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Posts Tagged: '%7Exavin+%28xavin%29'

Feb. 14th, 2020



Filtered against Jean Grey School Staff

Alright, so I have absolutely no interest in the romantic bullshit schlockfest that Professor Grey is showing us tonight. Who wants to take me out instead?

Dec. 16th, 2019



I know that no one knows me, but it's about to be my birthday. I'll be drinking at The End Zone if anyone wants to change the status of knowing me.

Dec. 3rd, 2019



One of the best things about bring brought here is that you can have holidays with both my parents. It's not about traveling between them to different countries. It's nice to see them in the same day and not wait weeks or months till the next time I see one of them again.

Dec. 2nd, 2019



This whole thing of being here one moment, then gone, then back, that can stop any time now. I really, really just want to stop moving for a while.

To those who don't know me, I am Xavin. To those who do, I am very glad to be back.

Oct. 14th, 2019



I know it's late, but I can't sleep.

I'm just kinda pissed off, you know? I lay here, and I think about how every time I start to think maybe, just MAYBE, I found The One, I lose them. Whether it be the gem taking them away, the person putting everything before me (sorry, Karo!), or just a wandering eye... I just find myself getting more and more angry. Like... was I a total jackass in my last life or something? Why is karma kicking the crap out of me like this?

Anyone feel like doing anything? Late night bowling, dancing at a club, even just having a coffee somewhere?

Oct. 13th, 2019



Welp, looks like the gem decided to take my girlfriend home. Thanksabunch, dude. :-(

Sep. 24th, 2019



Interesting day today... stood with Riot to oversee a meeting between Princess Beatrice of Monstropolis and a group of Brood immigrants looking for sanctuary.

The Brood were a rare group of pacifists, which made the meeting much easier, but it was still something to see.

And hey! Thanks to the princess and her... distinct personality, I actually got propositioned for the first time in years. While I'm 99.9% straight, it felt good to at least have someone be interested!

Sep. 4th, 2019



Note to self, when arriving in a new place, don't start the conversation with I just had a lung transplant.

My head is hurting with how swiftly the Welcome Center ladies went into action.

Jul. 25th, 2019



Hello, Galador. I'm Xavin, new arrival, and fresh in from across the galaxy.

Its nice to be someplace a little less crazy and a little more calm. Its been awhile since I wasn't fighting.