttta ships comin' outta that thing. Anyone else hopin' maybe they're friendly?

Jan. 11th, 2021



I feel like maybe there's something wrong with me.

Noah's been gone for over six months. But I can't seem to move forward. Every time I even look at a guy and find him slightly attractive, I get so wracked with sadness and guilt that I feel like I might throw up.

I have NO idea what to do. I don't want to be alone. And I don't think Noah's ever coming back... but how do I make my heart and brain co-operate?

Jan. 8th, 2021



It's been over a year since the last time I did my cupid thing. I thought it would be nice this month because Valentine's day is next month. I know a few of the couples I set up are still together today and I'm so happy about that.

Just like the last times I've done it please put your name, age, and preference. Don't want to set someone up with someone they won't be attracted to. Just as an example:

Parker Halliwell

Sign up will last until Monday 01/11/2020 and the date will be on Saturday 01/16/2020. You'll receive a text with who you're paired up with and what you two will be doing.

(( ooc - Please use character journal and post individually. There's two sections to make it easier to pair. [under 18 / 18 and over] Please keep the age header in the subject line. Please add player name in text box right under the character info. ))

Dec. 31st, 2020



Wow. This place is a-maz-ing.

I've only been here a few hours and I'm already loving it. Trip from Earth might've been long, but it was soooo worth it.

What better way to start a new year than with a brand new life?

Anyway, I'm Alexandra Bowen. My friends call me Alex. I'm going to be working as a nurse at Xavier Memorial Hospital, which I'm both honored and excited about.

Super excited about getting to know people here, so don't be shy! Introduce yourselves!



Have a great New Year's Eve, everyone. Enjoy yourselves and stay safe. I'll probably just ring in the new year with a cup of coffee at the Double R.



So I don't know what presents Cole and Percy like more, the walkie talkies or bean bags. Ry seemed to love unwrapping gifts more than anything else.



I don't think I've ever been happier.

Nov. 18th, 2020



Since I've been back in this time period, I'm still being amazing every day by things that are happening. Each of us that has come back has caused our own little ripple in time to the point where a lot has changed and we can't say for sure what is going to happen next.

Personally? I'd like to find love again.

Oct. 3rd, 2020



This isn't exactly the best time to reality hop, but at least I don't seem to be alone here.

I'm Vanya Hargreeves and I believe a couple of my brothers are here.

Oct. 2nd, 2020



Not used to late night calls from grownups being good news.

[Hargreeves family]

So they said you guys were taking me in? They told you about my ship right?

Sep. 25th, 2020



What is the cure for a lonely heart? I've been on several dates with wonderful men. I end up comparing them to Steve. Of course, they all fall short. Maybe I don't want to move on.

Aug. 2nd, 2020



I found a job that I can finally use my skills with

Aug. 1st, 2020



Unregistered & Readable to the age of 16 up.

If you have the feeling to fight or just what to test your might.
Now's your chance to come to the Purgatory an all-star underground fighting arena.

Here are the rules of Purgatory.

If you have any type of power, they will not work in the arena. However every third weekend of the month, our Battle Royal will take place and at that time anything goes, the only rule is to keep it in the arena. Also, we don't have a doctor on call, so if you get badly hurt we'll put you in a taxi and where you go from there is on you.

We have the means to know if you are lying about your age. So don't think about bringing your friend who is under the age of 16 with you for they wouldn't be able to enter the Purgatory Arena. I don't think you wish to meet the Purgatory's enforcer?

Jul. 29th, 2020


Now this seems a very strange mission. Apparently my siblings are all here, so now which of you wants to come pick me up?

Any boxing rings around here that I can make some money fighting in?