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Posts Tagged: 'denny+duquette+%28dduquette%29'

Apr. 4th, 2021



I am proud to announce that I am going to be a grandma, for those who have not seen my daughter Grace's post a few weeks back.

[Grace, Brandon, Nick]
I would like to have a family dinner sometime soon for us all and your significant others. Do you think you can all be available next weekend? I will let Sam know, of course. Love you, kids.

Mar. 15th, 2021



You know, people are right. Pregnancy does make a person glow. I mean, I'm not all for the bigger clothes because I am practically wearing circus tents about now. But, I am enjoying all the aspects of being pregnant. I am so glad I am able to give two people a gift of love. Only about 12 weeks or so left to go.

Feb. 6th, 2021



I've realized why I feel... sadder than usual these past few days.

It was a year ago that I was allowing myself to feel grateful for once. Because for the first time in my life, I had found a family.

I had built that with Queen Tea Marvelli (who had become not only my boss, but like a sister to me), Denny Duquette (the man I would pick if I could choose my father), Katie Fitch (my soulmate and one true love), Freddie Mclair (the closest thing I've ever had to a brother), and Dr. Isabel Stevens (my confidante, and like a mother to me).

And now... only a year later, only Mr. Duquette remains.

In one year, I lost the rest of my family. The family I made myself.

I don't often allow myself to be emotional anymore, but if any of you can see this out there, wherever you are? I love you. I miss you. Please come back to me.

Jan. 5th, 2021



Happy New Year, everyone. Let's... do our best to make this one better than the horror this past one was.

Nov. 26th, 2020



Emily Fitch
Highness. Is there anything you would like to plan for this weekend? As always, I am here for your protection 24/7.

Filtered away from Bea & Emily
I am not permitted to work tomorrow. I suspect they will also not want me at the palace, hoping I will "socialize" instead. They mean well, but they don't understand. I am a weapon. I tried being a person. Didn't work out for me.

Does anyone know someplace I can just... hide away for a day or two? I'll be quiet, keep to myself, and just hole up alone in a single room. Just until I can go back to work?

Nov. 25th, 2020



I never thought I'd say this... especially this close to the holidays... but I'm actually happy.

No one thing in particular changed things for me. And I still miss Arizona badly. There are some nights where I miss her so badly I cry myself to sleep. Not having Zola or my mom to go to makes it worse.

But in general? I'm happy. I'm not drinking myself into emotional submission anymore, I'm not moping and sulking. I'm enjoying my job, I'm having a blast in the studio, I'm getting closer than ever to Kate (which, btw, I need to talk to you asap, kiddo), and I've got possibly the beginning of something special with Tifa happening.

You never forget or get over your OTL. I know that. But dammit... I'm not gonna let the thing I don't have stop me from enjoying what I do have. Not anymore.

Aug. 20th, 2020



Hi, sweetie. Everything going okay with you?

Family vacation to the beach this weekend? What do you think?

I love you. Just in case I don't say it enough.

Aug. 16th, 2020



Wow….okay. How to plan a vacation to Disneyland for 3 days when there is just so much going on there….We don't want Stacey to miss school. But, we do need a vacation, even if it's for the weekend. Any suggestions would be great.

Aug. 10th, 2020



filtered; Melinda and Denny

I was thinking we could talk.

May. 17th, 2020



Three hours of asking for explanations of every damn thing I could think of at the Welcome Center, and I'm finally slightly willing to accept this isn't some kind of weird dream.

I mean... another planet, AND one where superheroes and all that crap are real. Seriously?

Mar. 20th, 2020




Just so everyone knows, if you let the battery die on your device and let it stay that way for a few months, you do stay in the resident list.

There have been a ton of new people here since I was last on this thing. It took forever to update.

So! Hello, I am Stephanie Tanner. I'm a DJ at Northern Soul. You should stop by sometime. What have I missed since... Early October?

Feb. 26th, 2020



It's been nearly a month since I became Mrs Duquette and I still grin like an idiot any time anyone addresses me that way. I hope I never get tired of this feeling.

((ooc: Court and I sort of forgot about this until recently, but Melinda and Denny got married on the 1st of the month. There was a ceremony/reception that all of their friends/loved ones were invited too. ♥ ))

Feb. 8th, 2020




Jan. 16th, 2020



Ok, so... if you watched Universal Idol, you might remember how quickly and naturally myself and Lita Todd got along. People started calling us the #ScreamQueens, and it stuck. We embraced the hell out of it.

Well, pretty much from the time we both were eliminated, we've tried to take every spare moment we both had to work on a song together. It'll be a full album eventually... but being a surgeon is always going to be my top career priority.

BUT! For now? We finished our first song. So, to anyone who actually liked and supported us? I give you the first official single by #ScreamQueens!


Thanks to Rachelle Martin-Bale and Bella Whelan for helping us out with this!

Dec. 17th, 2019



Christmas might have just early but I'm not saying anything until I'm sure.


We got a new arrival today at the home and I think it's our boy. He's finally here.

Dec. 8th, 2019



Jory looked so cute yesterday all bundled up to get our tree.

Nov. 26th, 2019



You know what? I've never done Thanksgiving before. Well, the first one, sort of. I was in the area. I mean I've never done the meal and the trimmings and all that.

Sep. 8th, 2019



Good news: I didn't have one drink during or after the game.

Bad news: There is a very real chance that if anyone dares walk into this bar in the next 3-4 days wearing any kind of Patriots gear, I will punch them square in the throat.

Aug. 21st, 2019



(( backdated to Tuesday morning ))


Universal Idol watch party at the Manor tonight? We can all cheer Penny on during the finals!!

Congrats, Penny! We're all super proud of you.

Aug. 5th, 2019



Izzie Karev


Aug. 2nd, 2019



filtered to denny )

Jul. 1st, 2019



All Halliwells. How about we all get together for the fourth. Bring our significant others and future kids or present kids? Just one big family get together.

May. 30th, 2019



So, on Queen Shiklah's request, it would seem the princesses are going to be throwing a party-slash-orgy this week.

Never a dull moment, I suppose. Sigh.

May. 3rd, 2019



I think I need to take baby Eliza to the ER. She is running a fever, puking, crapping constantly and is just crying. Which is making me cry because I feel so bad for her. I hope that she is going to be alright.

Mar. 19th, 2019



Thank god that holiday is over. Thank god I didn't have to make any arrests on St. Patrick's Day. Hope everyone stayed safe though.

Feb. 7th, 2019



Valentine's Day is looking to be an exceptionally busy night at Halliwell's, so I'll need to be there to make sure everything is running smoothly. How would you feel about celebrating a night early?

Feb. 6th, 2019



Did anyone notice people starting to sing?

Jan. 3rd, 2019



I am very proud to announce the birth of Triss Elizabeth Mitchell! She arrived early this afternoon and is 7 pounds, 9 ounces and 19 inches.

Tamora handled everything like a champ, and she's resting now. She'll be up for visitors later this evening if anyone wants to come by and say hello.

Can you put in a carry out order for me? Blue Moon Burger, two Galaxy Melts, and an order of Chili Orbit Rings? I'll be by to pick them up in two hours.

Matty and I have been missing you. I was thinking the three of us could do something together this weekend?

Sep. 8th, 2018



OOC NOTE: Halliwells restaurant has closed abruptly and will be closed for the rest of the day. Any diners in the restaurant were comped their meals and will be given a voucher to come back another day.

Wyatt has decided it's time to make his entrance. Mom and I are at the hospital. I'll keep everyone updated.

I'm about to witness the birth of my big brother. My life has always been weird, but this one is beyond. I know the hospital is your least favorite place ever, so I'll come and see you after we're done here.

Would you mind looking after Matty for a few hours? My mom just went into labor and he'll be bored to tears waiting at the hospital.

Aug. 19th, 2018



My life here has become pretty great, and I wouldn't trade any of the relationships I've created here. But sometimes I just miss my doofus brothers so much. I think Wyatt especially would get a kick out of this world.

Hey, handsome. Since we've met our future children and all, what's say you and I make this thing official? What do you think? Want to be my boyfriend?

Jul. 8th, 2018



Melinda Halliwell

Are you free for lunch today?

Jun. 10th, 2018



[backdated to last night]

I don't know about anyone else, but I am loving this glimpse into my future.


All of our babies are here now. Do you want to go pick Tasha up with me? She's at a party and ready to leave.


Our daughters are twins.


Sorry not sorry the apartment is filled with my kids now.


I hear you're a dad now. How's it feel?



I have a date!

Hi, Daddy. How are you feeling?

Jun. 8th, 2018



There really isn't a delicate way to put this information, so I'm just going to rip the banadage off.

We're parents. Of two amazingly intelligent, thoughtful, and beautiful girls. Apparently we have a son too, although he hasn't arrived here like the others yet.

The girls are sitting in the dining room eating dinner if you want to come by and meet them?

May. 27th, 2018



filtered to Melinda Halliwell

I think it's about time I do something.

May. 17th, 2018




Hey you.

May. 2nd, 2018



Filtered from Alex Karev & Izzie Stevens

Sorry to get a little whiny here, but I don't exactly have a circle of friends here yet and I need to vent somehow.

So, despite the initial freaking out, I actually really like it here. It's gorgeous, the novelty of meeting people I thought of as fictional still hasn't worn off, and the medical technology here is mind-blowing.

That said - I always thought the worst thing in the world would be seeing your ex with HIS ex. Wrong. The worst thing in the world is seeing your ex with his ex... and not even being able to hate said ex.

I want to hate Izzie Stevens so badly, but nooooo, she's gotta be all sweet, and cute, and stupidly lovable. So basically I'm upset and can't even be pissed at anyone about it because honestly, they make a great couple and clearly belong together.

It just sucks though: for the first time in a long time, I'm completely free of my past, I have a clean slate.... and nothing at all to do with it.



I can't wait for finals to be over.

[ Bad Heart Club (Sam and Denny)]

Hey you two.


Love you.


Girls night soon?



backdated to directly after this.

» My cousin is putting together a "Movie & snack" night tonight. What do you think? Want to join in?

[ attached picture of Melinda and Matthew blowing kisses at the camera. ]
» We ♥ you!

» My cousin Peyton is about your age and is organizing a movie night tonight. Would you want to come join us?

Apr. 30th, 2018



Private to Denny Duquette
Hello, sir. I just wanted to check on you, make sure you're liking your new home. Perhaps I could come visit you soon?

Private to Izzie Stevens
Dr. Stevens? I hope I'm not bothering you. I just wanted to make sure you and your family are doing alright.

Private to Tea Marvelli
Greetings, Your Highness. I was hoping to find out if you've been pleased with my protection so far.

Private to Katie Fitch
How was your first day working for Princess Tea, love?

Apr. 15th, 2018



Filtered to Tea Marvelli

The Queen is a very generous woman. She has deigned to give me and mine the majority of the east wing.

Filtered to Katie and Freddie

Well. It appears we are going to be living in a palace from now on.

Filtered to Denny Duquette

Sir, I would really like to talk to you if you have a moment.

Apr. 11th, 2018



Thank you to Princess Beatrice and Princess Tea for the... *ahem* use of their beautiful home this past weekend. It was very, very much appreciated.

Mar. 11th, 2018



I'm leaving the hospital tomorrow. I can't believe it.

Mar. 5th, 2018



It's getting a little lonely here.

Feb. 28th, 2018



Private to Denny Duquette

Mr. Duquette sir... would you like me to bring you something for dinner? I know hospital food isn't always very appetizing.

Private to Katie Fitch

Sorry to bother you... I just wanted to check in, see how you're holding up.

Feb. 25th, 2018



WHO: Denny and Laura
WHAT: Talking
WHERE: hospital

Read more... )

Feb. 18th, 2018



accidental voice post

Izzie? groans in pain Izzie, what's happening?